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Project budget, documentation,payments and reporting

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1 Project budget, documentation,payments and reporting
NORD PLUS Adult programme Project Nr. NPAD-2016/10040 Service design know-how for rural SMEs strengthening the link between adult learning and working life in rural SME local food sector Project budget, documentation,payments and reporting Project kick-off meeting, October 20, 2016

2 Budget line Project management, implementation and dissemination
Project budget Budget line Project management, implementation and dissemination LCTA –coordinator EUR 2000 OLUSTVERE – P1 EUR 1000 HANEN – P2 EUR 1000 This amount is supposed to cover: 1)administrative costs of coordinating and participating in a project, 2)costs of disseminating the results of the project, e.g. publication of reports and booklets, translation, creation of websites and organisation of (trans)national conferences, seminars and meetings. 3)extraordinary cost for external services(e.g. fees) may also be covered by this unit cost. The grant is a lump sum. The grant is calculated automatically per participating organisation when applying for a collaboration project. The coordinating institution is assigned a higher rate since greater administrative costs are envisaged in connection with the coordination of a project.

3 Budget line Transnational meetings
LCTA –coordinator EUR 2520 OLUSTVERE – P1 EUR 2520 HANEN – P2 EUR 1410 This amount is supposed to cover: 1) travel and subsistence for staff of participating institutions for meetings between project partners with a view to planning, follow-up and coordination of the project, 2) Other forms of meetings, e.g. network meetings, smaller seminars/courses with the participation of partners’ own staff/adult learners, etc. can also be covered by this unit cost. The unit costs are to cover both travel and subsistence and are based on the mobility rates for travel (between Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway, Sweden and Åland Islands EUR 630 per participant per meeting) Exchanges cancelled prior to departure due to illness etc. are not accepted as Force Majeure, as cancellation insurance should have been signed.

4 Budget line Development work
LCTA –coordinator EUR 6000 OLUSTVERE – P1 EUR 6000 HANEN – P EUR 17500 Include costs of preparation of educational products, which are relevant to stakeholders outside the partnership. It may include curricula, it tools, analyses,studies, open educational resources (OER), methods, etc. Work spent in connection to project participation in general cannot be covered by this cost, but may be covered by the unit cost of project management,implementation and dissemination of results. The calculation is based on flat rates per person per working day within three groups of countries and is independent of the actual salary (Latvia and Estonia-EUR 75 per day, Norway –EUR 250 per day) Budget shifts: beneficiaries may transfer up to 25% of allocated funds between the categories transnational project meeting and development work without prior approval from the programme administration. Note that the transfer may never result in an increase/decrease of more than a 25% of the existing category

5 Project documentation
The grants in Nordplus Adult are based on unit costs and all documentation is linked to the realisation of a given activity and not the actual cost incurred. It means that if activities are carried out as stated in the grant decision (e.g. in terms of number of participants in meetings, number of meetings, number of work days etc.), the partnership is entitled to the full grant regardless of the actual costs. Documentation of all realised activities from all involved parties must be collected by the coordinating organisation and kept for a minimum of five years after the final project report has been approved by the Nordplus administration. National Nordplus offices may carry out inspections, including financial audits

6 Documentation of project management, implementation and dissemination
The project beneficiary is entitled to the full grant amount in so far as the activities have been implemented and the outputs produced as approved by the programme administration. No specific documentation needed. Documentation of transnational project meetings The beneficiaries are entitled to the grant in so far as the all participants have participated in the transnational project meeting and undertaken the reported travels. Each transnational project meeting is documented by a declaration signed by the legal representative of receiving organisation specifying the name of the participant, the purpose of the activity, as well as its starting and end. Beneficiaries must be able to demonstrate a formal link between the participants of the meetings and the beneficiary organisations whether as staff or as learners.

7 Documentation of development work
The proof of time invested in development work is a time sheet per organisation, identifying the name of the staff member, the country, the dates and the total number of days of work of the staff member for the development of the product(s) certified by the legal representative of the organisation in question. The template is provided for use for this purpose. Furthermore, beneficiaries must be able to demonstrate a formal link between the staff member and the beneficiary organisation (such as type of employment contract, voluntary work, etc.). National Nordplus offices may carry out inspections, including financial audits

8 Project payments A pre-payment of 80% of the total grant is issued when the contract has been signed and a final payment of up to 20% is issued when the final project report has been approved.

9 Project reporting The final project report is divided into a financial and a narrative part. . Documentation of realised activities are not to be included in the report, but must be collected from all partners and kept within the coordinating organisation for at least 5 years after approval of the final report. Report must be submitted electronically via the Nordplus application and reporting system, Espresso.

10 Project reporting Project final report must be submitted within 30 days of the end of the contract period (until ) Partners submit their documentation to project coordinator (LCTA) not later than on September 11, 2017

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