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To Be, or Not to Be, Honest Personal Skills: Integrity

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2 To Be, or Not to Be, Honest Personal Skills: Integrity
Essential Questions What does integrity mean? How does integrity relate to honesty? Why is it important for individuals to be honest and live with integrity? How honest do I live my life?

3 To Be, or Not to Be, Honest Personal Skills: Integrity
Students will understand… Integrity and honesty play an important role in all parts of our lives. Each person exhibits an individual level of honesty to others.

4 To Be, or Not to Be, Honest Personal Skills: Integrity
Students will know… Characteristics of integrity and honesty How to exhibit honesty in real world situations

5 To Be, or Not to Be, Honest Personal Skills: Integrity
Students will be able to… Define integrity Recognize the relationship between honesty and integrity Evaluate individual level of honesty in school, home and the workplace

6 Personal Skills: Integrity
You have a part-time job at the local grocery store. The manager asks you to work an extra shift all day Saturday. You agree. Friday night your friends call and invite you to go boating at the lake Saturday. What do you do?

7 Personal Skills: Integrity
I would go to work because I already committed to it. I would find someone else to cover my shift. I would call in a say there was a conflict and I could not make it. I would call in sick.

8 Personal Skills: Integrity
What do I already know about this? What are the major ideas? What do I need clarified? What questions do I have? What images or pictures come to mind?

9 Personal Skills: Integrity
Objectives: Define integrity. Recognize the relationship between honesty and integrity. Evaluate individual level of honesty in school, home, and the workplace.

10 Personal Skills: Integrity
The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness.

11 Personal Skills: Integrity
Specific information from the article Response: #1 Factual information, quote or short passage This makes me wonder… In this situation, I would… This connects with _____ because… This is important because… I don’t understand… This makes me think of _____ because…. #2 Factual information, quote or short passage #3 Factual information, quote or short passage

12 Personal Skills: Integrity
Honest Free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere.

13 Personal Skills: Integrity
Term Comparison Integrity and honesty are similar because they: ______________________________________________ Integrity and honesty are different because _______ is ______, but ______ is ______

14 Personal Skills: Integrity
What examples of honesty and integrity were shared in the work/friend scenario we talked about earlier? How does being honest affect our relationships with others? In what ways do we demonstrate honesty at school? How do we show integrity and honesty at home? What happens in the workplace if people aren’t honest? On a scale of 1-10, (1 is low, 10 is high) how important is being honest and living with integrity important to you. Why?

15 Personal Skills: Integrity
Steps to Demonstrate Honesty Tell the truth. Keep your promises. Express yourself positively. Voice your opinion in a thoughtful manner. Follow the rules. Complete assigned tasks and chores. Tell the truth!!

16 Personal Skills: Integrity
The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. Honest Free of deceit and untruthfulness; sincere.

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