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Minnesota’s Transportation Asset Management Efforts

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1 Minnesota’s Transportation Asset Management Efforts
Mark Nelson| Transportation Planning Director January 11, 2017

2 Transportation Asset Management Plan (TAMP)
What? Risk based asset management plan for the National Highway System Mandated by the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) Who? Every state Minnesota’s plan was a national pilot project When? MAP-21 signed into law July 6th, 2012 11/9/2018

3 TAMP Components Asset Inventory & Conditions Risk Analysis
Life Cycle Cost Analysis Performance Measures & Targets Performance Gap Assessment Financial Plan & Investment Strategies Implementation & Next Steps Major components of TAMP evaluation. Implementation and Next steps yielded need to better quantify Maintenance and operations costs. Additional Next Steps: Utilize TAMS (AgileAssets) to better track, and begin to track orphan assets Establish governance and policy for such things as additional assets to TAMP, preventive maintenance expectations, Research (culvert and bridge deterioration models, management of ancillary pavements etc.)\ Certain investments in deep tunnels Agile Assets will in future support Inventory and condition reporting – either within or integrated with other systems of record Risk analysis – knowing what you have and what its condition is – example culverts, inspection protocol, bridge LCCA – improved maintenance and operations costing Performance targets and Gap assessment – reporting on assets within system at a minimum Financial planning (Capital vs Operations) Bottom line is we expect to significantly improve our ability to analyze and plan once we have the system fully populated….

4 Assets Analyzed TAMP1 (Draft July 2014) TAMP2 (2017) Pavements
Facilities Bridges Intelligent Transportation System Infrastructure Deep Stormwater Tunnels Lighting High-Mast Light Tower Structures Noise Walls Highway Culverts Traffic Signals Overhead Sign Structures Pedestrian Infrastructure

5 Governance and Organization

6 Champions of TAMP Nancy Daubenberger Mike Barnes Tim Henkel
Assistant Commissioner, Engineering Services Mike Barnes Assistant Commissioner, Operations Tim Henkel Modal Planning & Prog. Management In large part in response to Cassandra’s leadership efforts and writing of the “Framework for Asset Mangement”, we established “Champions” team: Tim Mike Nancy Tim Henkel is a national leader, Chair of the TRB Asset Management Committee, the AASHTO Transportation Asset Management Subcommittee, the National Transportation Asset Management Expert Task Group, the Chair of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) Research and Technology Coordinating Committee, is the Vice Chair of the AASHTO Standing Committee on Planning Takeaway’s: Support from across the department Nationally prominent AM leader Addresses issue of authority/governance Addresses issue of support for effort across agency

7 Asset Management Steering Committee
And “Asset Management Steering Committee” to give direction to our asset management initiatives and directions. The team Consists of Jean Wallace, MPPM, Amr Jabr, Operations Asst DD, Chris Roy asst DD Engineering Services, Kris Riesenberg, FHWA, Mark Nelson our Planning Director, Jed Falgren chair of Maintenance Business Management Team, Chris Kufner, Metro District Maintenance Engineer, and Myself as chair. Brad Utecth, and Shannon Foss from OTSM support the group. The team’s charge is to prioritize initiatives and set direction. Team is also responsible for stewardship and decision making related to implementation of the Agile Assets software. We deliberately stay away from advocating for Asset classes Membership: Dave Solsrud (AMPO) (Chair) Amr Jabr (Ops) Jean Wallace (MPPM) Chris Roy (Eng Svcs) Mark Nelson (OTSM) Chris Kufner (Metro Ops) Jed Falgren (MBMT) Kris Riesenberg (FHWA) FHWA Kris Riesenberg Asset Management Dave Solsrud

8 Risk Assessment Priority 1
Risk is an important part of MnDOT’s practices MnDOT engaged in an exercise to identify and prioritize strategic and business risks that could impact its ability to deliver the level of service expected by the public 11/9/2018 Optional Tagline Goes Here |

9 Optional Tagline Goes Here |
Lessons Learned MnDOT has strong pavement and bridge management programs in place Using existing data to develop TAMP provided insight into completeness and reliability of our data The multi-disciplinary nature of the Steering Committee and the Project Management Team served MnDOT well 11/9/2018 Optional Tagline Goes Here |

10 Implementation

11 Asset Management Project Office
Steering committee = board of directors Customers are districts, offices Positions in blue support Experience of specific people, Tom, Trish, Wade

12 Interaction Between Capital and Operations Investment
Before the TAMP… Capital and maintenance investments and decisions worked in parallel, but minimal interaction With the addition of the TAMP and other activities… Begin to unite capital and maintenance in planning and decision-making

13 Replace Existing Asset Management Application
Automated Facilities Management System (AFMS) Management application for signals, lighting, and ITS MnDOT needed a work-order centric asset management software that allowed for customization “Enterprise” level system 3rd big thing re Asset Management TAMP WIG TAMS Takeaway – business and IT collaborate Trish speak in more detail

14 Agile Assets  TAMS Minnesota Branded as Transportation Asset Management System (TAMS) Signal and ITS Manager and System Foundation Modules Assets: Signals, Lighting, Intelligent Traffic Systems, Weigh-in- Motion, Automated Traffic Recorders, and Road and Weather Information Systems Asset inventory, performance, work request, work orders, reports, and INTEGRATION Replacement of legacy systems Integration with legacy systems New asset classes besides signals, lighting and ITS More efficient use od field resources Reduced rick (conditions, inspections)

15 TAMS Is Integrated TAMS gets the financial data from SWIFT:
Employee costs are specific to the employee Equipment costs are specific to each piece of equipment based on M5 data Material costs are the costs that are used by our inventory (materials management system) Purchase order numbers and costs can be entered directly into the work orders for now. In the future, it is hoped to be able to pull purchase order information directly into the work order

16 This chart shows Relevant Source Type expenditures in relation to SR (x axis).
Trend shows decreasing cost per mile associated with increasing pavement condition. Take-aways: Decreasing cost per mile trend with increasing pavement condition. A lot of work being done on pavements in the Mid 3’s Disproportionately low costs per mile on very poor roads may reflect changes in business practices

17 Questions? 11/9/2018

18 Thank you! Mark Nelson 651-366-3794

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