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First dynasty in china 221bce

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1 First dynasty in china 221bce
Qin dynasty First dynasty in china 221bce

2 Shi huangdi “first emperor”
The ONLY Qin ruler Governed by principles of Legalism Uniform law code A strong central government and bureaucracy to rule the vast empire Basic structure remained unchanged until 20th century Rule of avoidance Terra cotta warriors

3 Shi huangdi “first emperor”
Construction of roads, bridges, and canals Standardization of money, measurement, and writing script Connection and construction of the Great Wall The only manmade object visible from orbiting satellites Control of thought by burning Confucius writings and burying alive Confucian scholars

4 Decline of qin Shi Huangdi died in 210 B.C.E
Power struggle broke out among the generals of the Qin army Liu Bang won and established the Han Dynasty Terra Cotta Warriors In 1974, a farmer digging a well broke into the tomb of Shi Huangdi An army of life-sized terra cotta soldiers and chariots and horses

5 Evaluating Shi Huangdi
How would you evaluate Shi Huangdi? Did Shi Huangdi improve China?

6 Han dynasty 206 B.c.—200A.D.


8 Gallery Walk As you learn about the Han Dynasty, fill out the appropriate row in the Golden Ages Graphic Organizer.

9 Exhibit C: Silk- A Valuable Product in China and Europe
Silk making video American Museum of Natural History Video on Silk Making

10 Exhibit D: Paper and Paper Making
Watch this Video Clip from China: The Dragon’s Ascent on the process and history of papermaking and Hello China’s Video on Chinese Paper.

11 Exhibit E: Compass Watch Hello China- Compass Video and Han Dynasty Compass videos and read the information below.  

12 Han dynasty Founder: Liu Bang
Han marked the height of ancient China’s power and wealth Existed at the same time as the Roman Empire Territories included Southeast Asia, northern Korea, southern Manchuria and Central Asia

13 Civil service examination --> Confucian texts as the base Trade
Frequent contact with Persia, India, and Rome Silk road: silk, spices, and ideas cultural diffusion Technology Lacquerware Cai Lun learned to make paper from cloth, rope and bark fibers in 105 A.D. Improvement in making iron tools and weapons Scientists deigned the first form of mapmaking


15 Decline of han dynasty Border attacks by barbarians
Economic inequality peasant revolts Rise of local rulers (warlords) The last Han emperor gave up his throne in 220 A.D. Han dynasty broke into three rival kingdoms



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