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Criminality is a matter of to Choice or Social Structure theory.

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Presentation on theme: "Criminality is a matter of to Choice or Social Structure theory."— Presentation transcript:

1 Criminality is a matter of to Choice or Social Structure theory.
Trait Theory Criminality is a matter of ABNORMAL HUMAN TRAITS as opposed to Choice or Social Structure theory.

2 Trait Theory Trait Theory is divided into 2 sections.
1. Stresses BIOLOGICAL makeup. 2. Stresses PSYCHOLOGICAL functioning.

3 Trait Theory SOCIOBIOLOGY Human behavior is motivated by INBORN biological urges to survive and keep the species going.

4 Trait Theory SOCIOBIOLOGISTS believe: HUMAN BIOLOGY works with ENVIROMENTAL and LEARNING FACTORS to create criminal traits. (This is why not all people from poor urban neighborhoods with bad schools are criminal)

5 Trait Theory CONTEMPORARY Trait theorists believe:
That there are MANY biological and psychological attributes contributing to criminality. EX. Neurological Problems Inherited tendencies Blood chemistry disorders

6 Trait Theory View that ALL humans are born
EQUIPOTENIALITY View that ALL humans are born with EQUAL potential to learn & achieve.

7 Trait Theory Because EQUIPOTENTIALITY does NOT exist: The combination of physical traits & the environment can produce CRIMINALITY.

8 Trait Theory TRAIT THEORISTS believe if the following factors are combined CRIMINALITY is more probable: Defective Intelligence Impulsive Personality Abnormal Brain Chemistry Family Life Education Socioeconomic conditions & neighborhoods

9 Trait Theory BIOLOGICAL TRAIT THEORISTS Focus on the BIOLOGICAL conditions that control human behavior.

10 Trait Theory Some believe that GENETICS, DIET & the ENVIRONMENT all influence SOCIAL BEHAVIOR.

11 Trait Theory The TWINKIE DEFENSE (1979) Dan White was found guilty of a lesser crime after killing Mayor George Moscone & City Councilman Harvey Milk due to his addiction to Junk food.

12 Trait Theory Bio Chemical factors that have been linked to crime include: Diet Hypoglycemia (Low Glucose levels in the blood) Hormones

13 Trait Theory Androgen's – Male sex hormones (Abnormal androgen levels are linked to aggressive behavior) Testosterone – The most abundant androgen is linked to criminality.

14 Trait Theory Pre-Menstrual Syndrome (PMS) Still unclear if PMS is linked to crime.

15 Trait Theory Environmental Contaminants Lead has been linked to criminality. Debora Denno (1993) Study of 500 African American youth with lead poisoning linked to delinquency.

16 Trait Theory Neurophysiology Study of BRAIN activity.
Children who suffer neurological deficits at birth or adolescence become antisocial later in life.

A neurological impairment which affects communication, social skills & learning. J. Arturo Silva (2002) – linked to serial killers

18 Trait Theory Violent offenders, substance abusers, domestic violence offenders, habitual liars, all have been linked to BRAIN FUNCTIONS.

19 Trait Theory Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Higher rates of: Drug use Arrests School problems Anti Social activity

20 Trait Theory ADHD Cont. Many with ADHD also are diagnosed with Oppositional Defiant Disorder or Conduct Disorder. Aggressive behavior Defiant Anti Social

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