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SEMLEP ERDF WORKSHOP Lecture Room 1&2 Walton Hall Open University

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Presentation on theme: "SEMLEP ERDF WORKSHOP Lecture Room 1&2 Walton Hall Open University"— Presentation transcript:

1 SEMLEP ERDF WORKSHOP Lecture Room 1&2 Walton Hall Open University
11th December 2017 Lecture Room 1&2 Walton Hall Open University Milton Keynes

2 Content Item Description Led By Timing 1.
Coffee on arrival and Registration 10:30-10:45 2. Welcome and Introduction Jane Roemer, ESIF Manager, SEMLEP 10:45-11:00 3. ERDF Programme Updates  Jane Roemer 11:00-11:15 4. SEMLEP ERDF Programme Overview Next calls PA 1 Promoting Research and Innovation; PA 2 Enhancing Access to Information Communication and Technology PA 3 Enhancing the Competitiveness of SMEs Brenden Byczkowski 11:15-11:45 6. Q&A Session 8. Application Process Further sources of information Jane Roemer Lunch and event close :30-13:00 9. Surgeries (optional) 13:00-14:00

Projects to be funded up until when UK leaves the EU even if projects’ funding runs beyond the UK leaving the EU. Funding agreement must be in place by March 2019 Projects will need to meet domestic priorities and provide ‘good’ value for money Launch of calls second half of the Programme from December 2017 and March dependent on spend

4 Impact of NEP-SEMLEP Merger?
No impact on all current ERDF projects Continue to deliver in either historical NEP or SEMLEP area OR check with CLG for changes to geography a combined ESIF committee a combined ESIF notional allocation a 2017 Business Survey a ESIF Implementation Plan a 2017 Strategic Economic Plan part-funded by ERDF Technical Assistance

5 Technical Assistance Support
The technical assistance (TA) contracts were not transferred from Northamptonshire Enterprise Partners SEMLEP TA contract covers historic geographical area Role To provide facilitation To disseminate information Support potential applicants to full application However, there is also a role to support post contract ERDF Providers Forum Summative Assessment

6 SEMLEP allocations for ERDF 2014 to 2020
Notional Allocation - £57.1m * PA1 – Research and Innovation - £12.4m PA2 – ICT - £3.1m PA3 – SME Competitiveness - £30.3m PA4 – Low Carbon Economy - £10.3m PA6 – Green Infrastructure - £1m *SUBJECT TO EXCHANGE RATE FLUCTUATIONS

7 ERDF Priority Axis and allocations 2017-20
Remaining Funds (est) PA1 Research & Innovation £5.2m PA2 ICT £1m PA3 SME Competitiveness £6.5m PA4 Low Carbon £0.00 PA6 Protection of the Environment £ 0.00 Total £12.7m

8 SEMLEP: ERDF Priority Axis 1 Research and Innovation
1a Enhancing research and innovation infrastructure and capacities to develop research and innovation excellence Purpose: to build or enhance infrastructure that in due course will contribute to commercialisation of products, services and processes Indicative actions Specialist centres/facilities linked to Smart Specialisation, e.g. Science Parks Development or Upgrading of innovation space Improved incubation space for innovation/research Development of enterprise, innovation and technology hubs in line with “Smart Specialisation in England” Upgrading of test facilities

9 SEMLEP: ERDF Priority Axis 1 Research and Innovation
1b Promoting business investment in research and innovation Specific Objectives: SMEs invest more in research and innovation in sectors/technologies linked to SSS. More SMEs engage in knowledge exchange with research, public or large private enterprises Indicative actions Productive Innovation partnerships (linked to Smart Specialisation Strategy) Supporting commercialisation of new products, process and initiatives (linked to the 8 Great technologies set in the Smart Specialisation Strategy) Applied Research Programmes for sectors and technologies set out in the SSS Innovation support programmes for SMEs as set out in SSS Support for innovation ecosystems including business-led networks Activities promoting smart specialisation approach that develop supportive environment for innovation Technology Support Programmes Grants to support development of prototypes and social innovation

10 Outputs 1a C25 Number of researchers working in improved research facilities P2 Public or commercial buildings renovated or build 1b C1 Number of enterprises receiving support C2 Number of enterprises receiving grants C3 Number of enterprises receiving financial support other than grants C4 Number of enterprises receiving non- financial support C5 Number of new enterprises supported C6 Private investment matching public support to enterprises (grants) C7 Private investment matching public support to enterprises (non- grants) C8 Employment increase in supported enterprises C26 Number of enterprises supported to introduce new to the market products C28 Number of enterprises supported to introduce new to the firm products C29 Number of enterprises cooperating with research entities P2 Public or commercial buildings built or renovated

11 SEMLEP: ERDF Priority Axis 2 Enhancing Access to ICT
2b Developing Information & communications technology products and services, e-commerce, and enhancing demand for ICT Specific Objectives: Increase the number of small and medium sized enterprises making productive use of digital technologies Indicative actions Support for SMEs to update or introduce new ICT business models Provision for coaching, advice, consultancy, mentoring and support for SMEs to; Access new markets Develop ICT skills strategies Implement productivity improvements using ICT Demand-side voucher schemes Demonstration and pilot projects to showcase how SMEs can implement improvements Support for diffusion of results Support for integration of digital supply chains Grants to support development of prototypes and social innovation

12 Outputs 2b C1 Number of enterprises receiving support
C5 Number of new enterprises supported C29 Number of enterprises cooperating with research entities P4 Additional businesses taking up broadband with speeds at least 30Mbps

