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Municipal Planning: Including Smart City Apps

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Presentation on theme: "Municipal Planning: Including Smart City Apps"— Presentation transcript:

1 Municipal Planning: Including Smart City Apps
Background Feasibility Studies, Strategic Planning Today I’m talking about Including Smart City Applications in your broadband plan Work in Rural areas of the state AND in Urban and Suburban communities Isn’t just for Urban areas; although in some cases, more urban areas might have more complex problems than rural areas (traffic, parking, congestion, pollution)…. This applies to Rural areas too. Diane Kruse

2 Municipal Broadband Planning
2010 2014 2018 2020 Future Anchor Institutions FTTP with Triple Play Services (Voice, Data, Video) Municipalities that owned Electric Utility Anchor Institutions Ubiquitous Gigabit Services Emergence of Public Private Partnerships and Unique Models Intergovernmental Agreements and Collaboration 5G Technology Content Internet of Things Smart Cities Public Safety Anchor Institutions Concentration of Broadband, Ubiquitous Gigabit Services Emergence of Public, Private Partnerships and Unique Models

3 What is a Smart City? A Smart City is the integration of technology into a strategic approach to sustainability. With the emergence of big data, infrastructure and sensing equipment, the environment and ecosystem of a city can be measured, monitored and controlled or supported. Rapid urbanization: By 2030, 60% of worlds population is expected to live in cities This results in heavy strain on energy, transportation, water, building and public spaces. Global warming really is a “thing.” Increasing need is the being felt for cities that are efficient, sustainable and can generate economic prosperity and social well being.

4 What does it look like? Living Governance Mobility Environment People
Safe, healthy Culturally vibrant & happy Living Governance Mobility Environment People Economy Entrepreneurship, Innovations Productivity Global & local interconnectedness Everyone can participate Transparency E-Governance What does it look like? Inclusive society Embrace creativity 21st century education Integrated ICT, security & surveillance Prioritizing clean and non-motorized options Mixed-modal access Self driving cars Green buildings and urban planning Green and renewable energy Waste management


6 What is Happening? Rapid Small Cell Deployment Smart City Apps
Need for Infrastructure Gigabit strategy Rapid Small Cell Deployment Smart City Apps Internet of Things

7 Where to Start? Map Existing Assets
Partner for Infrastructure Build-Out Good policies mean lower capital costs Map strategies, what do you want to measure, access and/or control or further support? Implementation of strategies can reduce operating expenses, increase GDP and home values

8 Diane Kruse, 970-309-3500
QUESTIONS Diane Kruse,

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