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Basic Dietary Supplement Information

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1 Basic Dietary Supplement Information
HW499: Bachelor’s Capstone in Health & Wellness Unit 4 Leonardo Muñoz Jr.

2 Does this sound familiar?
I get up and feel tired and exhausted. My morning consist of me getting ready for the day and then getting the kids ready. Family breakfast is more like a rushing river on the way out the door. By the time I get to work (where the paying job starts) I feel like I already fought one battle. Work is no slice of pie, most of the day I am on my feet running from one point to another. At the end of my work day when it is time to head home my third job starts. Its time to pick up the kids, try to make a healthy meal, then get the evening chores done before I help the kids get ready for bed. Before I can go to bed I will still need to finish a paper for the online class I’m taking in order to improve my work position. Tonight I may be able to get six (6) hours of sleep, as long as I’m not rolling around and stressing/thinking about what I need to do and what I forgot to do. Could someone PLEASE tell me what the magic pill is that will help me get though my day.

3 Should I take a Supplement?
Supplements are normally, used by people who are trying to avoid the doctor for one reason or another. Learning what and how to take a supplement is not something we should do alone. Please, always consult your doctor before taking any supplements, vitamins or over-the-counter drugs. The way I see the difference between a drug and supplement is a drug is the replacement of something that we are missing or need to block within our body. A supplement is an additive to our daily diet or think of it as a natures’ booster. Both work the same in the meaning of helping our body become or stay healthy. We just need to ensure that we are taking the right thing and not over doing a good thing.

4 Do I need a Supplement? Many of us wonder if taking a supplement can aide us in our daily life. The only problem is; knowing if there are true benefits to taking a supplement and know if the supplement is safe. What we all want to know is; do I need a supplement? What supplements will help me? Is there a pill to help me Lose weight? What will help me increase my energy levels? What can I take to help me sleep or sleep better? What can I take to give me more endurance throughout the day? Where can I find help in learning about what supplements to take?

5 Knowing what is in the Supplement?
However, with the large amount of supplement selections it is hard to choose the right supplement for our needs. Drugs and even over the counter medications are something our doctors suggest we use. That makes it easier for us to know what is best. (Right?). Because of the FDA, consumable food such as drugs, drinks and whatever else people and animals consume, have food labels. These food labels are there to help us know what is in the food so that we can make better choices for ourselves. The American people rely on the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to research and control food and drug use within our borders.

6 Not all Good Supplements are Good for YOU
According to “Business Insider” writer, Erin Brodwin, the thirty-seven billion dollar Supplement industry is not closely monitor and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) cannot regulate it due to the nature of the product (Brodwin, 2017). FDA does monitor or regulates supplements however; supplement regulations are not as strict as prescription drugs. This makes choosing the right supplement harder. Remember to always consult your doctor before taking anything, even a supplement. There is always a chance you could be over doing a good thing hence causing another issue. Besides, how do we know if what the television or Facebook Ad is factual instead of theory.

7 What is there to protect ME?
In 1994, Congress passed the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). DSHEA defines dietary supplement as a product used to supplement our diet that contains a vitamin, mineral, herb or other botanical, amino acids, and certain other substances intended to be in form such as tablet, capsule, powder, soft gel, gel cap, or liquid (NCCIH Pub No.: D426, 2016). Herbal supplements are a type of supplement that is plant based. This means a plant in part or completely used to make the supplement. You will also hear people use the term botanical, which is another name for herb. According to FDA, all herbs have to be listed on the product label. Most of the time the ingredient list is given, it’s technical label and the average person has no idea what it means.

8 ALWAYS Talk to your Doctor FIRST
Talk to your medical professional prior to taking any medication, over-the-court drugs, natural herbs and supplements. If you voice your concerns to your doctor then he/she could send you for a lab draw (blood work-up). Once the results are in then your doctor can discuss what you’re missing or what is low or high. A good doctor will help you to decided on the right medication or supplements needed. Be sure your doctor knows that you are interested in the more natural solutions then full medication. Be sure that you do your research (not all doctors know what is best) and ask questions.

9 Useful Web Sites and Links
“Dietary Supplement Alerts and Safety Information” is a page from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that provides information on supplement warnings and recalls. “Alerts and Advisories” by the National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH) also provides information on supplement warnings, recalls and even list court actions. This is a great site for the inquisitive mind. “Dietary Supplements Research at the National Institutes of Health (NCCIH)” sponsors a wide variety of research on dietary supplements. NCCIH focuses on understanding supplements and educating the public on the effects, they have on the body. The site is in English and Spanish. “Federal Trade Commission (FTC)” is not a site that everyone would think of to research supplements however, FTC is charged with protecting us from unfair and deceptive business practices. One of the most recent news article in which the FTC assisted individuals dealing with a medication taken: “Marketers Barred from Making Deceptive Claims about Products’ Ability to Mitigate Side Effects of Cancer Treatment”.

10 REFERENCES Brodwin, E. (2017, NOV 08). The $37 billion supplement industry is barely regulated — and it's allowing dangerous products to slip through the cracks. Retrieved JAN 01, 2018, from Business Insider: NCCIH Pub No.: D426. (2016, JUN 13). Using Dietary Supplements Wisely. (U. D. Services, Producer, & National Institutes of Health, Retrieved JAN 01, 2018, from National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH): PresenterMedia Artists and Staff . (2017). PowerPoint Templates. Retrieved JAN 16, 2018, from PresenterMedia :

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