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7-1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the colonial expansion of European powers and their impact on world government in the seventeenth.

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Presentation on theme: "7-1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the colonial expansion of European powers and their impact on world government in the seventeenth."— Presentation transcript:

1 7-1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of the colonial expansion of European powers and their impact on world government in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.

2 Translation: This chapter will be about how European powers expanded all over the world and impacted world government in the 1600’s and 1700’s.

3 What in the world are you talking about?
Let’s look at Africa…

4 In the late 1400’s…. Europe started the Age of Exploration
Without maps, they set sail into uncharted waters. How??? They discovered how to ride the currents and learned about wind patterns.

5 Marco……Polo….. Traveled the Silk Road, which was a network of roads and waterways connecting China with Asia Minor. When the Mongol empire collapsed=> taxes went up. As a result, the price of Asian goods rose. Ex. The cost of precious spices skyrocketed.

6 When the Ottoman Turks took over…..
Blocked Italian merchants from using trading posts along the Black Sea, so merchants were forced to buy goods from Asian traders, which were $$$$. Europeans were mad….. Solution: Europeans wanted to find a way around this (cut out the middle man)…..FIND A DEAL.

7 What was the solution to the problem???
Finding an all water route to Asia (They could go to Asia directly to buy spices without being taxed heavily by the Turks) More moolah in their pocket because it’s all about the money, money, money (cue Jessie J) Portugal took the lead in this exploration.


9 Prince Henry the Navigator
Started a navigation school Sent sailors to map the west coast of Africa - Set up sugarcane plantations on the coast of Africa. Conquests started the Portuguese empire.

10 Explored the southern tip of Africa
Bartholomeu Dias Portuguese explorer Explored the southern tip of Africa Explored the western coast of Africa (did not go around it)

11 Found an all-water route to Asia. --- problem solved
Vasco da Gama Portuguese explorer Rounded the tip of Africa (the tip was later named Cape of Good Hope) Found spices!!!! Found an all-water route to Asia. --- problem solved

12 De Gama’s Route

13 Spain got jealous…. Spain wanted in on the action, so…..
Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain hired Italian explorer, Christopher Columbus, to find an all water route to East Asia by sailing west across the Atlantic Ocean. They wanted to A) expand trade and B) spread the Christian religion. Their actions led to other nations becoming involved…

14 Christopher Columbus…
Sailed West Found land….known as the Americas. Because he was so successful, he caused MAJOR jealously amongst the other nations. Therefore…….Portugal had to prove they were just as successful (cue dramatic music)

15 Take it to the Pope… Portugal wanted to protect its dreams, so they went to someone who had a lot of power…..Pope Alexander VI. He said, “Ok. I got this” and drew a line of demarcation. What’s a line of demarcation?

16 Line of Demarcation Imaginary line running down the middle of the Atlantic from the North Pole to the South Pole. Spain- West Portugal-East

17 Portugal still not happy.
Thought line went too far east…changed line in 1494 through the Treaty of Tordesillas. Portugal sent Pedros Alvares Cabral to claim Brazil for Portugal. Fun fact: That’s why Brazil speaks Portuguese

18 Pay back from Spain Ferdinand Magellan sailed around the world (circumnavigation) on behalf of Spain. However, he died as a result. R.I.P. Magellan.

19 Other countries… Great Britain- James Cook claimed Australia and New Zealand Netherlands- the spice islands known as the Moluccas…these are the islands of Indonesia

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