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Rapid Commerce Publicis.Sapient

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1 Rapid Commerce Publicis.Sapient
Quickly shift your retail business into high gear with a cloud-based, microservices accelerator

2 Evolve as fast as your customers
Delivering the agility, measurability and flexibility modern retailers demand as they move towards innovative, responsive and personalized commerce platforms. Challenges Ideal Solution Desired Outcomes 54% of all sales are influenced by digital shopping experiences.1 Yet, many retailers struggle to stay ahead of the latest consumer platforms, leverage cloud platforms, and deliver personalization powered by machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI). The ideal solution is a flexible, modular system that leverages cloud, data and the latest development methodologies including DevOps and microservices. Rapid Commerce is the first fully cloud-native, microservices and “headless” architecture-based digital commerce platform accelerator. Enrich customer experiences by applying insights gained from robust data and analytics, and deliver personalized offers and promotions through a highly-responsive, scalable platform. 1 Source: Forrester

3 Publicis.Sapient’s Rapid Commerce
Provides the speed, flexibility and innovation to help modern retailers drive personalized, intelligence-driven customer experiences on a responsive, scalable platform. Better Customer Experiences Cognitive Commerce Enabled Azure Cloud Integration The microservices, headless architecture enables quick upgrades to the latest platforms Enables easy integration of mobile-first approaches and conversational commerce Deep integration of machine learning and AI technologies Embedded data optimization within purchase path, personalization and product ranking Native Azure cloud platform enables high availability and scalability to meet peak and promotional events

4 Rapid Commerce: Approach
Includes services to help align, assess, pilot and recommend the best solution for your retail business. We leverage practical experience, tools and templates to evaluate your business requirements, and deliver a recommended pilot solution in eight weeks. Align Assess Pilot Recommend Develop and recommend the target-state architecture Create a Rapid Commerce pilot using your catalog data and images Demo the pilot Share the phased program plan with a phased approach Provide budgetary guidance Define overall vision and goals Conduct workshop(s) and working sessions with business team to understand required capabilities Assess the current implementation for evolution towards the desired future-state architecture

5 Rapid Commerce We take into account your specific challenges and opportunities to form the basis for your Rapid Commerce solution and implementation approach. By assessing customer experience, business capability, technology enablement, and execution aspects of your project, we can help you create sustained customer value, reinforce relationships across business activities, and support capabilities/tools that yield meaningful value and outcomes including: Faster platform conversion Reduced total cost of ownership (TCO) Improved deliverables through experimentation Better control of data Measurable results

6 Bring the power of a modern architecture + the cloud to meet the needs of your customers today
For more information, contact: Jon Panella Phone:

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