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Quick updates January 2018
RIMPs are being implemented
TGRG Diagnostic Status for all K-3 students should now be in ODE’s Scholarship System RIMPs are being implemented By now you know who has not earned a promotion score on either the first state grade 3 ELA test or on the alternate test TGRG Goal All students required to earn a promotion score will earn a promotion on either the state’s test or an alternate test by the end of the school year. State Family Reports arrive January 22
Prepare for OELPA Prepare for AA Additional Order window opens Jan 25
Preid file K and 1 paper pieces must be ordered Testing starts Feb 25 Prepare for AA Testing starts February 20
Preparing for IOWA E January 2018
pre-id Labels
Overview for creating pre-id labels
Locate two forms Transmittal Form/Barcode Form/Order Form Barcode Template/Pre-Id Template Locate both Download both Complete both Upload both Labels shipped in two weeks
Locate the two required forms
Click 1 - Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Scoring Services Click 2 - Scroll to bottom of page and click link – “For information on and tools for ordering HMH's Barcode Services, please click here.” Click 3 – Click open 3rd folder– Folder - For Test Forms Iowa EF, CogAT 7, and Logramos 3rd Edition Users Click 4 – Click the word Download in upper right corner and all 3 documents will download to your computer in a zipped file. Click 5 – Save the file. Click 6 – Click it (right click it) to unzip it. A new folder is created. Click 7 – Open the folder. There should be 3 files in it. Barcode Form – Barcode Order Form – Transmittal form Barcode Ordering Guide Barcode Template
Click 1 Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Scoring Services
Click 2
Click 3
Click 4
Try it Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Scoring Services
Complete Barcode Template File
Click 9 – Open the Barcode Template file. Complete one row for each student to be tested. The Middle Name field is optional. Complete only up to the 7th or G column You should be able to easily copy student records from your own student management files and paste them into this spreadsheet. You can also start by copying information from last year’s template file. Date Format –MM/DD/YYYY Grade Format – 00,01,02,03,04,05,06,07,08 Gender Format – F,M Click 10 – Save the file with the name - buildingname_AOC_2018_students
Sample barcode/pre-id file
Complete the barcode form
Click 11 – Open the Barcode Form file
SAMPLE Section 1: Type in the form the contact name, phone number, address school name, school address, address and purchase order number- if you have it. SAMPLE
SAMPLE Section 2: Select the first option.
SAMPLE Section 3: Select the second option.
SAMPLE Section 4: In rows 1 and 2 enter a check for each grade taking each grade level test - Iowa Assessment (IOWA E™) and/or the Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT®). In row 4 enter the total number of students per grade. In row 5 enter the total number of labels needed per student. If you are testing grades K-2 with the Iowa Assessment and a Cognitive Abilities Test you will need two labels for each tested student. There is a separate test booklet for each test. If you are testing grades K-2 with only with the Iowa Assessment or the Cognitive Abilities Test you will need one label. Grades 3 – 8 students will be using only one answer document and, therefore, will need one label regardless if testing only IOWA or both IOWA and CogAT.
Section 5: Indicate fields to be read from pre-id labels: Student Name, Date of Birth, Gender, Grade, School/Building Name Click 11 - Save the form with the name - buildingname_AOC_2018_transmittal form
Upload the two Barcode files
Log in to the secure FTP site Click FTP Site Upload Link Once you have successfully logged in, you will be in your home directory where you will see 3 folders barcode datamanager processed
Uploading your Barcode files
The barcode folder is where schools post their Barcode files (Barcode Form and data file) if they are ordering barcode labels. The datamanager folder is where schools post DataManager data files (Location, Staff, Student) for online testing. The processed folder is for HMH use only.
Uploading your Barcode files
Click on the barcode folder. Once you are in the barcode folder, click the Upload button. Select the Browse buttons to choose your Barcode Form and Student Pre-ID File to upload to your secure FTP account. Once you have selected your files, click on the Upload button. That’s it. Your Barcode files have been securely transferred to HMH. The server will confirm this by flashing a message on your screen stating Success - file upload completed successfully. You will also see your files present in the barcode folder.
Click 13 –
Click 14
Click 15
Click 16 & 17 & 18
Try it File Transfer Protocol Site (FTP) Site
Uploading your Barcode files
The server notifies HMH/Data Integration team each time you post a file so we can begin working with your data files. When ordering labels, the Barcode Form and data file are time-critical as HMH needs to have time to create and ship the Barcode labels. You also need to plan sufficient time for you or your staff to apply the Barcode labels to your answer documents. Remember that both the Barcode Form and data file are needed to complete your order.
Help with your ftp site If you are unable to connect to the secure FTP server, call HMH Support at and choose option 3.
Barcode/Pre-Id Labels should be sent within two weeks.
General testing information
Testing window The IOWA E testing window is March 5 through March 16.
Plan your testing week and make-up week Make-ups can be completed through March 21 All scoreable documents MUST be shipped by March 22. Tests should be administered in order except during make-ups. The CogAT administration for grades 2 & 5 should be completed after subject tests are completed. All CogAT scoreable materials MUST be included in the March 23 shipment. Only K-2 students have separate CogAT booklets to be scored. All IOWA and CogAT 3-8 answer sheets are included in the one student answer document.
