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Social Impact Assessment: Concept, Methods and Issues

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1 Social Impact Assessment: Concept, Methods and Issues
Prof. Ram B. Chhetri Baisakh 25, 2075 Tue @Staff College

2 Social Impact Assessment: Concept, Methods and Issues
Module: Project Formulation and Appraisal Topic: Social Impact Assessment Objectives: Review of Social Impact Assessment Examine measures to address social issues Session Outline: a) Appraisal of Social Impact; b) Measures to address social issues Method: Interactive lecture and brainstorming

3 SIA: Concept and Historical Background
SIA is a process of identifying: Intended and unintended Social impacts of Planned Interventions; Social change processes invoked by those interventions; and -In the case of infrastructure projects, it determines whether a Resettlement Action Plan is required; + Putting people first! SIA began in the 1970s along with EIA; Participatory & Ethical Development Ideas; SIA for Project approval and to its use as implemented project’s ongoing processes – assessment, management and monitoring – to improve the identification of the social impacts that occur during project implementation and to respond proactively to change. M. Cernea “Putting People First”; People’s participation in Devt., Ethical Development, and so on…

4 Types of Impacts Direct Resettlement and livelihood restoration
Indirect Induce Mitigation and changes in local Economy, Ecosystem, Rules, Culture… Permanent Land acquisition; Environment,… Temporary Noise + Outsiders during project constructions/ Competition, Conflicts… Physical Housing & land loss Socio-Cul, Economic... Social and cultural objects/relations, Lost neighbors; etc., Jobs; business.

5 Social Impacts are the Changes to/in…
People’s way of life – i.e., how they live, work, play & interact on a day-to-day basis; Their culture – i.e., their shared beliefs, customs, values and language/dialect; Their community – its cohesion, stability, character, services and facilities; Their political systems – the extent to which people are able to participate in decisions that affect their lives; and the resources provided for this purpose; Their environment – the quality of the air and water people use; the availability and quality of the food they eat; the level of hazard or risk, dust and noise they are exposed to; the adequacy of sanitation, their physical safety, and their access to & control over resources;  See: Vanclay, F International Principles for Social Impact Assessment. Impact Assessment & Project Appraisal 21(1),

6 Social Impacts are the Changes to…
Their health & wellbeing – health= a state of complete physical, mental, social & spiritual wellbeing; not merely the absence of disease or infirmity; Their personal & property rights – particularly whether people are economically affected, or experience personal disadvantage including a violation of their civil liberties; Their fears and aspirations – their perceptions about their safety, their fears about the future of their community, and their aspirations for their future and the future of their children. Overall : Changes in Livelihoods, access to Opportunities and Resources, Social relations, Economic aspects, …

7 Advantages of Social Impact Assessment
SIA practice tends to be participatory and thus supports affected peoples, proponents and regulatory agencies; It increases understanding of impending change & capacities to respond to such changes; SIA seeks to avoid & mitigate negative impacts & to enhance positive benefits across the life cycle of developments; and It emphasizes enhancing the lives of vulnerable and disadvantaged people.

8 SIA: Methods and Tools A combination of tools (Qual/Quan +Mixed) is recommended to undertake social assessments. SIA uses participatory methods that contribute to a better understanding of the project. SIA often needs to use multiple units of analysis, such as community, households, individuals within the households and communities It is always practical to consider the gendered, spatial, occupational and ‘ethnic’ nature of impacts.

9 Ethics for SIA Practitioners
Remember: Gender, Ethnicity, Occupation, Econ Status +other variables determine the differential degree of impact… Reach out accordingly. Respect for participants; Informed consent; No harm to participants; Enabling participation Avoidance of undue intrusion; Confidentiality of personal matters; Data protection Full disclosure of funding sources; Full reporting of methods

10 When is SIA required… Large social-economic inequalities in proposed Project site: Varying impacts on people Anticipated adverse impacts upon indigenous people or cultural heritage, Involuntary resettlement anticipated Changes in existing patterns of behavior, norms or values are required, Insufficient understanding of local needs and problems, and Identification criteria and mechanisms for targeting beneficiaries and vulnerable groups are unclear

11 Class Exercise Assume a new road is being built through several hill villages in Nepal which will displace an estimated 10,000 people (~2,000 households). Identify the 10 most important facts that must be discovered in a census of these people. The construction of the road will directly affect the livelihoods of a further 20,000 people in the area. Identify major livelihood impacts, and, suggest how, in a SIA, each of these impacts could be factually identified and dealt with.

12 Class Exercise: Discussion ‘Issues to be Covered in SIA Framework’
Project affected population; Public health and safety; Public/private property; Common pool resources (CF); Cultural/historical sites; Vulnerable and excluded social groups; Impacts on livelihoods and employment; Involuntary resettlement; Public participation Cultural norms, social values, traditional practices, rituals, religious aspects; Local political issues; political and religious leadership…

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