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The F in Food Service Stands For………………..

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Presentation on theme: "The F in Food Service Stands For……………….."— Presentation transcript:

1 The F in Food Service Stands For………………..
Alaska School Nutrition Association 50th Annual Conference - February 2018

2 FLAVOR Taste Distinctive quality Atmosphere Tone Mood

3 FACT Known and proved to be true Piece of information used as evidence
Reality Detail; Feature

4 FARE Range of food – especially of a particular type Get along Manage

5 FIRE Combustion Burning Strong enthusiasm

6 FRESH Recently made or obtained New; Different Clean; Bright
With a feeling of energy

7 FUBAR Out of working order Completely messed up Bungled Confused

8 FORTITUDE Courage; Endurance; Resilience Strength of mind
Strength of character Steadfastness

9 FULFILLED Carry out-as a task, duty or role
Satisfy or meet a requirement or condition Bring to completion or reality Gain happiness or satisfaction

10 Future

11 FLEXIBLE Adaptable Versatile Modify Cooperative

12 Future

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