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Published byAngel Lyons Modified over 6 years ago
ITE FORUM Theme: Including innovative STEM teaching practices in Initial Teacher Education 16th May 2018 ITELab – NextLab #ITELab_eu #NextLab
ITE FORUM: 16th May 2018, 15h-16h15 CET
Attendees: Next-Lab TTIs, ITELab associate partners & project partners, wider stakeholders Chair: Maite Debry, EUN. Speakers: Enrique Martin, Project Officer, EUN Science Education Department, Next-Lab Project Miikka Korventausta - TOKL – University of Turku - Finland Forum: Including innovative Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths teaching practices in Initial Teacher Education Agenda for today: Introduction to the theme: Including innovative STEM teaching practices in Initial Teacher Education Projects introduction - ITELab - Go-Lab & Next-Lab Including innovative Science, Technology, Engineering and Math teaching practices in Initial Teacher Education Questions & answers Conclusions
1. Introduction ITE and STEM Education
STEM EDUCATION? Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics.
Context: all levels of education from pre-school to higher education, both in formal and informal settings. Strating point for teacher: ITE Scope: scientific literacy, scientific thinking and STEM skills, relevant for both STEM and non-STEM careers.
STEM education and career attractiveness (relatively low); Labor market needs in this sector (high in the projections); Pedagogical methods (need to be closer to real world) Science literacy for all citizens (to be widened for inclusion purposes); Gender equity in accessing STEM education and careers. A cross-sectoral approach is fundamental in order to support the knowledge triangle and any integrated actions in related policy areas (education, employment, entrepreneurship, social inclusion etc.).
ITE and STEM education Increasing demand for a relevant and innovative STEM education Starting point: ITE Confident, qualified, open-minded teachers – through for example: Pupil engagement Critical questioning Links with other subjects & disciplines How to include innovative STEM practices in ITE? example of GO-Lab and NextLab There is an increasing emphasis on STEM education throughout the past decades. Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are a priority for countries worldwide, especially those that aim to keep the pace with the quickly changing global context and remain economically competitive. The question is, of course, how to approach teaching STEM in an effective way, that will bring us the knowledge and skills that are relevant on the labour market today? Some advocate for integrating STEM across the curriculum in school. Others commonly approach STEM education as teaching the traditional subjects in an authentic, graspable way. However, most agree that to transform our STEM education into a more effective and relevant one, we must start at initial teacher training. And how should this initial training take shape to provide the desired results? A fellow EUN-coordinated project pointed to the importance of key focus areas in initial teacher training, a few of them being: pupil engagement through autonomous learning, a fun and practical curriculum involving state-of-the-art innovation school links with careers in STEM critical questioning of science creating links between other subjects and other disciplines and many more. These focus areas can help to equip student teachers to become competent and confident in their STEM teaching practices. These teachers are what is needed for developing an innovative STEM education: confident, qualified and open for learning about the latest innovations. So what are some of the practices that we can include in the ITE curriculum for this purpose? This is our goal for today: to learn more about how we can include innovative STEM practices in Initial Teacher Education. NextLab provides a great example of innovative teacher training, so we are lucky to have two of NextLab’s representatives with us today. We are glad to learning more about their practices and see how we can use this knowledge for future ITELab practices.
2. Short projects introduction ITELab Go-Lab & Next-Lab
Itelab in a ‘nutshell’ 2017 2018 2019 Targets
Online exchange, inform, discuss, mainstream 60 ITE, 15 MoE, 20 Industry ITE Forum Information gathering: case studies and monitoring of ICT within ITE; competences ITELab module A Pilot1 : BETA. Partners only Cycle 1: Design & Development 30 ITE 5,000 students Cycle 2 ITELab modules pilot2: OPEN ITELab student teacher MOOC1: BETA. Partners and Assoc Ptnrs ITELab student teacher MOOC2: OPEN Workshop 1 Workshop 2 Workshop 3 Feb-May 18 Feb-May 19
Design and development: process – BETA modules, mooc
The ITELab module challenge Proposed course modules Hallmarks of ITELab modules Iterative Learning Design process Reference points
ITE online FORUM: INTERESTED? PLEASE JOIN US knowledge exchange – partners + interested organisations MOE, REGIONS EUN INDUSTRY UNIVERSITIES STUDENT TEACHERS EC Ped Board Ind Eval
ITELab project partners
ITELab associate partners
Enrique Martín, European Schoolnet
Introduction Dear all, It is with great pleasure that along with my colleagues, we are welcoming you to the project, super hot Brussels and finally European Schoolnet. Enrique Martín, European Schoolnet 16th May 2018
The project
