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Overview Review issues, equipment, training, operational limitations and performance requirements for issues regarding OpSpecs, MSpecs and LOAs Review.

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2 Overview Review issues, equipment, training, operational limitations and performance requirements for issues regarding OpSpecs, MSpecs and LOAs Review of course purpose Review of course agenda Review of course reference materials

3 Objectives Describe issues, equipment, training, operational limitations and performance requirements for issues regarding OpSpecs, MSpecs and LOA Describe the purpose of the course Identify the course agenda Identify course reference materials

4 Exercise: Part 91 Operations

5 Exercise: Part 135 Operations Exercise: FMS Workshop

6 Exercise: Part 135 Operations, cont.
Q. How will the lack of A056 Data Link Communications affect operations in NAT HLA? A. The operator will not be permitted in the areas implementing the Data Link Mandate and any applicable trials such as the Reduced Longitudinal and Reduced Lateral Separation Minima.

7 Exercise: Part 135 Operations, cont.
Q. What validation requirements are for this request per Order Vol. 3, Ch. 29 Sec. 8? A. The validation table at the end of this section states the requirement for a tabletop and NAT HLA flights. This validation is scheduled with an SAO specialist after the operator’s IOM or procedures are acceptable.

8 Course Purpose Know when to contact a SAO Specialist
Help you gain familiarity with CNS requirements and technologies for different SAOs so you know when authorizations are issued contrary to guidance

9 Course Purpose, cont. The course was developed due to:
No structured oceanic and international training for ASIs responsible for issuing SAO authorizations National Reviews of LOAs revealed some authorizations issued contrary to FAA guidance The need to reinforce references requiring an SAO Specialist to be contacted

10 Course Agenda Lesson 1: Course Overview
Lesson 2: ICAO Guidance Material Lesson 3: FAA Regulations, Orders and Guidance Material Lesson 4: Basics of Navigation Lesson 5: Planning and Implementation Regional Groups

11 Course Agenda, cont. Lesson 6: Oceanic and International Operations Resources Lesson 7: SAOs Lesson 8: Operational Control Lesson 9: International Flight Planning Factors Lesson 10: International Flight Plans

12 Course Agenda, cont. Lesson 11: ETP Lesson 12: Weather Information
Lesson 13: International Fuel Standards Lesson 14: ETOPS Lesson 15: Performance-Based Requirements

13 Course Agenda, cont. Lesson 16: Data Link
Lesson 17: Oceanic Checklist and SLOP Lesson 18: Plotting Charts Lesson 19: En Route Contingency Procedures Lesson 20: Oceanic Errors

14 Course Agenda, cont. Lesson 21: Proving/Validation Tests and Certification Process Lesson 22: OpSpecs/MSpecs/LOAs Lesson 23: Current and Future Initiatives for Oceanic Operations Lesson 24: Course Summary

15 Reference Materials

16 Assessment

17 Review Review issues, equipment, training, operational limitations and performance requirements for issues regarding OpSpecs, MSpecs and LOAs. Review of course purpose Review of course agenda Review of course reference materials

18 Objectives Describe issues, equipment, training, operational limitations and performance requirements for issues regarding OpSpecs, MSpecs and LOAs Describe the purpose of the course Identify the course agenda Identify course reference materials

19 Questions?

20 Thank you for attending the Oceanic and International Operations course.

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