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Welcome to Curriculum Night

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Curriculum Night"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Curriculum Night
Mrs. Callaghan Grade 3 The important thing is not so much that every child should be taught, as that every child should be given the wish to learn. ~John Lubbock  

2 Questions If you have questions during the presentation, please write them down on the paper provided at your desk. Please include your name and phone number or address. I will contact you to answer your questions. 11/9/2018

3 Teacher to Parent Communication
Phone: Class Web Page: “3rd Grade News” weekly or bi-weekly newsletter

4 Teacher to Parent Communication

5 School Policies Birthdays-
Students’ names will be read during morning announcements. Please do not send birthday treats from home. Please or evite all birthday invitations- this helps avoid anyone getting their feelings hurt. Class Parties- Fall Winter Friendship Day End of the Year 11/9/2018

6 School Policies (continued)
Lunch- Send checks and cash in an envelope with your child’s and teacher’s name. You can also place money in your child’s lunch account online. Changes in Transportation- Please send a note or to let me know of any changes. If a change is needed late in the day, please call the office and they will let me know. 11/9/2018

7 11/9/2018

8 Classroom Management Mutual Respect
Accepting Responsibility and Natural Consequences Positive Recognition C.A.R.E.S. Slips, Success Tickets, individual and table puffs. Negative Consequences Fix-it tickets and Parent Contact Discuss the Leadership Tickets tracking page in the take home binder.

9 Discuss the Leadership Tickets tracking page in the take home binder.

10 Stuck on an ESCALATOR!

11 Take Home Binder Your child should bring their binder to and from school each day. This is where homework, agenda, and other papers will be located. 11/9/2018

12 Homework Nightly Math Homework
Read 20 min. grade level appropriate chapter book Encourage taking pride in their work and NEATNESS! 11/9/2018

13 Math Resources: Investigations –(hands on approach to learning)
Engage New York A Few Major Math Concepts Understanding multiplication and division strategies Understanding concept of area and relate to multiplication/addition Develop understanding of fractions Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures. 11/9/2018

14 English Language Arts (ELA)
Core Knowledge Language Arts (CKLA) The program has been crafted and researched to help every student become knowledgeable readers- fluent in listening, speaking, reading and writing. Skills Strand: decoding instruction, grammar, word study and reading time Listening & Learning Strand: build background knowledge, vocabulary, listening comprehension through read-alouds.

15 English Language Arts (ELA)
The 11 high- interest units covered this year will include: Classic Tales Classification of Animals The Human Body and Senses Ancient Roman Civilizations Light and Sound The Viking Age Astronomy Native American Regions and Cultures European Exploration and Colonization Colonial America Ecology

16 Science Earth Science Layers of the Earth Rocks Weathering /Erosion
Volcanoes/Earthquakes 11/9/2018

17 Science (continued) Physical Science Light and Sound Life Science
Ecosystems Food Chains Plant Structures 11/9/2018

18 Social Studies Communities Early Civilizations
Exploration and Colonization Civil War and Reconstruction Immigration Postwar U.S. 11/9/2018

19 Goals Creativity Students will exercise their imagination through purposeful play. Critical Thinking Students will use knowledge gained through our curriculum to explore and expand their knowledge with hands on learning. Communication Students will develop their listening and speaking skills as they work in teams and present ideas. Courage Students will learn that failure gets you one step closer to a solution. Failure sparks innovation! Collaboration Students will work together to brainstorm, problem solve, and “make stuff” in partnerships, teams, and small groups.

20 Grading Report Card Indicators Proficient- consistently meets and at times exceeds the grade level standards and produces work that demonstrates a thorough understanding of grade level standards. Developing- often approaches and at times meets the grade level standards and produces work that demonstrates a partial understanding of grade level standards. Area of Concern- often falls below or far below the grade level standards and produces work that demonstrates a minimal understanding of grade level standards.

21 Data Tracking All students have their own Leadership Notebook
Track individual progress on assessments and goals Students take ownership and pride in their progress and learning Class Data Wall Track class progress toward goals Achievable SMART goals Specific, Measureable, Action-based (plan), Realistic, Timely

22 Our School Needs Volunteers
The PTO is looking for several volunteers to help out during the school year. Please take a moment on your way out to sign up to receive volunteer opportunity s from the PTO.

23 Things to do! Before you leave, please:
Write a note to your child and leave it on your child’s desk.

24 Grit & Growth Mindset 11/9/2018

25 Thank You for Attending

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