3a Promoting Entrepreneurship (new idea, new firms, business incubators) Specific Objective: increase entrepreneurship particularly in areas with low levels and amongst underrepresented groups Indicative actions: Targeted engagement, outreach and mentoring to strengthen SMEs Provision of advice and support for entrepreneurship amongst underrepresented groups Advice and support for new business start-ups Support to address market failures in provision of start-up finance including grants to support productive investment Provision of land and premises for employment sites including incubator space, managed workshop space or grow-on space

14 Outputs – PA3 3a C1 Number of enterprises receiving support
C2 Number of enterprises receiving grants C3 Number of enterprises receiving financial support other than grants C4 Number of enterprises receiving non- financial support C5 Number of new enterprises supported C6 Private investment matching public support to enterprises (grants) C7 Private investment matching public support to enterprises (non- grants) C8 Employment increase in supported enterprises C28 Number of enterprises supported to introduce new to the market products P2 Public or commercial buildings built or renovated P11 Number of potential entrepreneurs assisted to be enterprise ready

3C Supporting the creation and extension of advanced capacities for products, services and development (Increase the growth capacity of SMEs) Specific Objective: Increase the growth capacity of SMEs Indicative Actions: Advice to develop new business models or higher quality products, processes or services Advice and support to implement productivity improvements Improve business processes and workforce development Strengthen supply chains Grant finance for businesses to invest in product process and service improvements Provision of non-grant finance where there is a clear market failure Provision of independent access to finance advice Provision of land and premises for employment sites

3d Supporting the capacity and the extension of advanced capacities for products, services & development Specific objectives: Increase the growth capacity of SMEs Indicative actions: Provision of efficient referral routes to help SMEs to identify and access tailored support for their specific growth needs Support to develop focused growth strategies and update or introduce new business models Attract new business investment through cluster and sector initiatives Advice and support to enable SMEs to enter, establish and expand new markets Advice and support for business to become investment ready

17 Outputs – PA3 3c & 3d C1 Number of enterprises receiving support
C2 Number of enterprises receiving grants C3 Number of enterprises receiving financial support other than grants C4 Number of enterprises receiving non- financial support C5 Number of new enterprises supported C6 Private investment matching public support to enterprises (grants) C7 Private investment matching public support to enterprises (non- grants) C8 Employment increase in supported enterprises C28 Number of enterprises supported to introduce new to the market products P2 Public or commercial buildings built or renovated P13 Number of enterprises receiving information, diagnostic and brokerage support

18 ERDF Key Principles Minimum project size is £500k ERDF
50% match funding: clean, private or public, cash, staff time, SMEs contributions*, delivery partners, donated land no more than 10%, buildings (present value), bank loans, capital/revenue match funding Simplified cost options for indirect costs and hourly rates BREEAM rating of ‘excellent’ for new build and ‘very good’ for refurb. Cross cutting themes: Equality and anti discrimination and sustainable development policies and implementation plans (see ERDF OP sect. 11) Added value, ‘good value for money’ and alignment with domestic priorities Must be able to cashflow operation Procurement policy (legal advice) State Aid (legal advice)

19 What costs can be claimed?
Capital Contingencies to allow for unforeseen costs Mobile assets (phone, computers, motor vehicles) 100% ERDF Land Acquisition up to 10% of total project cost Building Acquisition Plant and machinery Equipment and second hand equipment Ineligible Expenditure: Local social welfare facilities (hospitals, sport facilities, parks etc.) Coastal protection, soil conservation Building and renovation of housing except for energy efficiency Infrastructure in ports List not exhaustive! If in doubt contact DCLG Revenue Direct staff costs Direct other costs Rent, equipment, evaluation, procured goods, services, works Travel and substance Flat rate of 15% of direct staff costs for all other indirect costs e.g. HR, IT, Finance Ineligible expenditure: Notional costs Entertainment Contingencies Bad debts List not exhaustive! If in doubt contact DCLG Check Eligibility Guidance

20 Application Process Calls specification is published on Funding Finder on & publicised on LEP website Must read the following documents prior to starting application: SEMLEP/NEP ESIF Strategies ERDF Operational Programme Programme Guidance including National ERDF Eligibility Rules, Selection Criteria, Procurement and State Aid Guidance, Publicity rules Use the Outline Application Guidance to Complete Outline Application; You will also need to submit: granular budget; indicators annex; financial table annex. You will need to give details about your policy and implementation plan for Equality and Sustainable Development OR steps you will take to develop. Give yourself plenty of time, outline application can run to 20 pages!

21 Assessment of outline application To get through to the next stage you need to meet:
1) Gateway Criteria 2) Core criteria Is your organisation eligible to apply? Is the proposed activity and expenditure eligible? Does your proposal clearly meets the Call needs and opportunities? Does it fit with the ERDF Operational Programme? strategic fit (national and local) value for money management and control deliverability compliance with: eligibility rules, procurement, state aid, publicity requirements and cutting themes

22 If you are accepted to make a Full Application
Use the full application guidance to help completing form and annexes The Managing Authority may have made suggestions for conditions to be met, these need to be fully answered in your full application The appraisal will focus on core criteria It may take some time before you finally receive the Funding Agreement, remember any expenditure incurred from Outline approval is at applicant’s own risk

23 Useful links SEMLEP & NEP Esif Strategies ERDF Operational Programme /file/453888/England_ERDF_operational_programme_FINAL_ pdf Programme Guidance (eligibility, publicity, procurement, revenue, state aid, document retention, performance, fraud, conflict of interest, timesheets) investment-funds-programme-guidance Output definition guidance /file/577016/ESIF-GN _ERDF_Output_Indicators_Definition_Guidance_v3.docx Funding Agreements investment-funds-funding-agreements

24 Support from ESIF Facilitation Team
ESIF Facilitator (ESIF Manager) Tel: M:

25 Questions / Discussion?
SEMLEP ERDF WORKSHOP Questions / Discussion?

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