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Toroidal Fusion Shielding Design Project

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1 Toroidal Fusion Shielding Design Project
Final Presentation by: Matt Franzi Andrew Stach Andrew Haefner Ian Rittersdorf

2 Overview Fusion Power Goals Materials Design MCNP Simulations
Results and Analysis Conclusions

3 Fusion Power Fusing light nuclei together releases large amounts of energy D + T = He4 + n MeV Neutrons deposit energy in a lithium blanket Important Li Reactions 6Li + n = 4He + T MeV 7Li + n = 4He + T – 2.5 MeV Image courtesy of wikicommons

4 Goals Two primary concerns: Tritium production
Tritium breeding ratio = 6Li absorption per fusion neutron Ideally keep this above unity Energy deposition in the blanket

5 Materials Lithium Beryllium Stainless Steel 316L
Used for its tritium (fuel) production Beryllium Used for its reflective properties and (n,2n) reactions Stainless Steel 316L Used for its strength and ability to absorb neutrons

6 MCNP Approach Slab Model Toroidal Model Gave “ball park” figures
Material thicknesses Material placements Toroidal Model Gives more realistic results

7 Final MCNP Model Toroidal Design ITER Size Boundaries
Major Radius = 6 m Minor Radius = 2 m Height = 6 m

8 Model Cross-Section

9 Neutron Multiplication
I also tend toward more boring info on formal slides but I really like how you portrayed these… try using as conclusions perhaps? N multiplication -energetic reactions from neutrons (the Be reaction that gives off a lot of E and the 4.86 MeV Li-6 reaction) Then conclude with More neutrons=more power Capitalize on (n,2n) reaction then maybe list a few materials? Neutron Multiplication More Neutrons = More Power = More $$ Find a way to produce more neutrons Layers of Neutron Multipliers Capitalize on the (n, 2n) reaction Lead Beryllium

10 Multiplication Layers
Sheets of non-lithium material Absorbs a higher energy neutron Produces two neutrons of lower energies Is this trade off worth it? Lithum-6 reaction with thermal neutron produces 4.8 MeV

11 Multiplication Layer Design
Symbiotic relationship between beryllium and lithium Complimentary neutron cross-sections Beryllium has 2-3 barns at energies of 2-14 MeV Lithium has barns at energies under 2 MeV Sandwich layers of beryllium between layers of lithium Lithium acts as a high pass filter Beryllium acts as a low pass filter and creates lower energy neutrons

12 Multiplication Layer Model

13 Mutli-Layer Method Start with the analytic calcs of mean free paths for Pb and Be perhaps? Maybe refer back to the threshold energies and Q values Explain why Be was hypothesized to be the best Maybe put in our old graphic of the Pb and Be cross section

14 Maximization of both TBR and E/Eo pro
Explain matrix and method to our madness Explain why they both sort of go hand in hand up to a point

15 Matrix results and graphs
Explain why we are sweet

16 Talk about escaping particles
Energy that is leaving our system Explain why we are getting the results we did (IE where and why we are depositing energy) Somewhere we should talk about all the Li-6 reactions and say that T production is the most prominent

17 Talk about what assumptions we made in making the reactor
Talked about the tungsten here Maybe compare our ideal results to the results with varying levels of tungsten




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