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Michael Hodin Executive Director, Global Coalition on Aging

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1 Implementing the Results of the NCD Summit: Towards A Shift in Health Policy
Michael Hodin Executive Director, Global Coalition on Aging Senior Adjunct Fellow, Council on Foreign Relations March 9, 2012

2 What Is an NCD? Political Declaration of the High-Level Meeting on the
“Non-communicable diseases are among the most severe threats to global economic development, more likely to be realized and potentially more detrimental than fiscal crises, natural disasters, or pandemic influenza.” - World Economic Forum Political Declaration of the High-Level Meeting on the Prevention and Control of NCDs  […] Note also with profound concern that non- communicable diseases are among the leading causes of preventable morbidity and of related disability. […] Recognize that mental and neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease are an important cause of morbidity and contribute to the global [NCD] burden… 19. Recognize that the conditions in which people live and their lifestyles influence their health and quality of life […] and population ageing are among the contributing factors to the rising incidence and prevalence of [NCDs] Victory but only the basis for serious ongoing work. A next chapter will be Human Rights. 1


4 WHO Risk Factors: Potato Chips, Soda and Alcohol
Deaths (millions) Percentage of Total High blood pressure 7.5 12.8 Tobacco use 5.1 8.7 High blood glucose level 3.4 5.8 Physical inactivity 3.2 5.5 Overweight and obesity 2.8 4.8 High cholesterol level 2.6 4.5 Unsafe sex 2.4 4.0 Alcohol use 2.3 3.8 Childhood underweight 2.2 Indoor smoke from solid fuels 2.0 3.3 4

5 Transforming Our Thinking
New Framing: Risk Factors Prevalence/Cost New Metric: Death Healthy and Active Aging New Model: Tobacco Polio or HIV/AIDs New Impact: Silo Holistic New Motivation: Political Health/Fiscal Sustainability 5

6 “Landmark Report Reveals Massive Global Cost Of Alzheimer's: 1% Of Global GDP - And Growing”
World Alzheimer Report 2010 revealed worldwide costs of dementia to exceed US$604 billion. The number of people with dementia will double by 2030, and more than triple by 2050. The costs of caring for people with dementia are likely to rise even faster than the prevalence - especially in the developing world. Aligned to most profound socio-economic phenomenon of the 21st century: Aging Populations 6

7 NCDs and Aging Over the next 50 years […] the share of persons aged 60 or over in the population will, for the first time in history, match that of persons younger than 15. - Population Division, DESA, United Nations “World Population Ageing: ” 2

8 Age as a Driver of NCDs: Alzheimer’s
Source: World Alzheimer Report 2010 3

9 US Investment in NCD Research (in $Millions USD)
A Huge Disconnect! US Investment in NCD Research (in $Millions USD) Research/Disease Areas FY 2008 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 (est.) Alzheimer's Disease $412 $457 $450 $448 $498 $449 Cancer $5,570 $5,629 $5,823 $5,448 $5,451 $5,446 Cardiovascular $2,027 $2,008 $2,144 $2,049 $2,050 $2,047 Diabetes $1,080 $1,030 $1,046 $1,076 $1,079 $1,078 HIV / AIDS $2,928 $3,019 $3,085 $3,059 $3,075 Percentage Changes in Selected Causes of Death Between 2000 and 2008 (All Ages) 4

10 Finding The Right Formula
The Data are Compelling It’s the Right Thing to do AND But then there is the political driver: Better Health Fiscal Sustainability Economic Growth 5

11 Outcomes Document Finds Alzheimer’s
“Note also with profound concern that non-communicable diseases are among the leading causes of preventable morbidity and of related disability”  “Recognize that mental and neurological disorders, including Alzheimer’s disease, are an important cause of morbidity and contribute to the global NCD burden...” “Recognize that...poverty, uneven distribution of wealth, lack of education, rapid urbanization and population ageing...are among the contributing factors to the rising incidence and prevalence of NCDs.” “Pursue comprehensive strengthening of health systems that…recognizes the importance of the life course approach…” 11

12 Alzheimer’s Progress: National Plans
Feb 1, Health Secretary Alan Johnson will on Tuesday unveil a national dementia strategy which he claims will transform the treatment of 700,000 sufferers. Feb 2, The French President, Nicolas Sarkozy, announced the far-reaching “French Alzheimer Plan,” pledging 1.6 billion euro to the five-year programme. WHO Executive Board Resolution 19 January 2012 Alzheimer’s disease, are an important cause of morbidity and contribute to the global burden of noncommunicable diseases, and therefore it is necessary to provide equitable access to effective health programmes and interventions, including for the whole population, from an early age Feb 13, 2012 – U.S. to Boost Alzheimer’s Research Funding by $50 Million 6

13 NCD Implementation to Build on ADI Action Plan
1. Invest in research and coordinate research efforts with other countries 2. Educate the public and health practitioners to ensure they recognise the signs of dementia. Provide information, support and access to treatment to ensure people can live well with dementia 3. Record diagnosis rates in their own countries to create an accurate picture of dementia 4. Conduct coordinated studies on the economic and social impact of dementia 5. Develop and share health strategies to help people reduce their risk of developing dementia. 7

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