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Early Rome Aeneas –Trojan Romulus and Remus.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Rome Aeneas –Trojan Romulus and Remus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Rome Aeneas –Trojan Romulus and Remus

2 Roman Class system Plebeians-poor Patricians-richer

3 Roman Republic Citizens Voted for Government Officials Senate Consul

4 Roman Expansion Expand from City
Take control of Italy through alliances

5 Punic Wars Rome vs. Carthage 2 Wars Hannibal

6 Pyrrhus Invasion Invades Rome Greek King Hopes to help Greek Colonies

7 Invasion of Greece Sulla Gain Greece and Macedonia

8 Invasion of France Julius Caesar Defeats Gaul's

9 Roman Empire Civil War (Caesar vs. Pompey)
Julius Caesar first Emperor of Rome


11 Expanding the Empire North to Britain Hadrians Wall


13 Empire Splits Western Roman Empire Eastern Roman Empire
Later Collapses

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