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Parent-Child Relationships

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Presentation on theme: "Parent-Child Relationships"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent-Child Relationships

2 Serious Life Questions
Do you plan to have children? Why or why not? How many do you plan to have? What influences your decision to have children and the # you will have? Do you see an increase or decrease in births for your generation?

3 Why do we choose to have children?
Emotional Reasons Religious/Cultural Economic (in past) Social Pressure *be aware that some choose not to have children by choice (childless by choice)*

4 The Birth Rate Chart

5 Issues around Fertility
Delayed Parenting – Why are we having children later? Education Cohabitation Later Marriage Fertility Problems Women in workforce and career Individualism

6 Issues in Fertility Birth Control and Contraceptives
Teen Birth Rates Dropping Delayed Child Birth Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Technology and Childbirth Assisted Human Reproduction

7 Rights in Canada Payment of compensation to a surrogate is prohibited. Surrogacy is legal in Canada Purchase of gametes from a sperm donor, an ovum donor or an embryo donor is a prohibited activity unless through a fertility clinic that is approved. Egg donation is not illegal in Canada but needs to be legally set up through a clinic. Several of Ontario, but not all, are open to third party reproductive technology. However, there is a very legal process OHIP covers 1 round of in vitro fertilization

8 Fertility/Pre-Natal Options
ART in the US/Canada has more than doubled since ten years ago. Look up the following terms online and be prepared to discuss Wednesday: Invitro Fertiliztion (IVF) IVF with Sperm Injection (ICSI) Intrauterine Insemintation (IUI) Sex Selection (USA) Surrogacy Cryopreservation (Freezing eggs and Embryos) Fertility Medications Pre-Genetic Screening Pre-Genetic Diagnosis

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