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Advancing Australia Macedonia Economic Relations

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1 Advancing Australia Macedonia Economic Relations
Ordan Andreevski UMD Australia

2 United Macedonian Diaspora   “Creating Social Value, Promoting Unity and Partnerships”
Building a United, Influential and Sustainable Macedonian Diaspora Healthy, resilient, educated, connected, prosperous and influential Macedonian diasporas are essential for achieving better social, economic and political outcomes World wide web of ideas, innovation, influence and collective impact.

3 Strategic Planning Adds value to Macedonian diaspora
Guiding Principles: Delivering better social, economic and political outcomes for Australia and Macedonia through research, community capacity building, advocacy and innovation We value stakeholders, collaboration and social impact Shared community responsibility for contributing to a better future for the Macedonian diaspora in home and host society

4 UMD’s Vision and Mission
Leading international civil society organisation addressing the interests and needs of Macedonians and Macedonian communities throughout the world. to unite and enhance the capabilities of the diaspora and host societies to achieve its full potential Republic of Macedonia will be secure and prosperous through democracy, the rule of law, continuous innovation and partnerships with the diaspora and its social, business and political networks across the world.  

5 UMD’s Objectives Secure the civil rights of Macedonians around the world including the occupied parts of Macedonia Strengthen the unity among the Macedonian diaspora and develop strong links with Australia Act with and on behalf of members and supporters before governmental and international bodies Cooperate with the world community, promote the universal ideas of peace, freedom, self-determination and equality.

6 Our Approach Act as a responsible, evidence based, pro-active and diplomatic grass roots community organisation. Provide fresh ideas, solutions and advocacy on the most important issues facing the diaspora, Australia and Macedonia

7 Strategic Directions and Priorities
Add value to Members Add value to Macedonian Diaspora Organisations Advance Australia -Macedonia Relations Engage with Governments, Parliaments & Policy Makers Connect with Corporations, Media, Philanthropy Partner with Universities, Think Tanks, Civil Society Organisations and the media Collaborate with all friendly diasporas in Australia

8 Promote Trade and Investment
Build the profile and support base in Australia Focus on high impact economic development programs and projects Provide opportunities for meaningful engagement with business, government and media Cooperate with Melbourne Business School

9 Key Achievements of UMD Australia
UMD has worked to inform, influence and elevate the quality of national, parliamentary and policy debate on key issues facing the Macedonian diaspora, Australia and Macedonia Unite the community around key issues. Organised ‘Invest in Macedonia’ Forum at Melbourne Business School in 2007 as part of the visit to Australia by Minister Gligor Tashkovich In 2009, Inaugural Forum at Parliament House Canberra to discuss Roadmap for Closer Relations Between RM and Australia in Canberra Completed Diasporas in Australia ARC Linkage Project 2012 Work with Australia Macedonia Parliamentary Friendship Group Nurture close ties with key stakeholders in Australia, Macedonia and globally.

10 Key Achievements UMD President’s Speaking Tour of Australia/NZ Feb 2010 ARC Linkage Project involving VU, UMD & MMFA: In Sept ‘Survey of the Australian Macedonian Community and Links with Macedonia’ 1065 Responses Official launch of UMD in WA in Nov & appointment of Dame Krcoski as RR Government and Parliamentary Relations ongoing Submissions to: Independent Review of Australian Aid Effectiveness (Feb.11) and The Inquiry into Multiculturalism (May 2011) and the Inquiry Into the Charter of Human Rights & Responsibilities Act (June 2011) and the Inquiry into Australia’s Overseas Diplomatic Representation (Nov. 2011) Series of opinion pieces in Australia Macedonia Relations in On Line Opinion Macedonian Food Festival in Perth Appointment of Rob Pasquale as Treasurer and Martin Nikoloski as UMD Rep. for the ACT (May 2011) Work for the establishment of a NSW Macedonia Parliamentary Friendship Group (July 2011) Campaign on Macedonian Identity & Ancestry as part of the 2011 and 2016 Australian Census Annual meetings with Australia-Macedonia Parliamentary Friendship Group Supported the Celebration of 20th and 25the Anniversary of Macedonia’s Independence and AUSTRALIA DAY CELEBRATIONs in MACEDONIA Sent a DVD of a Name is a Name to over 100 federal ministers, MPs and senators on 8 Sept. 2011 UMD Diplomatic Marathon in lead up to CHOGM 2011; Sponsorship of Macedonian Film Festival UMD WA Launch Campaign for Australia to Recognise Macedonia’s Constitutional Name Official opening of UMD operations in NSW & appointment of Tony Joseski GENERATION M Youth Program, BIRTHPLACE MACEDONIA; FLOOD RELIEF 2016

11 Accomplishments Completion of landmark research report on the Macedonian Diaspora in Australia and Links with the Homeland Publication of Inquiry into Australia’s Overseas Representation which called on Australia to recognise Macedonia under its constitutional name and to open and Embassy in Macedonia Appointment of UMD Representative in Aegean Macedonia i.e. Evgenija Natsolidou


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