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Josh, Justin, Kathy, & Paul

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1 Josh, Justin, Kathy, & Paul
The Guide Chapter 9 Josh, Justin, Kathy, & Paul

2 The rise and fall of Rosie and Raju’s enterprise.
Review of Ch. 9 The rise and fall of Rosie and Raju’s enterprise. Rise & peak Unease Fall

3 Review of Ch. 9 The peak and downfall of Rosie and Raju’s enterprise.

4 Dominant Effect Narayan creates a shift in Raju’s tone to contrast his past and current attitude towards Rosie and money in order to highlight a development in his profession.

5 “I became a little sentimental and poetic, probably because of the companion at my side” (114)
“She was my property. This idea was beginning to take root in my mind...” (148)

6 “A smile, perhaps, played over my lips as I visualized her figure on the other side of the wall” (126) “My philosophy was that while it lasted the maximum money had to be squeezed out. We needed all the money in the world” (153)

7 Tracking Raju’s Profession
There are three stages of “guidance” in Raju’s life: Tour guide Rosie’s manager “Sage”

8 Discussion Questions 1. Discuss how Narayan uses the ideas of truth and dishonesty in Raju’s life. 2. Compare and contrast gender relations in The Guide, P&P, and TTL. 3. Does Raju care more about Rosie the beautiful dancer or Nalini the money-making act?

9 New Media Representation

10 Why sub-tweeting? Sub-tweeting is passive aggressive & immature.
Sums up Raju and Rosie’s unresolved conflict. You can avoid real confrontation.


12 At the time, there was no limit to my self-congratulation”
“At that time, I was puffed up with the thought of how I made her. I am now disposed to think that even Marco could not have suppressed her permanently… At the time, there was no limit to my self-congratulation” (143)


14 “She needed my inspiring presence…
Sometimes I signaled her a message with my eyes and fingers suggesting a modification or criticism of her performance” (143)


16 I liked to keep her in a citadel”
“She felt annoyed at my interference. ‘Why should you come and pull me out of company? Am I a baby?’ ...It was for her own good… I had pulled her out because I did not like to see her enjoy other people’s company. I liked to keep her in a citadel” (152)


18 cold, machine-like rectitude”
“What was the man’s purpose in sending it now? Why the sudden generosity to return her old box? Was he laying a trap for her or what was it?... He was capable of cold, machine-like rectitude” (162)


20 A creature of grace and divinity and an ornament of the gods
“Every inch of her body from toe to head rippled and vibrated to the rhythm of the song… A creature of grace and divinity and an ornament of the gods I was captivated by it...I sat gazing as if I were seeing it for the first time” (167)

21 Exit Slip Raju & Rosie go to couples therapy and you’re their therapist. What advice would you give them? Back up w/ textual evidence

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