About Next-Lab European research project co-funded by the EC in the framework of the Horizon 2020 Programme. Focuses on introducing inquiry-based science education (IBSE) in schools and continues the mission of the project Go- Lab, promoting innovative and interactive teaching methods in primary and secondary schools. Provides teachers and educators with a variety of advanced learning tools supporting scientific thinking, processes and topics in more than 40 languages. It affords access to hundreds of virtual and remote science laboratories, inquiry learning applications and Inquiry Learning Spaces organized by scientific domains and age groups. European Schoolnet is the network of 31 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. As a not-for-profit organisation, we aim to bring innovation in teaching and learning to: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers and industry partners. European Schoolnet pledges to: Support schools in achieving effective use of ICT in teaching and learning Improve and raise the quality of education in Europe Promote the European dimension in education Through our activities, we aim to transform teaching and learning processes, using the integration of ICT as a force for improvement. Connect with us:
The consortium European Schoolnet is the network of 31 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. As a not-for-profit organisation, we aim to bring innovation in teaching and learning to: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers and industry partners. European Schoolnet pledges to: Support schools in achieving effective use of ICT in teaching and learning Improve and raise the quality of education in Europe Promote the European dimension in education Through our activities, we aim to transform teaching and learning processes, using the integration of ICT as a force for improvement. Connect with us:
The consortium European Schoolnet is the network of 31 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. As a not-for-profit organisation, we aim to bring innovation in teaching and learning to: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers and industry partners. European Schoolnet pledges to: Support schools in achieving effective use of ICT in teaching and learning Improve and raise the quality of education in Europe Promote the European dimension in education Through our activities, we aim to transform teaching and learning processes, using the integration of ICT as a force for improvement. Connect with us:
From Go-Lab to Next-Lab
Next-Lab aims to take the Go-Lab ecosystem to the next level. This means that in the course of Next-Lab, the Go-lab ecosystem will be expanded in terms of functionalities and features but also in terms of its target audience. As a result we will expand our outreach to primary schools but we are also turning out interest to TTIs.
Inquiry Learning Spaces (ILSs)
Inquiry Learning Spaces (ILSs) are personalized learning resources for students, including a lab, apps, and any other type of multimedia material. ILSs follow an inquiry cycle. Inquiry cycles can differ but the basic Go-Lab cycle consists of the phases Orientation, Conceptualisation, Investigation, Conclusion, and Discussion. The aim of an ILS is to provide students with an opportunity to conduct scientific experiments, being guided through the inquiry process and supported at each step
Go-Lab Ecosystem Lab Repository Select a lab and guidance apps
Graasp Create or repurpose the enclosing inquiry learning space Next-Lab is the continuation of the Go-Lab project which for 4 years worked on bringing the use of online laboratories and IBL in the classroom. The main outcome of the project was the Go-Lab ecosystem which is composed by Golabz and Graasp. Golabz, which you will see later on, is a repository including labs/apps/ILs while Graasp is the editor that is used to combines all this into ILSs.
Go-Lab Ecosystem Next-Lab is the continuation of the Go-Lab project which for 4 years worked on bringing the use of online laboratories and IBL in the classroom. The main outcome of the project was the Go-Lab ecosystem which is composed by Golabz and Graasp. Golabz, which you will see later on, is a repository including labs/apps/ILs while Graasp is the editor that is used to combines all this into ILSs.
The TTIs framework
Why? Aiming for the outreach and adoption of Inquiry Based Learning in digital environments. Teachers need to be acquainted to the online labs and need to be able to use such labs in the classroom. Teacher Training Institutes are at the forefront of education since they have the possibility to train future educators. Feedback provided by the TTIs >>> common problems/solutions. European Schoolnet is the network of 31 European Ministries of Education, based in Brussels. As a not-for-profit organisation, we aim to bring innovation in teaching and learning to: Ministries of Education, schools, teachers, researchers and industry partners. European Schoolnet pledges to: Support schools in achieving effective use of ICT in teaching and learning Improve and raise the quality of education in Europe Promote the European dimension in education Through our activities, we aim to transform teaching and learning processes, using the integration of ICT as a force for improvement. Connect with us:
From Go-Lab to Next-Lab
Next-Lab aims to take the Go-Lab ecosystem to the next level. This means that in the course of Next-Lab, the Go-lab ecosystem will be expanded in terms of functionalities and features but also in terms of its target audience. As a result we will expand our outreach to primary schools but we are also turning out interest to TTIs.
