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James Mark Baldwin Josh A. Peyton L..

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1 James Mark Baldwin Josh A. Peyton L.

2 Biography of his life Born: January 12, 186. Died: November 9, 1934.
Born in South Carolina, he attended Princeton to further his education. He eventually went to Toronto to teach and study Psychology. After his lab in Toronto had burned down he used his daughters to study psychology. He was later offered a job at Princeton. He wrote some books, and his theories became the basis for psychology for a long time. He later would move between mexico and france. m/watch?v=t9n3TPfTa2 U

3 Why Were They Important?
He was important because he had laid the basis for child psychology. He came up with a theory called “The Baldwin Effect.” a theory based on people mentally evolving over time throughout their lives. Many other people based their ideas of psychology on this and use some of these ideas to further their research.

4 Theories and Research Biosocial Theory of Individual Adaptation also known as “The Baldwin Effect.” this theory is based on the idea that people mentally evolve throughout their childhood and most of their lives, but more so during childhood. Examples could be how a baby learns to talk by hearing people and adapting and evolving on how to talk, you get better at it as you use that skill. The child will build on prior knowledge and ability.

5 What did They Conclude About Their Research?
Baldwin concluded that your ability to learn and develop is not a genetic limitation, and can always be built on throughout your life. As a child, this theory is most clearly present, a child can become smart or athletic even if their parents or grandparents weren't, the child just has to build the skill.

6 Examples An example could be going from sitting up, to crawling, to standing, to walking, to running. An example for adults could be learning an instrument. You have to start slow, but as you practice your movement becomes more fluid and easier, you develop and adapt to those movements and sounds, and build your skill. Another example is how, a child learns to talk after repeatedly hearing people say things, by evolving to be able to understand and later speak. A child can just start speaking without hearing things before, they can't just all of a sudden start talking in full sentences without ever hearing someone talk before.

7 Children? How did it Impact Their Research?
Helen, and Elizabeth his two daughters, were his two main test subjects. He would study their behavior in certain situations and write down what he would see. He created his theory based on what he observed about their advancing behavior and skills over time.

8 Personal Reaction and Belief
We both agree with this theory. It makes sense that people could adapt to things that they would experience over time, through childhood and in people's regular lives.It makes sense that over time we could build on something we have already learned. This theory can be true, people can learn and develop skills and abilities throughout their lives. Anyone can learn from what the have experienced.

9 Citations sychology-and-psychiatry-biographies/james- mark-baldwin tm .htm U /

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