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Presentation on theme: "MULTI-CHANNEL FUNDRAISING INTEGRATION STRATEGIES"— Presentation transcript:




4 Begin with the End in Mind
Moving Forward – Begin with the End in Mind We can no longer afford to only look in the rear view mirror.

5 Beginning with the End in Mind
Where do you want to be … In 3 years In 5 years Be as specific as possible, use metrics that are measurable Gross Revenue Net Revenue Active Donors Level of Investment Think big - Work with your vendor to outline the strategies that you will have to put in place in order to hit that goal. Are you comfortable with those strategies? If so, challenge your vendor to meet the goal(s).

6 New & Reactivated Donors Renewing Donors Upgraded Donors

7 Sustainer Program Sustainer programs require initial investment but in the long term they provide long term, loyal donors that you will spend less money on over time. Things to think about: Create a consistent Sustainer program Make the offer available in all communications Ensure backend process is healthy Enhance the program Recruit targeted, existing donors using a multi-channel strategy Develop a sustainer acquisition strategy Develop alternate pledge opportunities Monthly pledge with periodic additional communications Quarterly pledges Upgrade current sustainers

8 Key Performance Indicators: Dashboard
Create a Dashboard: Identify key metrics that you want to monitor Create a Dashboard/Report that you can view monthly Adjust course as needed Metrics to keep an eye on – - Retention rates - Average gift - Response rates - Cost to raise a dollar (CPDR) - Coverage ratios All of this information provides insight into how your program is performing to date; how you are projected to end the year; and where you are in relation to your long term goals. You will have the opportunity to react more quickly, in the current year as well as intermittently over the course of your long term plan.


10 How We Create Optimal Donor Value
4.0 ROI 10.0+ ROI 0.6 ROI Why is developing a donor commitment important? Because the Salvation Army gets a larger return on their marketing investment from these types of donors. When acquiring donors, a typical cost is about forty cents of each dollar spent. In other words, with the first gift from a new donor, you receive sixty cents for every dollar you spend in acquisition. These new donors become “profitable” with their second (and sometimes third) gifts. In the general donor pool – in a transactional relationship – you’ll receive about $4 for every dollar spend. But, once those donors have become committed to the mission – as a sustainer, through planned giving, or as a major donor – you can receive $10 or more for every dollar you invest communicating with them. So our strategy looks to create more committed donors – which require less investment to communicate with are gets you more predictable, consistent revenue.

11 Revenue by Strategy


13 THANK YOU! Jennifer Oyer, CFRE


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