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Age of Absolutism.

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1 Age of Absolutism

2 Absolutism (What is it?)
Absolute rulers controlled every aspect of an empire’s affairs. Believed in “divine right” God created the monarchy Monarch was God’s representative on earth Monarch answered only to God

3 Akbar the Great: India – Late 1500s
Mughal Empire in India (Mongols) Tripled in size by the end of his life modernized army promoted trade Political and Social structure Religious tolerance and allowed Hindu in gov’t (he was Muslim) Arts and Achievements: Empire larger than any in Europe and extremely diverse

4 Phillip II: Spain 1556 - 1598 Military
Over spends financing wars vs. England Fights Ottoman Turks defending Catholicism against Muslims Leaves Spain bankrupt

5 Phillip II: Spain 1556 - 1598 Economy
Places heavy tax burden on middle class Relies on gold and silver production from Spanish colonies

6 Phillip II: Spain 1556 - 1598 Politics and Social Structure
Claimed “divine right” Extends power of the Catholic Church Persecutes Protestants Catholic Spain vs. Protestant England (Queen Elizabeth I) Spanish Armada suffers humiliating defeat England replaces Spain as world’s most powerful empire

7 Defeat of the Spanish Armada: “Fire Ships”

8 Phillip II: Spain 1556 - 1598 Achievements
Prior to defeat by English Spain enjoys Golden Age under leadership of Phillip II Renaissance art, literature, music, poetry Overseas colonies

9 Peter the Great: Russia 1682 - 1725
Military Modernizes army Uses qualified officers Defeats Sweden to gain warm water port on the Baltic FOR TRADE

10 Warm Water Port on Baltic

11 Peter the Great: Russia 1682 - 1725
Economy Develops mining and clothing productions Collects Taxes

12 Peter the Great: Russia 1682 - 1725
Political and Social Structure Took control of Russian Orthodox Church Reduced power of wealthy landowners Recruited and promoted lower class indv. w/ gifts of land in exchange for their loyalty

13 Peter the Great: Russia 1682 - 1725
Westernizes Russia effort to modernize Started Russia’s 1st newspaper + served as editor More women’s rights by allowing them to attend social events Nobles forced to give up traditional clothing for Western fashions Introduced the potato to Russian diet.

14 Peter’s Trip to Western Europe

15 Peter the Great: Russia 1682 - 1725
Promoted education and economic growth Moved capital from Moscow to warm water port city of St. Petersburg

16 New Russian Capital: St. Petersburg

17 Louis XIV: France Military: Increased French troops to 400,000 in times of war Personally led troops in battle Highly organized and disciplined Expanded size of empire

18 Louis XIV: France 1643 - 1715 Economy: Mercantilism (what is it?)
Increase manufacturing Reduce need for imports High tariffs (tax) on imports Encouraged colonization of Canada Fur trade


20 Louis XIV: France 1643 - 1715 Political and Social Structure
Weakened power of nobles Forced to live with him and act as his servants Louis XIV was Catholic… Persecuted Huguenots French Protestants Edict of Nantes removes protection for Protestants

21 Louis XIV: France 1643 - 1715 Achievements Palace of Versailles
2,000 rooms 15,000 acres of gardens 1,400 fountains 36,000 laborers Approximately $2 billion US has been spent on it Elegant French court Every meal a major feast 500 cooks and waiters 100 servants to dress him

22 Palace of Versailles

23 Palace of Versailles

24 Palace of Versailles

25 Louis XIV: France 1643 - 1715 Sun King Achievements
Art used to promote the monarch and the rule of Louis XIV “Sun King” – symbol of his power “I am the state” What does this quote imply about Louis XIV?

26 Art used to glorify Louis XIV

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