Testing manuals Distribute 3-8 teacher manuals 2 weeks in advance of testing. Distribute K-3 teacher manuals at testing time. Each test has specific time allocations that must be followed. See page 2 of the TM or the IOWA Blue Book. Manuals are divided into 3 parts Preparing for Testing Administering the Test Preparing for Scoring
Test Security At all times tests must be kept secure.
Teachers must not have access to test booklets expect during the administration week. It is advisable to distribute test materials in the same manner as with state testing. Teachers/test administrators must be instructed in proper test administration. Teachers may not provide content assistance during testing. If you have used the Test Administrator’s Security Agreement with each test administrator, this provides documentation that each test administrator has a basic understanding of test security in the classroom.
Room preparation Instructional material that may provide student assistance during testing must be covered up or removed.
Calculator usage There are three subtests pertaining to mathematics: Mathematics: Part I, Mathematics: Part II, and Computation. Calculators are not to be used on the Computation subtest. For grades 3, 4, and 5 calculators may be used on Mathematics: Part I and Mathematics: Part II if there is appropriate accommodation documentation on file for the student. For grades 6, 7, and 8 calculators may be used on Mathematics: Part I and Mathematics: Part II if they are used for instruction in class. Calculators are used on Ohio state tests by all students starting at grade 6 on calculator test sessions. Grades Part I Part II Computation 3-5 Only if IEP Never 6-8 OK
Participation exemptions
Students in grades 3-7 are required to participate in the Iowa Form E test administration. Students in grades 2 & 5 are required to participate in the CogAt administration. Students who qualify for Ohio’s alternate assessment and have this documented in their ISP may be exempt from participation.
Accommodations Students may receive accommodations during the IOWA and CogAT® tests only if there is a written plan (ISP or School Service Plan) specifying those accommodations, and the student receives the same accommodations typically during classroom instruction. The delivery of test accommodations may need to be scheduled around regular testing but all tests must be completed no later than the day before the ship date. Accommodation decisions are made by the ISP team at team meetings and should not be made at the time of testing to avoid any administration errors or misunderstandings at the time of testing. Accommodations must be typically afforded the student in the classroom for classroom- and school- wide tests. Accommodations cannot change the content or structure of the test. Accommodations cannot change what the test is intended to measure. Accommodations cannot change or enhance the student’s response.
Accommodations Refer to Ohio’s accommodation manual for guidance. Apply these guidelines to other testing when possible.
Read aloud Accommodation
On non-state tests like IOWA there can be differences in accommodations. READ ALOUD for ELA State – heavy restricted, TA reads everything on the test including passages, qualifying student must be very limited in reading ability IOWA – not heavily restricted, TA reads only test items and questions but NOT passages, ISP/School Accommodation Plan must note IOWA read aloud for ELA READ ALOUD for Mathematics, Science & Social Studies State – accessibility feature that is available for all students, school may or may not allow (online test default is ON but school may turn OFF) IOWA – not heavily restricted, ISP/School Accommodation Plan must note IOWA read aloud by subject – NOT an ACCESSIBLITY FEATURE as it is on state tests. This is ONLY an accommodation available to ISP/School Accommodation Plan students.
Read aloud Accommodation
The IOWA read aloud accommodation needs to be noted in the ISP/School Accommodation Plan by subject. When is this accommodation appropriate? If a student’s ready ability is NOT low enough to qualify the student for the state’s ELA read aloud BUT the student still is being provided this accommodation for classroom instruction and assessments then this accommodation is allowable for the IOWA. In other words, the read aloud accommodation is typically afforded the student in the classroom for classroom- and school-wide tests even though he does not qualify for a read aloud on a state ELA test.
How to complete the iowa answer sheets
Students with a pre-id label should have his/her label placed on answer document in the identified area of the answer document For ALL STUDENTS, ethnicity/race and Form E MUST be bubbled. For ALL STUDENTS, in Column A enter the grade the student first enrolled in your school. Use 0 for Kindergarten. If applicable for the student, programs and test administrator use only MUST be bubbled.
For a student without a pre-id label, the student’s last name, first name, date-of-birth, and gender MUST be coded and bubbled For ALL STUDENTS, ethnicity/race and Form E MUST be bubbled. For ALL STUDENTS, in Column A enter the grade the student first enrolled in your school. Use 0 for Kindergarten. If applicable for the student, programs and test administrator use only MUST be bubbled.
Programs Column A Column B Location of Code Codes & Definitions
Programs Bubble in the IEP circle if the child has an ISP. Bubble in the 504 circle if the child has a School Service Plan. Bubble in the ELL circle if the child is an English Language Learner. Bubble in the F/RL = Free/Reduced Lunch Does not apply leave blank Test Administrator Use Only Code Bubble A if the student received extended time Bubble G if the student received a read aloud. Bubble K if the student received an accommodation other than extended time or read aloud. Test Administrator Use Only Column A Grade the student started at school Column B 1 – Ed Choice Scholarship 2 – Jon Peterson Scholarship 3 – Autism Scholarship Column C 1 – if student receives Individual Service Plan (ISP) testing accommodations(s) 2 – if student receives school accommodation plan testing accommodation(s) 3 – if student receives ELL testing accommodations 4 - if student receives both Individual Service Plan and ELL testing accommodations 5 – if student receives both school accommodation plan and ELL testing accommodations
How to package materials for return
Lock up all test booklets until next year
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