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Parameters for Writing Your paper:

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1 Parameters for Writing Your paper:
Name: Religion ____ (time we meet) Brother Pyper Abrahamic Covenant or Alma 1-4, (or whatever the block is) 1. Identify and list the scripture or scripture block that you are writing about. Explain why you chose the verse or verses. Identify the topic, doctrine, or principle. 2. List two scriptures (cross–references) that validate what you have chosen to write about. Include the parts of the scripture that are most important to you. 3. List two quotes from General Authorities or Conference Talks. Give the most meaningful parts of the quotes in this section of your paper. Always list your references. 4. Write an “inspired question.” This is a question that can’t be answered with a yes or no answer. This question should generate a good discussion in class. 5. Discuss your topic (paper) with someone else. List the name of the person you discussed it with. Write down one thing that they shared with you about the subject. 6. Testify and make application of the doctrine, topic or principle. Share why it is important to you. Give a challenge to become. How has what you have learned today changed your life for tomorrow? “Single-spaced, 12 font, one inch margins”

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