Current TTIs Spain University of the Basque Country, Bilbao Campus
Lithuania Vilnius Gediminas Technical University Greece National & Kapodistrian University of Athens Portugal Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra Finland TOKL – University of Turku Latvia Riga Technical University - Distance Education Centre Turkey BAUSTEM Center at Bahçesehir University Estonia UTE – Tartu Ulikool France Institut Français de l'Éducation University of Coimbra Israel Israel Institute of Technology Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences GFOSS University of Aveiro The Netherlands ELAN (UT) What is the role of the TTIs TTIs hold the future of education in their hands since they are training the teachers of tomorrow. This is a huge task and responsibility and we can barely understand the continuous needs for the TTIs to keep their curricula up to date. For this reason we have invited you here today and for this same reason we are offering a helping hand. In the course of the day, we aim to find out as much as possible about how you teach IBL and how Go-Lab and the online laboratories can help you enrich your curriculum. Advantages for TTIs Be part of the recognizable European project Enrich their programme and competitiveness Receive costumisable support material Have the opportunity to join one more meeting of this type Bring students to the dedicated summer/winter school
Benefits Be part of a dynamic and recognizable project, which engages teachers in more than 25 countries. Strengthen your Teachers Training Institute competitiveness by incorporating the use of Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) and the use of online laboratories in your training programme. Receive customized Inquiry Learning Spaces (ILSs) and support material that fit your Institution’s training needs. Attend face-to-face meetings with other Teacher Training Institutes representatives Scholarships for pre-service teachers to participate to the projects face-to-face networking and training events.
Thank you for your attention
Enrique Martin
3. Including innovative. Science, Technology,. Engineering and Math
3. Including innovative Science, Technology, Engineering and Math teaching practices in Initial Teacher Education the example of the University of Turku
Project Researcher (Next-Lab)
STEM Practices in the Department of Teacher Education, University of Turku Miikka Korventausta Project Researcher (Next-Lab)
Department of Teacher Education, Turku
One of the 9 departments of teacher education in Finland Two campuses: Turku & Rauma ~1500 students
Compulsory courses for class teacher students (Primary school)
Mathematics and Mathematic problem solving, modeling and programming (2*3 credits) Biology and health sciences (4 credits) Geography (3 credits) Physics and Chemistry (3 credits) Crafts (technology, engineering) (6 credits) Use of ICT in education (3 credits) The courses are in line with the subjects that are taught in primary school
Compulsory courses in subject teacher education (Secondary and upper secondary level)
STEM subject teachers have major studies in Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Physics or Chemistry Students apply compulsory teacher education module if they want to get teacher certification (60 credits, one year) Includes (e.g.) Supervised teacher training in school Educational psychology / sociology Didactics School adminstration and law
Minor subjects in STEM field
Dep. of Teacher Education offers: Studies in the use of ICT in education (6 courses, 25 credits) Pre-service class teachers can do minor studies in Mathematics, Biology, Geography, Physics or Chemistry to get subject teacher certification
Professional development for in-service teachers
Specialization in digital learning – PD module (60 credits, 1,5 years)
Integrating STEM projects in the curriculum
Subject teacher education Minor studies Class teacher education Professional development PROJECTS
Go-Lab and Dep. of Teacher Education
The resources and knowledge from the projects are used in the courses when it is relevant Go-Lab examples: Integrating Go-Lab ecosystem in to physics course (pre-service class teachers) Workshop and preparing of an own inquiry learning space (ILS) to be used in the school training (pre-service subject teachers) Workshop in the Use of ICT in Education course (minor studies) Simulations and Games in Education course (minor studies) Workshop in the Specialization in Digital Learning – PD training (in-service teachers)
Go-Lab and Dep. of Teacher Education
The resources and knowledge from the projects are used in the courses when it is relevant Go-Lab examples: Integrating Go-Lab ecosystem in to physics course (pre-service class teachers) Workshop and preparing of an own inquiry learning space (ILS) to be used in the school training (pre-service subject teachers) Workshop in the Use of ICT in Education course (minor studies) Simulations and Games in Education course (minor studies) Workshop in the Specialization in Digital Learning – PD training (in-service teachers)
How University of Turku implement innovations in Dep
How University of Turku implement innovations in Dep. of Teacher Education? Curricula are renewed in two-year-cycles Curricula are written down on quite a general level General level curriculum allows teacher staff to develop and bring new innovations to their courses Minor collaboration with private companies Schools vary by the resources. The aim of teacher education is that teachers can work and apply their skills and knowledge in different classroom settings.
4. Questions and answers Discussion with webinar participants
For TTIs: Do you have some examples of innovative STEM education teaching methods or tools that you integrated in the curriculum of student’s teachers? (challenges, opportunities?) How does your institution implement innovation related to STEM education in your ITE programmes? In this process of innovation in STEM, how do you collaborate with other types of organisation, including private companies? Representatives from Ministries of Education: How much of a priority is it currently to include innovative STEM practices in ITE programmes? What kind of support can TTIs count on from MoEs? Do you have examples of best collaborative practices between policy makers and TTIs in developing STEM curricula? Representatives from Industries: What are some of the most important features of an innovative ITE curriculum for the industry? How do you see the future of the collaboration between TTIs and industry?
ITE Forum: Invitation is open to all.
Any other business ITE Forum: Invitation is open to all. Contact:
Thank you for your attention
#ITELab_eu #NextLab
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