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Don Wright Director, Alliances & Standards Lexmark International

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1 P2600 Hardcopy Device and System Security October 2004 Working Group Meeting
Don Wright Director, Alliances & Standards Lexmark International 11/9/2018

2 Agenda Items Thursday/Friday, October 7-8 Welcome & Introductions
Update and Approve Agenda IEEE Patent Policy Review Working Group Secretary Update on 2005 Meeting Plan and Schedule Update on TCG Review of Action Items from August Meeting 11/9/2018

3 Agenda Items Thursday/Friday, October 7-8 (cont.)
Document Development: Section 1 - Don Wright Review structure of the Draft Identify additional terms and definitions to include. Review Security Environment Description Document Development: Section 2 - Tom Haapanen Review Draft Mapping of Threats to Security Environments Consider Hierarchy Proposals – reach consensus answer Ohta Nevo Document Development: Section 3 - Jerry Thrasher Document Development: Section 4 - Ron Nevo Summarize and record action items 11/9/2018

4 Instructions for the WG Chair
At Each Meeting, the Working Group Chair shall: Show slides #1 and #2 of this presentation Advise the WG membership that: The IEEE’s Patent Policy is consistent with the ANSI patent policy and is described in Clause 6 of the IEEE SA Standards Board Bylaws; Early disclosure of patents which may be essential for the use of standards under development is encouraged; Disclosures made of such patents may not be exhaustive of all patents that may be essential for the use of standards under development, and that neither the IEEE, the WG nor the WG Chairman ensure the accuracy or completeness of any disclosure or whether any disclosure is of a patent that in fact may be essential for the use of standards under development. Instruct the WG Secretary to record in the minutes of the relevant WG meeting: that the foregoing advice was provided and the two slides were shown; that an opportunity was provided for WG members to identify or disclose patents that the WG member believes may be essential for the use of that standard; any responses that were given, specifically the patents and patent applications that were identified (if any) and by whom. 11/9/2018 (Not necessary to be shown) Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – March 2003 (Revised Feb 2004)

5 IEEE-SA Standards Board Bylaws on Patents in Standards
IEEE standards may include the known use of essential patents and patent applications provided the IEEE receives assurance from the patent holder or applicant with respect to patents whose infringement is, or in the case of patent applications, potential future infringement the applicant asserts will be, unavoidable in a compliant implementation of either mandatory or optional portions of the standard [essential patents]. This assurance shall be provided without coercion and prior to approval of the standard (or reaffirmation when a patent or patent application becomes known after initial approval of the standard). This assurance shall be a letter that is in the form of either: a) A general disclaimer to the effect that the patentee will not enforce any of its present or future patent(s) whose use would be required to implement either mandatory or optional potions of the proposed IEEE standard against any person or entity complying with the standard; or b) A statement that a license for such implementation will be made available without compensation or under reasonable rates, with reasonable terms and conditions that are demonstrably free of any unfair discrimination. This assurance shall apply, at a minimum, from the date of the standard's approval to the date of the standard's withdrawal and is irrevocable during that period. 11/9/2018 Slide #1 Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – March 2003 (Revised February 2004)

6 Inappropriate Topics for IEEE WG Meetings
Don’t discuss licensing terms or conditions Don’t discuss product pricing, territorial restrictions or market share Don’t discuss ongoing litigation or threatened litigation Don’t be silent if inappropriate topics are discussed… do formally object. If you have questions, contact the IEEE-SA Standards Board Patent Committee Administrator at or visit 11/9/2018 Slide #2 Approved by IEEE-SA Standards Board – March 2003 (Revised February 2004)

7 Officers Chair: Don Wright, Lexmark Vice Chair: Lee Farrell, Canon
Secretary: Stefaan Deschrijver, Print4Sight Editors: Brian Volkoff Jerry Thrasher Ron Bergman Stefaan DeSchrijver 11/9/2018

8 Officers - Secretary Resignation
Due to a variety of conflicts, Mr. Deschrijver has resigned as Secretary. Therefore, the Chair will entertain a motion to accept the resignation of Mr. Deschrijver as Secretary of the P2600 Working Group. If the above motion is made and passed then the Chair will seek nominations for the position of Secretary and an election will be held. 11/9/2018

