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Guidance for practitioners

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1 Guidance for practitioners
This includes the activities featured in the booklet and some others that were created which we hope you also give a try and enjoy. Notes are added to give extra advice/explanation

2 WHO ? WHO supports Use the clues to work out who it may or may not be
The booklet contains 3 clues – to decide who is supporting which athlete – use the clues to eliminate other players. The example given above is different to allow children to still use the booklet

3 WHO ? WHO supports Morven supports an athlete who:
has an athlete number less than 500 The booklet contains 3 clues – to decide who is supporting which athlete – use the clues to eliminate other players. The example given above is different to allow children to still use the booklet

4 WHO ? WHO supports Morven supports an athlete who:
has an athlete number less than 500 The booklet contains 3 clues – to decide who is supporting which athlete – use the clues to eliminate other players. The example given above is different to allow children to still use the booklet

5 WHO ? WHO supports Morven supports an athlete who:
has an athlete number less than 500 Has a flag with an axis of symmetry The booklet contains 3 clues – to decide who is supporting which athlete – use the clues to eliminate other players. The example given above is different to allow children to still use the booklet

6 WHO ? WHO supports Morven supports an athlete who:
has an athlete number less than 500 Has a flag with an axis of symmetry The booklet contains 3 clues – to decide who is supporting which athlete – use the clues to eliminate other players. The example given above is different to allow children to still use the booklet

7 WHO ? WHO supports Morven supports an athlete who:
has an athlete number less than 500 Has a flag with an axis of symmetry Has a birthday in the first half of the year The booklet contains 3 clues – to decide who is supporting which athlete – use the clues to eliminate other players. The example given above is different to allow children to still use the booklet

8 WHO ? WHO supports Morven supports an athlete who:
has an athlete number less than 500 Has a flag with an axis of symmetry Has a birthday in the first half of the year The booklet contains 3 clues – to decide who is supporting which athlete – use the clues to eliminate other players. The example given above is different to allow children to still use the booklet

9 WHO ? WHO supports Morven supports an athlete who:
has an athlete number less than 500 Has a flag with an axis of symmetry Has a birthday in the first half of the year is the same height as another athlete The booklet contains 3 clues – to decide who is supporting which athlete – use the clues to eliminate other players. The example given above is different to allow children to still use the booklet

10 WHO ? WHO supports Morven supports an athlete who:
has an athlete number less than 500 Has a flag with an axis of symmetry Has a birthday in the first half of the year is the same height as another athlete The booklet contains 3 clues – to decide who is supporting which athlete – use the clues to eliminate other players. The example given above is different to allow children to still use the booklet Morven is supporting Joris Daudet.

11 WHO ? WHO supports Now it is your turn.
The booklet contains 3 clues – to decide who is supporting which athlete – use the clues to eliminate other players. The example given above is different to allow children to still use the booklet Now it is your turn. Create a set of clues that lead to one person … or perhaps two.

12 The booklet contains 3 clues – to decide who is supporting which athlete – use the clues to eliminate other players. The example given above is different to allow children to still use the booklet

13 Create Your Own TRIATHLON
You may be too young to compete at the GLASGOW 2018 championships—but that does not mean you can’t be developing your fitness and skills to become a future star. Why not get planning and create your own class Triathlon! You will need to decide on 3 events that you and your fellow competitors can take part in.

14 Create Your Own TRIATHLON
What are the events? - that can be up to you—we all live in different kinds of places across Scotland and what might work for you wouldn’t be good for someone else. Take your surroundings and be creative (and safe) and create some events that involve some exercise - but make sure your competitors get a chance to be involved so there is a mix of events to suit. We can’t all be good at everything. You could have a running race, a cycling/scooting event, a golf or throwing-and-catching event using a scrunched up sheet of old newspaper and an old/plastic cup. Be creative. This could be done in school as a fun end of term activity. Children could work in small groups and create an event per group.

15 Medals and points? Once again that is completely up to you. Decide BEFORE the events if a Gold, Silver and Bronze will be worth 3 points, or 5 points, etc. Also, are there points given for taking part if there are more than 3 athletes?

16 Medals and points? The next page has a medal board and an athlete sheet for you to use. Work out best how, and when, to record the information and results.

17 Medal board EVENT Gold Silver Bronze

18 POINTS board Athlete’s name Event 1 Event 2 Event 3 Total Points

19 Medals and points? What if… the points system was changed (after the events have taken place) would this change the leaderboard? Why not look at the final medal board on 12 August and calculate using your scoring system which country would have done best in the Championships.

20 Here is the schedule for the championships – followed by some activities using this table.

21 These are activities to give opportunities to investigate different possibilities. Having the opportunity to look at these in school before they are issued allows the opportunity to suggest strategies. Ewan, Sophie and Heather decide to visit the games in Scotland and attend each competition that is on while they are there . Ewan goes for the first 4 days. Sophie can only attend on Friday 10 and Saturday 11 August, while Heather goes from Monday 6th August for 3 days. Which of them can attend the highest number of different events?

22 Rebecca thinks that seeing more than two competitions on any one day is too much. Is it possible for her to see each competition event if she stays for the entire Championships? Work out the best schedule for her.

23 Can you create some questions to puzzle your friends or family using the Competition Schedule above?

24 Tam’s Taxi Task Glasgow 2018
Tam is a Taxi owner in Glasgow and will collect people going to watch each of the Scottish based events. He collects them from the city centre and then returns there waiting for the next customer. If he takes one trip to each event on each day— fill in the kilometres he will have travelled each day and what the odometer would read. K

25 Use the map guide below and the competition schedule on the previous page to get the information you will need. These are larger on the following pages – but this is to show children which items they need to look at to do the activities.

26 Use the map guide below and the competition schedule on the previous page to get the information you will need. The km distances that are needed to complete the table are on the map

27 Logo to Athlete to Mathlete
Look at the logo below – discuss what different shapes and properties you can see.

28 Logo to Athlete to Mathlete
Cut out the Glasgow 2018 LOGO (seen below) into 18 shapes. Then use the shape to create events of the Glasgow 2018 Championships. An example can be seen on the next slide of a diver created by a Primary 6 pupil is shown to give you an idea. It would be excellent to see your ideas on Twitter! (sent

29 Logo to Athlete to Mathlete
Cut out the Glasgow 2018 LOGO (seen below) into 18 shapes. Then use the shape to create events of the Glasgow 2018 Championships. An example can be seen on the next slide of a diver created by a Primary 6 pupil is shown to give you an idea. It would be excellent to see your ideas on Twitter! (send

30 Logo to Athlete to Mathlete
Acute angle If I moved one of these slightly they could be parallel. This shape is a Trapezium (because the top and bottom are parallel.) A bit of a challenge: Using each athlete you create - you can earn one point for each mathematical property you can name. A couple of examples are shown here.

31 Here is another puzzle to try.

32 Have an excellent summer.
Get Ready for Primary 7 Athletes work hard and train regularly to keep their skills and abilities sharp. Take a little time during your summer holiday to make sure you are in training and ready for the opportunities and challenges of Primary 7. That might be learning a new times table or making sure you know all your times tables. It might be getting a bit quicker at your recall of addition facts. Everyone is different in what they need to train at – but everyone gets better the more that they train. Hopefully these mathematics activities will be enjoyable and engage your brain as well as getting you doing a little exercise. Have an excellent summer.

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