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Knowledge Connections

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1 Knowledge Connections
Vocabulary  Apartheid Term Definition Knowledge Connections Picture

2 What changes occurred within Africa?
Essential Question What changes occurred within Africa?

3 When did independence come for Africa?
1950s and 1960s An independence movement sweeps through Africa 1960 – 17 African countries freed themselves from European rule 1961 – 1965 – 11 more African nations gain their independence

4 What challenges were eminent?
Africans had to: After long years of being colonies… Build governments and Run new nations Ideas such as voting were new to many Africans who had never before participated in an election

5 Why did conflict arise? Europeans had also drawn boundaries without regards to rival groups These tensions often resulted in war... These tensions are still a source of conflict in the region today…

6 Who led independent Africa?
The situation in Africa gave rise to many strong rulers (dictators) IDI AMIN Leader of Uganda ( ) Sheltered terrorists Responsible for killing 300,000 people 1979 – Ugandans ended Amin’s rule and began taking steps toward democracy

7 … the have been pushed toward democracy…
How has Africa changed in recent years? Since the 1990s, many African dictators have felt pressure to change… … the have been pushed toward democracy… With the fall of the Berlin Wall, many Africans have wondered why they would allow themselves to suffer with unfair governments and limited rights

8 How are women treated in Africa?
Women in Africa made advancements in government 1990s – Women in Kenya win the right to serve in government 2005 – ELLEN JOHNSON-SIRLEAF becomes President of Liberia

9 What was apartheid? APARTHEID
Means “apartness” The white-dominated government divided all South Africans into four classes: Whites People of European descent Natives Black South Africans Coloreds People of mixed descent Asians Mostly people of Indian descent

10 What happened under apartheid?
White South Africans created this system of racial separation in the 1940s in order to strengthen their rule Under Apartheid, the government passed laws that limited the rights of blacks: Non-Europeans could not vote Blacks and natives could hold only the lowest and most dangerous jobs Blacks and natives lived in separate areas with poor housing

11 What did the ANC do? The AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS (ANC) led the fight against apartheid I cherish the idea of democracy… but, it is an idea that I am prepared to die for NELSON MANDELA Leader of the ANC Spent 30 years in prison

12 Tutu earned the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his non-violent efforts
What happened with Mandela in prison? Mandela became a symbol of the anti-apartheid movement DESMOND TUTU maintained pressure on South African leaders Tutu earned the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his non-violent efforts

13 United States Congress passed an anti-apartheid act in 1986 that:
How did other nations feel about apartheid? 1980s and 1990s – Other nations begin to take a stand against apartheid United States Congress passed an anti-apartheid act in 1986 that: Stopped government loans to South Africa Stopped importing any South African goods Banned business investments in South Africa Ended air travel between the US airlines and South Africa Other nations took similar actions

14 When did apartheid end? The system of apartheid collapsed by the end of the 1980s 1990 – S. African President de Klerk releases Mandela from prison 1991 – Mandela reclaims his position as head of the ANC Mandela and de Klerk worked to create a new constitution… … they were rewarded with a Nobel Peace Prize in 1993

15 How did South Africa change?
In 1994, South Africa held its first free elections Voters chose Mandela as President of the REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA

16 What changes occurred within Africa?
Essential Question What changes occurred within Africa?


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