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REIFFTON SCHOOL TEAM C Mrs. Kosloski-Auchenbach Mrs. Learn, Mr. McCracken, Mr. Schaeffer and Mrs. Zielinski.

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Presentation on theme: "REIFFTON SCHOOL TEAM C Mrs. Kosloski-Auchenbach Mrs. Learn, Mr. McCracken, Mr. Schaeffer and Mrs. Zielinski."— Presentation transcript:

1 REIFFTON SCHOOL TEAM C Mrs. Kosloski-Auchenbach Mrs. Learn, Mr. McCracken, Mr. Schaeffer and Mrs. Zielinski



4 Planners Home-School Connection

5 Attendance

6 Communication Arts: Reading
Reading & Writing Home Reading Log (120 minutes) Daily 5 RtII Small Group Differentiated Instruction Group Work Independent Work Reader’s Theater Reading Projects Communication Arts: Reading Writing: Being a Writer Program Narrative/ Informational/ Persuasive Writing

7 Why Homework ?

8 Investigations is a complete mathematics program for grades K-5
Investigations is a complete mathematics program for grades K-5. Students using Investigations in Number, Data, and Space are expected to learn arithmetic, basic facts and much more. The focus of instruction is on mathematical thinking and reasoning. Students using the complete. Investigations curriculum develop an understanding of: number, operations, and early algebraic ideas geometry and measurement data analysis and probability patterns, functions, and the math of change, which provide foundations for algebra Math

9 SCIENCE Units of Study:
Meteorology Embryology Variables Mixtures and Solutions Recycling Unit STUDENTS WILL BE GRADED ON: Chapter quizzes and tests Participation/ ability to work cooperatively Lab Sheets/ Experiments Completed homework assignments SCIENCE Units of Study:

10 Social Studies

11 Extra help is available

12 Grading Policy

13 Student Dress Code Student Dress Code
ALL skirts/dresses/shorts/skorts must be finger-tip length or longer. Items that do not meet this qualification must come to the mid-thigh and be worn with opaque stockings, leggings or warm-up pants underneath. For the purpose of this code, mid-thigh is defined as half way between the inseam and the knee. Tube tops, tank tops, spaghetti straps, camisoles, or other clothing which exposes bare midriffs are not permitted. All shirts/tops must have a sleeve delineated by a shoulder seam. Clothing that is excessively revealing is not permitted in school. Sleepwear, slippers, and clothing with excessive holes are not permitted. ALL PANTS must be worn at the waist and cover all under garments. Flip-flops are not permitted in school. Only sandals with an ankle strap are permitted. Decisions made by the school administration are final. Those found to be in violation of the school dress code will be removed from the school community setting until appropriate attire can be attained. Student Dress Code

14 Book Clubs

us . . .

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