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How to Run Handbook A Guide for How to Run for Student Body President/Vice President & Senior Class President.

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Presentation on theme: "How to Run Handbook A Guide for How to Run for Student Body President/Vice President & Senior Class President."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Run Handbook A Guide for How to Run for Student Body President/Vice President & Senior Class President

2 First Thing’s First The Early Stages of a Campaign

3 Getting a Ticket Together
Consult the Elections Code early on. Know the requirements for candidacy. Reach out to the Chief Elections Commissioner with any questions. Know why you’re running and find those who have similar goals Reach out to other student leaders. Selecting a Campaign Manager Select someone who has skills in public relations and can manage social media. Senior Class Candidates: it’s helpful if your Campaign Manager is either a junior or senior.

4 Creating a Platform TIP: Start this before Winter Break.
Meet with the current Student Body President and Vice President. They can help highlight pieces of their current platform they want to see through. Your Campaign Manager can be a great soundboard to bounce ideas off of. Meeting with campus administrators is a great way to get ideas for projects and issues they think should be addressed.

5 Creating Your Brand Make it unique!
Your slogan and campaign message should convey what you’re about. “Short, sweet, and to the point” is the name of the game here. Keep your personal social media clean and positive.

6 Campaign Materials Find a videographer and photographer to take campaign photos. TIP: Get this done early on, as soon as Spring Semester starts would be ideal. Make a marketing plan. Make sure your message and branding are both consistent. Make it engaging for students.

7 Pre-Campaign The In’s and Out’s of Signatures, Fundraising, and Getting Your Name Out There

8 Mandatory Meeting Each ticket is required to attend a campaign meeting in order to be eligible to run. This meeting date is set by the Chief Elections Commissioner and takes place in early Spring. Your whole ticket MUST be present at this meeting, as you will get a lot of important information to run a successful campaign. Contact the CEC if you have any major conflicts ahead of time.

9 Fundraising Know the regulations stated in the Elections Code.
Off-campus businesses can sponsor tabling. Reach out to them, introduce yourself, and tell them your vision for Missouri State, and how you can sponsor them in return. (ex. products, giveaways, etc.) TIP: Sending out letters to family members or other student organizations can also be helpful in garnering support.

10 Getting Signatures Take note of the amount of signatures you need and the deadline. Ask students what they would like to see on campus when you introduce yourself! TIP: Tag-teaming with your ticket can help you talk to the most amount of students possible.

11 Campaigning

12 Campaign Materials Recruit campaign volunteers to help with chalking, tabling, etc. Get people you know support your vision and can put in the time commitment. Get more than you think you need! Tabling Plan ahead with your ticket and off campus sponsors. Social Media Keep it positive and focused on your vision for campus. Make it personable for the students.

13 Talking to Campus Organizations
Reach out to several student organizations ahead of time and ask if you can share your vision at one of their meetings Relax and be yourself when speaking! These students want to get to know you and your mission. Bring stickers or buttons to give out, this is a simple way to get your brand out there.

14 Debate Prep The Chief Elections Commissioner will send out a list of possible topics, be sure to look over those. TIP: Have someone ask you practice questions! Stay true to your message and your platform. Instead of refuting the other ticket’s platform, tell your own story!\ Be specific about your ideas. Senior Class Candidates: Make it clear that only seniors can vote for you, but the student body’s support is appreciated.

15 Wrapping Up Your Campaign
Encourage your supporters to vote when the polls open. Keep it positive until the very end. Election results will be announced by the Chief Elections Commissioner at a specific time and location, be sure to take note of them.

16 Questions, Comments, or Concerns?
Allison Garrett, Chief Elections Commissioner


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