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Virtual Tour of MD Curriculum Class of 2022

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1 Virtual Tour of MD Curriculum Class of 2022
Richard Riley, Ph.D. Associate Dean for Pre-Clinical Curriculum

2 UMMSM MD Program Welcome MD Class of 2022!
We are so very pleased that you have chosen the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and look forward to working with you to achieve your goals. In this powerpoint, we will provide a brief summary of the “high points” of the curriculum for the MS-1 year as well as an overall view of the medical curriculum for the MD program.

3 The educational mission of the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine is to graduate physicians with the ability and commitment to improve the health of all populations through their leadership in patient care, research, education, and the community. Updated March 2016, Ratified June 2016

4 After completing the educational program for the MD degree, our graduates will demonstrate:
1. Biomedical and behavioral science knowledge appropriate for the practice of clinical medicine by all physicians; 2. Clinical skills proficiency, including eliciting a medical history, performing a complete physical examination, oral presentation and written documentation of patient cases, and basic technical procedures; 3. Application of knowledge and skills to clinical decision making and the practice of medicine, including formulating differential diagnoses, and a diagnostic and therapeutic plan; 4. Preventive medicine and population health knowledge and skills, including the ability to identify persons/populations at risk for common and important health problems and to apply appropriate preventive measures, including screening, health education, and other forms of risk reduction; 5. Critical assessment of biomedical literature and evidence-based management of health problems For Review - UMMSM’s Institutional Educational Objectives, revised, updated and approved by the faculty in March 2016. Institutional Educational Objectives, Updated March 2016 4

5 After completing the educational program for the MD degree, our graduates will demonstrate:
6. Self-directed, life-long learning skills, including the recognition of personal educational needs, use of appropriate learning resources and evaluation of progress; 7. Professionalism including the demonstration of responsibility, empathy, reflective practice, cultural humility, and adherence to ethical principles; 8. Communication skills, with patients, families, colleagues, and health care personnel; 9. Interprofessional skills as a collaborative member of the healthcare team; 10. Understanding of the role and responsibility of the physician as a leader in the healthcare delivery system and in society. Institutional Educational Objectives, Updated March 2016 5

6 The First and Second Years: The MD curriculum begins with the Basic Science Core, a set of 4 integrated courses designed to instruct in the foundations of basic science principles in the disciplines of biochemistry, embryology, histology, genetics, anatomy, biophysics, immunology, microbiology, pharmacology, and pathology needed to understand both normal and pathologic organ system functions and disease. The Basic Science Core courses are followed by organ system specific courses; this occurs in the second semester of the MS-1 year and comprise the medical courses in the MS-2 year. In parallel with the Basic Science Core/Organ System courses in the MS-1 and MS-2 years is instruction in clinical skills and participation in clinical experiences. These aims are met via the Doctoring courses. New this year are 2 Problem Based Learning modules in the MS1 year, each a week long, which will serve to promote self-directed learning, communication and presentation skills, and integrate the foundational science courses—all within a clinical framework. The Third and Fourth Years: The clerkship years of the MD curriculum focus on core, required, and elective experiences in the clinical disciplines. Several “maps” of the medical curriculum follow, with emphasis on the MS-1 and MS-2 courses. Also, opportunities for assessment of competencies and preparation for USMLE Step 1 are highlighted.

7 Teaching in the MD Curriculum
Lectures Small Group (Problem-based learning) Clinical Experiences (Doctoring) Independent Study

