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Performing CS Research

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Presentation on theme: "Performing CS Research"— Presentation transcript:

1 Performing CS Research
Margaret H. Dunham Department of Computer Science and Engineering Southern Methodist University 2/13/07 SMU/CSECSE

2 Outline How to do research References/Citations Plagiarism
Miscellaneous Issues Reading a research article Authoring a paper 2/13/07 SMU/CSECSE

3 Web Resources Google Research Index
2/13/07 SMU/CSECSE

4 Professional Organizations
IEEE CS ACM Online Bibliographies ACM/SIGMOD DBLP 2/13/07 SMU/CSECSE

5 SMU Libraries PONI Express Online Resources Interlibrary Loan
Online Resources Interlibrary Loan Links from SMU CUL 2/13/07 SMU/CSECSE

6 Other Resources Computing Reviews ACM Computing Surveys
ACM Computing Surveys Science Citation Index 2/13/07 SMU/CSECSE

7 Search Strategies Keyword Author Title Citations Precision vs. Recall
Be careful! Exact phrase Full text vs title vs abstract Each techniques searches from a different set 2/13/07 SMU/CSECSE

8 References Use reference to direct to literature
Use reference if the idea is not your own Use quotes and citation if you actually used the exact words Don’t forget to use citations on figures and tables 2/13/07 SMU/CSECSE

9 Reference Format Include all information necessary to find article and give complete credit Exact format varies from publication to publication IEEE format for references Citing Web resources 2/13/07 SMU/CSECSE

10 Plagiarism “to take (ideas, writings, etc.) from (another) and pass them off as one’s own.” 1 1Webster’s New World College Dictionary Fourth Edition, Michael Agnes Editor in Chief, 2001, IDG Books World wide, Inc, Foster City, California. 2/13/07 SMU/CSECSE

11 Plagiarism So, How much is plagiarism? What’s wrong with plagiarism?
What happens if you plagiarize? SMU Honor Code On Being A Scientist: Responsible Conduct In Research When in Doubt - CITE 2/13/07 SMU/CSECSE

12 Reading an Article Forest or Trees Do you need to read it in detail?
Why are you reading it? What will you remember? 2/13/07 SMU/CSECSE

13 Authoring a Paper Whom to Include as author
Include only someone who actually contributed to the paper NEVER include someone without their knowledge NEVER include someone who did not work on paper Ordering Depends on discipline and location Normally in CS: order is based on degree of contribution Include acknowledgements where appropriate 2/13/07 SMU/CSECSE

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