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Compound Inequalities

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1 Compound Inequalities

2 What is a compound inequality
A compound in equality is two inequalities joined together by either the word “and” or “or” X < 2 or x > 7 Read as: “x is less than 2 or x is greater than 7” X > 3 and x < 8 Read as: “x is greater than 3 and x is less than 8” However we usually see “and” statements like this 5 < x < 10 Read as: “x is greater than 5 and less than 10”

3 Solving an OR problem Just solve the left side and then the right side
Graph both pieces on the number line 3x > or -4x > 20 Divide by 3 divide by -4 x > or x < -5 -5 4 The solutions are still where the arrows point.

4 Solving an AND problem 10 < 2x+4 < 28 You are trying to get x by itself So subtract 4 from ALL sides 6 < 2x < 24 Now divide ALL sides by 2 3 < x < 12 The final answer is: x is greater than 3 and less than 12

5 Graphing AND Statements
3 < x < 12 To graph: put the two numbers on the number line. Draw open or closed circles. Connect the circles with a line segment (no arrows)

6 The hard part And statements always have to be written in this format: smaller # < x< bigger # The inequality arrows always face this direction in the end. The smaller number is always on the left The bigger number is always on the right

7 The hard part (continued)
It becomes difficult when you divide by a negative. 8 < -2x ≤ 20 When you divide both sides by you have to flip the signs and get -4 > x ≥ -10 The problem is that this is no in the proper format so we have to switch everything back -10 ≤ x <-4 Note that the “same alligator” is eating the same number. I.e. Keep the equal sign with the same thing.

8 Practice Solve and Graph on a Number Line
2x + 5 > 13 or 3x + 5 < -13 14 ≤ 3x+5 ≤ 32

9 Answers to practice x > 4 or x < -6 -6 4 3 ≤ x ≤ 9 3 9

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