8 UMMSM CURRICULUM (MD) Embryology Histology Gross Anatomy Doctoring I 
Aug Oct Nov Jan Feb/Mar Apr/May June Year 1 Organ System Modules  Core Modules  Host Defenses Pathogen & Pathology (8 weeks) Winter Break Cellular Function & Regu-lation (4 weeks) Molecular Basis of Life Human Structure Neuroscience & Behavioral Science ( 8 weeks) Competency Cardio-vascular System Competency Assessment Week Orientation Spring Break Doctoring II Vacation Medical Genetics Biochemistry Cell Biology PBL PBL P B L P B L Cellular Biophysics Intro to Pharmacology Doctoring III  Doctoring IV  Year 2 Aug Sept/Oct Nov/Dec J an Feb Mar Apr May Respiratory System (5 weeks) Renal System GI & Nutrition Epidemiology (concurrent w/ CVS) Derm-Ophtho (2 weeks) Inflam/DI CBL (4 weeks) Heme -Onc (4 Weeks) Endocrine & Repro System PBL Orientation Winter Break P B L Spring Break Competency Assessment Week USMLE Preparation Immunology Microbiology Intro to Pathology Doctoring Courses Clinical Skills Communication Skills Health Informatics & Info Ethics/ Professionalism Geriatrics/Palliative/ Pain Population Health Special Populations Patient Safety/QI Systems Based Care Epi 2 Doctoring Fdn Onc Core Clerkships IM weeks Surgery weeks OB/GYN weeks Psychiatry weeks Pediatrics weeks Electives weeks GPC weeks Family Med 4 weeks Year 3 Orientation Core Clerkships (8, 6 or 4 weeks) Patient Safety Transition to Wards Winter Break June June OSCEs Problem Based Learning Infection & Inflammation Rheumatology Infectious Diseases Required clerkship/Electives Subinternship A 4 weeks Subinternship B 4 weeks Geriatrics 4 weeks EMed weeks Radiology weeks Neurology weeks Anesthesia weeks Electives 14 weeks Externships up to 12 weeks Required Clerkship/Electives Orientation Winter Break Year 4 Graduation June May

9 First Semester- MS 1 Year Introduction to Pathology
Disciplines Courses Gross Anatomy Embryology Cell Biology Histology Human Structure (8 weeks) Doctoring I Molecular Basis of Life (4 weeks) Biochemistry Genetics Host Defense, Pathogens & Pathology (6 weeks) Immunobiology Microbiology Introduction to Pathology PBL (1 week)

10 Second Semester- MS 1 Year
Courses Disciplines Cellular Function and Regulation (4 weeks) Doctoring II Introduction Pharmacology & Physiology Cardiovascular System Epidemiology 1 (7 weeks) PBL (1 week) Spring Break Neuroscience & Behavioral Science (8 weeks) Competency Assessment

11 MD MS 2 Year Doctoring III Doctoring IV First Semester Second Semester
Dermatology/Ophthalmology Doctoring III Case Based Learning: Infection & Inflammation (4 weeks) Doctoring IV Gastroenterology and Nutrition (5 weeks) Endocrinology & Reproductive Systems (5 weeks) Problem Based Learning (1 week) Problem Based Learning (1 week) Epidemiology 2/Fundamentals Oncology (2 weeks) Hematology & Oncology (4 weeks) Renal System ( 5 weeks) Spring Break (1 week) Problem Based Learning (1 week) Doctoring (1 week) Problem Based Learning (1 week) Comprehensive Competency Assessment Week Respiratory System ( 5 weeks) USMLE Preparation

12 Case Based Learning: Infection & Inflammation
Four weeks Small Group Interactive Learning Complementary Lectures Focused on Infectious Diseases & Rheumatology

13 Problem Based Learning
Two week-long intersessions in MS1; four week-long intersessions in MS2 Integrate basic and clinical sciences (MS1); integrate across organ systems (MS2) Revisit important content areas and preview new content areas Self-directed study and peer teaching Case presentations Paired with thematic Doctoring content

14 Doctoring Courses Longitudinal Themes
Clinical Skills Complementary and Alternative Medicine Health Informatics and Health Information Geriatrics, Pain Management, and Palliative Care Population Health Professionalism, Ethics, and Legal Medicine Special Populations/Behavioral Medicine Systems-Based Care

15 Getting Ready for USMLE Step 1: Summary of NBME Exams
Blueprint Exams: Customized exams-prep for Step 1 (MS-1, Feb; MS-2 Apr/May) Comprehensive Basic Science Exam: Large (200 question) non-customized exams- prep for Step 1 (MS-2 only; May)

16 Comprehensive Competency Assessment
Week long assessment at end of years 1 & 2 Structured evaluations Reflection and review Learning/Professional Development Plans Meet with faculty mentor Objective Structured Clinical Examinations at end of year 3


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