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The gap between degree outcomes and employability skills

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Presentation on theme: "The gap between degree outcomes and employability skills"— Presentation transcript:

1 The gap between degree outcomes and employability skills
Dr Pauline A M Bremner

2 The gap between degree outcomes and employability skills
Content: Rationale Aim Literature Sample and Method Findings Recommendations

3 Rationale

4 Aim

5 Literature

6 Literature C4P Hoadley and Kilner 2005 Group Projects

7 Literature 80 – 100%

8 Sample and method

9 Findings

10 Findings “Excellent guidance notes provided for students to support team work principals covering structure and etiquette” “Team work and individual work prescribed within the module, this provides a realistic scenario and assessment method for the students in terms of the work environment they will experience after leaving university”.

11 Findings Whilst skills transfer
New employees should be ‘digital ready’ SME’s say they don't benefit Technical Functional Digital Literacy Skills Consumer Demand Digital needed in all degrees


13 Recommendations:

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15 Dr Pauline A M Bremner,

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