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Thought for the Day.

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Presentation on theme: "Thought for the Day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Thought for the Day

2 Midterm Friday October 26, 5–7pm room to be determined
one person writing early (must me today)

3 Tutorials/TAs Tutorials Teaching Assistant T0101: M 10am, MP 134
T0201: T 10 am, MP 137 Teaching Assistant Jean-Sébastien Bernier

4 Study groups if you’d like help to find others wanting to form study groups, send me an LIKE THIS: Subject: ABC PHY255 study no content in the body I’ll send out an to those people, with all people’s addresses in the To: field (in the clear)

5 Modelling oscillations

6 Elements of an oscillator
need inertia, or its equivalent mass, for linear motion moment of inertia, for rotational motion inductance, e.g., for electrical circuit need a displacement, or its equivalent amplitude (position, voltage, pressure, etc.) need a negative feedback to counter inertia displacement-dependent restoring force: spring, gravity, etc. electrical potential restoring charges

7 Hooke’s Law restoring force proportional to displacement from equilibrium

8 Oscillation of mass on spring
restoring force inertial force equation of motion x(t) is a function describing the oscillation what function gives itself back after twice differentiated, with negative constant? cos(at), sin(at) both do work exp(at) looks like it ought to work...

9 Oscillation of mass on spring
try: frequency determined by spring constant k, and by mass m. cos(wt+fo) is similar

10 Phasor notation try: x(t)=Aexp(iwt+fo) is a solution also

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