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It will be his tutor. Faculty experiences with e-learning Prof. Dr. habil. Andrea Pető Associate Professor Department of Gender Studies.

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Presentation on theme: "It will be his tutor. Faculty experiences with e-learning Prof. Dr. habil. Andrea Pető Associate Professor Department of Gender Studies."— Presentation transcript:

1 It will be his tutor. Faculty experiences with e-learning Prof. Dr. habil. Andrea Pető Associate Professor Department of Gender Studies

2 Courses taught Qualitative Methods in Feminist Social Science Research Womens Oral History Gender and Politics Gender, Memory, Holocaust Historical Frames of Identity and Locating Womens Memories in History Textual Outlaws and Sisters in Crime. Feminist (Historical) Crime Fiction Women and Transnational Citizenship, Teaching Empires

3 E-learning as a tool of communication as a pedagogical and learning instrument as a research object

4 Contradictions Internet as a space of freedom vs. discursive space understanding of what teaching as a hierarchical process means

5 Bill Gates`s vision in The Road Ahead (1995) 195. When the information highway is in operation, the texts of millions of books will be available. A reader will be able to ask questions, print the text, read it on the screen, or even have I read in his choice of voices. He will be able to ask questions. It will be his tutor.

6 Forms of teaching in e-learning Individual learning Internet search, using e- learning and webpages for collecting information and for studying Additional teaching material from the Internet, off-line reading Community learning, communication supported by computer Chat, blogs, forums, etc A-synchronic communication, email, teaching management vs. time management

7 E learning Computer Based Learning Technology Based Learning Computer Aided Instruction Web Based Learning Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Distributed Learning

8 Learning possibilities Storing data (readings, additional teaching material, papers, reaction papers) processing information: study aids interactivity hypertex-links, hypermedia, associative learning multimedia- film, music, photographs (copyright issue) virtual reality: iconomania and artificially enhanced visual culture

9 Didactics Textbook becomes a series of software application: research library as a concept network of information: emailing learning script: software defines what and how should be learned forming a learning community: constructivist learning theory: knowledge is being built up by the student modular structure systematic design of instruction

10 Process of learning Two positions: process is not touched by the medium vs. medium influences the process NOW: blended-learning, mixed mode learning, dual mode curricula, distributed learning instructor: designing the process

11 Feminist Pedagogy Challenging authoritarian tradition: student as empty vessel dialogue not transmission reflexivity situated knowledge belief in praxis democratisation, negotiations, voice personal and social linked focusing on understanding

12 Aims Empowerment Reflexivity power: critical empirical epistemology participation, common production of knowledge community of interpretation Stanley Fish

13 E-learning -Advantages interactivity: threaded discussion, notes, chat transcript, search function, direct messages changing intellectual lives of students as members of global feminist world open dialogue, feedback, assessment focuses on value you get from participation combining familiarity and excitement constructing feminist cyber-community linking to feminist digital symbolic capital creating systems of knowledge

14 On-line learning Learning in a community: doing, belonging, experiencing, becoming students redefining themselves through process of learning, constructing meanings negotiated authority and power respects differences, different participation creates critical reflections on experiences aims to develop social capital on-line classroom supportive atmosphere challenging disciplines

15 Consequences Flexibility in learning forms students and teachers together risking a double exclusion from the established academic structure struggling with interdisciplinarity establishing community of learning

16 Cognitive development Instead of Traditional- development argument Survival of the fittest Arrow- pointing towards development Building- hierarchical, progress based on rationality Rather Feminist-innovative and interconnected Collaboration, mutual support, cooperation, multilinear networks

17 Socialization Addressing social implications of technology Social knowledge constructed External becomes internal through praxis Inequities: race, gender, class, age addressed memory has a milieu (Halbwachs)

18 References ICTs in Teaching Women`s Studies/ Perspectives and Practices in Europe. The use of new information and communication technologies on women`s studies teaching. Ed. by Sara Goodman, Gill Kirkup, Magda Michelsen. ATHENA, Universiteit Utrecht, Centre for Gender Studies Lund University, 2004. Pető, Andrea, Berteke Waaldijk Memories, Histories and Narratives: Teaching with Memories in Europe in Teaching with Memories. European Womens Histories in International and Interdisciplinary Classrooms. Eds. Andrea Pető, Berteke Waaldijk, Womens Studies Centre, University of Galway Press, 2006. pp. 21- 29.

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