9 2005 Meeting Schedule Jan 13-14 -- Tampa, Florida with the PWG
Feb Camas, WA (near Portland OR) at Sharp Labs April Tokyo with PWG (call for host) May Toronto, Canada (sponsored by Equitrac) July SFO/San Jose with PWG Sept Madison, WI with PWG Oct New Orleans Dec San Diego with PWG Based on this week’s PWG meeting, Harry Lewis has some suggested changes. 11/9/2018

10 Trusted Computing Group
Update Promoter & Contributor Members of TCG with hardcopy products: Fujitsu, Hitachi, HP, IBM, Lexmark, Samsung 11/9/2018

11 Trusted Computing Group
On September 16, a conference call was held to discuss more specifics about the TCG. Brian Volkoff led that call. At that time, several members were considering joining the TCG. A request was made by Don Wright to the TCG on Tuesday of this week to establish a liaison between the P2600 WG and the TCG Hardcopy WG. The first official conference call of the TCG Hardcopy WG is expected to be in the next few weeks. Next TCG Member Meeting is November 9-11, 2004 in Phoenix, AZ. 11/9/2018

12 Action Items from August Meeting
TCG Distribute information [Volkoff] COMPLETE Investigate TCG liaison program [Volkoff] COMPLETE OTHER Next meeting in Lexington, Don Wright to provide details. COMPLETE 11/9/2018

13 Action Items from August Meeting
DOCUMENT Section 1 Align security environments with draft COMPLETE Update terms and definitions to include PP items, etc COMPLETE Section 2 Review all threats and make sure they are threats COMPLETE Identify categories and categorize threats and consequences Have a short description and a long description IN PROGRESS Try to map to security environments (as a trial) IN PROGRESS Section 3 Gather existing specs/standards/directives for inclusion IN PROGRESS Begin writing and organizing various best practices techniques to match section 2 Divide into manufacturers section and users section (subserveant to threats) Section 4 Clean up PP1,2,3,4 IN PROGRESS Align with security environment description Which environments? Start with hi sec first [Nevo] 11/9/2018

14 Content of Standard - from June/Aug
Introductory Material Vulnerabilities/Threats/Exploits “Meat on the bones” of the Vulnerability Charts Directives / Best Practices on Physical Security Encryption System Consideration Auditing Device Protection Profiles / Security Target Templates “AAA” “AA” “General” “Public” Align with NIST Security Checklist Document 11/9/2018

15 Section 1: Intro Material
Review structure of the Draft Identify additional terms and definitions to include. Review Security Environment Description Identify additional documents to include in Bibliography Identify individual who can create our own figures. Do we need to keep section 1.3.7? 11/9/2018

16 Section 2 Review Draft 11/9/2018

17 Section 3 Review Draft Reconcile Threats with Section 2
Right content? Right order? Reconcile Threats with Section 2 References move to Bibliography -- all? What do we need to do with the IETF and ITU documents? 11/9/2018

18 Section 4: Protection Profiles
Review Draft Section 1 Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 11/9/2018

19 Action Items for November Meeting
Section 1: Updates as marked up. Section 2: New hierarchy Section 2: Threats applicable to each security environment (E/H/P) Section 3: Divide and assign work Section 4: Updates as marked up Section 4: Align with section 2 threats Section 4: Work on clauses 5 and beyond in light of agreed to threats and hierarchy Availability of Sharp for January meeting instead of February. Who can host in Tokyo? Send to Sharp (Peter) sketches of Section 1 figures. > TCG Conf. Call October 18th. 11/9/2018

20 Mailing List and Web Site
Listserv run by the IEEE An archive is available on the web site Subscribe via a note to: containing the line: subscribe stds-2600 Only subscribers may send to the mailing list. 11/9/2018

21 Schedule The PAR included estimates of the end-points of the schedule:
Sponsor Ballot: June 2005 Submission to RevCom: Feb 2006 2004 Future Meetings November 18-19, with PWG, San Antonio 2005 Meeting Jan Tampa, Florida with the PWG ?? 11/9/2018

22 Next Meeting Details November 18-19, San Antonio TX
The Clarion Hotel Riverwalk 110 Lexington Avenue San Antonio, TX 78205 Phone: , Fax: Rate: $85 per night (plus $65 per meeting day) Ask for “IEEE Printer Working Group” rate Deadline: October 29 Registration Page coming soon: 11/9/2018

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