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Year 10 Accelerated English

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1 Year 10 Accelerated English
Exam Revision

2 English Language Register - level of formality with which something is written or spoken. Formal or informal. Mode - The mode of a text refers to whether the text is spoken or written. Spoken and written language has different characteristics. This may be due to when and why they are used, how they are received and how they are viewed by society. Manner - the way that something is done or happens. She has a very forceful manner of speaking. I objected to the manner in which the decision was made. Field - Field refers to the subject matter or content being discussed. What is the words associated by the topic. Type of language – style of language used (colloquial, informative, persuasive, slang, conversational, academic etc) Tenor - refers to the participants in a discourse, their relationships to each other, and their purposes.

3 Lexis…of words Lexis is a term in linguistics for the vocabulary of a language. ... The study of lexis and the lexicon (a collection of words) is called lexicology. "Vocabulary" refers to the set of words used by a person, by a regional or national group, or by a specific industry. "Lexis" means all the words in a particular language or when analysing language – the words in a specific text. Lexical field theory, or word-field theory, was introduced on March 12, 1931 by the German linguist Jost Trier. He argued that words acquired their meaning through their relationships to other words within the same word-field. A lexical set is a group of words with the same topic, function or form. Example. 'Cat, dog, tortoise, goldfish, gerbil' is part of the topical lexical set pets, and 'quickly, happily, completely, dramatically, angrily' is part of the syntactic lexical set adverbs.

4 Interference and inference
Linguistic interference or crosslinguistic influence refers to speakers or writers applying knowledge from one language to another language. Interference blocks the understanding or comprehension of semantic meaning. An inference is a conclusion that you draw about something by using information that you already have about it – you can only infer if you have had some experience or knowledge about a specific subject. Reading requires an ability to inference – you are inferring from the information you are given and can only draw on your past experiences A lack of knowledge about social context or specific language terminology may be an interference, stopping one’s ability to inference

5 Function of punctuation


7 Writer Identity… People align themselves with socio-culturally shaped subject positions, and thereby play their part in reproducing or challenging dominant practices and discourses, and the values, beliefs and interests which they embody. When analysing written discourses, you should be able to identify the identity of the writer by analysing the language choices they have made. How a writer and their identity has been associated in a text. The type of language the author has selected, in terms of analogies, style, figurative language etc actually enables us to identify their identity.

8 American Values What social group(s) do the characters in ‘Of Mice and Men’ represent and what do they value most? What social group(s) is represented in ‘Streetcar named Desire’ and what do they value the most? How do both texts reflect the concept of the ‘American Dream’? Using the women as a reference point, how do both texts reflect the values of celebrity and being valued for looks? Who is not valued in both of these books and what does this indicate about American society? Are the things most valued in both books available to all people? Why or why not? What do the ending of both texts reveal about American values at this time?

9 Women as victims of their society
How is Blanche from ‘Streetcar’ a victim of her society? How is Curly’s wife a victim of her society? Do you believe Stella is a victim of her own society? How does ‘Of Mice and Men’ reflect the limitations placed on women? How does ‘Streetcar’ reflect the changing social values towards women at the time it was written? How do both texts reflect a move from valuing femininity to a more masculine, sexually liberated women? Does this reflect a shift in values from the powerless woman to a powerful woman?

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