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Elements of Poetry Vocabulary.

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1 Elements of Poetry Vocabulary

2 stressed and unstressed syllables
Term Definition Example poetry verse written to create a response of thoughts and feelings words titles line breaks line break where the line of text ends Grandma sent the hammock, The good Lord sent the breeze. I’m here to do the swinging – Now, who’s gonna move the trees? stanza a grouping of lines like a paragraph Yes I’ll tame the buckin’ bronco, You can see me settin’ easy. Here’s the buckin’ bronco, Here is me. stressed and unstressed syllables the syllable that is said slightly louder, with a higher pitch, and longer duration is stressed. the other syllable is unstressed. PRES ent pre SENT

3 Term Definition Example rhythm the beat created by stressing some words (syllables) and not others I must go down to the seas again meter a repeated pattern or rhythm, measured in the basic unit of feet Tiny turtles along the beach, Rushing toward water out of reach rhyme words that have the same ending sounds, often the last word of the poem’s line My beard grows to my toes, I never wears no clothes, I wraps my hair Around my bare, And down the road I goes. repetition words or phrases that are repeated (written in the poem over and over again) Snowflakes, snowflakes Dance all around. Tough the ground.

4 Term Definition Example alliteration repetition of the same beginning sound Hadley hops happily home personification giving human characteristics to objects and ideas The trees danced back and forth in the wind. imagery author’s use of language that appeals to the five senses in order to help the reader imagine what is being described sight: sparking, dull, colorful, bright smell: buttery, rich, old, fishy taste: spicy, sour, sweet, salty touch: smooth, slimy, rough, silky hear: booming, popping, loud, soft onomatopoeia sound words that make the actual sound when you read them sizzle zip ding whoosh

5 Term Definition Example acrostic spells out the person or thing vertically and uses the letter to begin words or phrases that describe it J oker A theletic C aring O utgoing B rave concrete draws a picture using the words of the poem, the shape of the picture couplet two lines with ending words that rhyme My grandmother sits in her wheel chair, Looking out window while she sits there. haiku a three-line poem with a total of 17 syllables. The first and last lines have 5. The middle line has 7.

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