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Digital You.

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1 Digital You

2 Share your views from your homework with each other
Starter Share your views from your homework with each other Pair Share For your homework you should have written a paragraph explaining your opinion on being connected but being alone. Activity: pairs – share your viewpoint Note to teacher: pair the students to facilitate sharing of viewpoints. Ensure you display the ‘Four corners of the world’ signs (TB5 L1 R2.doc) in different corners of the classroom. (mouse click) Note to teacher: ask the students to share their paragraph with their partner and provide time for peer reaction. It is important that, in the first instance, students only share positive comments about their partner’s paragraph. Then provide time for students to share constructive criticism. Note to teacher: now ask the students to display their written paragraphs in the appropriate corner of the room and to read some of the other paragraphs in their corner, and in the other three. Image by: Shutterstock/AirOne Image by: Shutterstock/Air0ne + KOUNADEAS IOANNHS

3 In this lesson students are learning about:
the ‘digital you’ in the 21st century digital world identifying potential risks associated with living ‘online’ 24/7

4 At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
develop their own guidelines for living ‘online’ 24/7

5 Do you have a balanced relationship with the technology in your life?
Digital technologies have influenced almost every aspect of our lives… how we work, study, spend leisure time, interact with others and understand the world. Most of us use digital technology without giving it a second thought. We surf, text, download, and post. We often do these things without really thinking about technology’s impact on the way we communicate with one another. It's becoming harder to imagine our lives without digital technology. But do we use it too much? How do you keep a balanced relationship with the technology in your life? Fill in p.1 – 2 of your booklet….. Note to teacher: over the next few slides you will find activities designed to get students to stop a moment to consider their own online lives. The activities will challenge them to think about how their online interactions might differ from their face-to-face conversations. The aim of these activities is to help students identify and avoid potential risks associated with online communication. Before the lesson print out and staple into a booklet the resource ‘Life online’ (TB5 L2 R2.doc). Provide one for each student. Let students know that there are no right or wrong answers to the questions; they should base their answers on their personal experiences and beliefs. Also explain that, because their responses to the questions are all opinion based, you will require them to answer every question and to explain their answers - ‘yes/no’ responses will not be sufficient. Do You have a balanced relationship with the technology in your life? Digital technologies have influenced almost every aspect of our lives… how we work, study, spend leisure time, interact with others and understand the world. Most of us use digital technology without giving it a second thought. We surf, text, download, and post. We often do these things without really thinking about technology’s impact on the way we communicate with one another. It's becoming harder to imagine our lives without digital technology. But do we use it too much? How do you keep a balanced relationship with the technology in your life? Activity: individual - do you have a balanced relationship with the technology in your life? In your booklet ‘Life online’ (TB5 L2 R2.doc) the first section is titled ‘Do you have a balanced relationship with the technology in your life?’ There are 16 questions for you to consider and respond to. The aim is that your answers will give you can idea of how balanced your technology use is with other areas of your lives. Image by: Shutterstock/Air0ne

6 Your own piece of the Internet
If you use online social networks, you're not alone. That's the whole point, right? Even if you're stuck at home for the night, you can still connect with friends; find out what happened when you weren't there, share photos and music, and maybe show a side of your personality that you normally keep hidden. Look at p.3 fill in the questions Do you use social networking sites to stay connected to friends? Why or why not? What do you like, or dislike, about the idea of having your own space on the Internet? Do you think you use social media differently from how your friends use it? Explain your answer. If you use online social networks, you're not alone. That's the whole point, right? Even if you're stuck at home for the night, you can still connect with friends; find out what happened when you weren't there, share photos and music, and maybe show a side of your personality that you normally keep hidden. (mouse click) Activity: individual - your own piece of the Internet Note to teacher: this slide is to encourage students to consider their relationship with social media. Ask the students to think about their own use of social media and what they get out of interacting with friends in this way. They should also be challenged to think about how their use of social networks might be different from that of their friends. Ask students to respond to the following questions. There is space for them to write their answers under the heading ‘Your own piece of the Internet’ on page 3 of their ‘Life online’ booklet (TB5 L2 R2.doc). Do you use social networking sites to stay connected with friends? Why or why not? What do you like, or dislike, about the idea of having your own space on the Internet? Do you think you use social media differently from how your friends use it? Explain your answer. Image by: VEER/Corina Rosu

7 Too wired? This is Greg. He is 16 years old and he likes to stay connected to his friends at all times. He says when he is online he knows what’s going on with his friends. Can you relate to Greg's reliance on technology, or do you think it's extreme? Today more than ever we are surrounded by opportunities to connect with friends. Whether we’re at the dining table, doing homework, or trying to sleep, for some the temptation to reconnect can be hard to resist. Many feel this is the great thing about the Internet and mobile phone technology, that it's available all the time, 24/7. At home, at the shops, on holiday, you can be as connected as you want to be. But is there a downside to being connected all the time? Can we have too much of a good thing? Now fill in p.4 How much time per day do you connect to friends through technology? Do you think your friends and other teens spend more time or less time online than you do? Would you spend more time connected if school or your parents allowed it? Doing what? Do you ever feel that you're missing out on doing other things because you're spending so much time connected? Explain your answer. Today more than ever we are surrounded by opportunities to connect with friends. Whether we’re at the dining table, doing homework, or trying to sleep, for some the temptation to reconnect can be hard to resist. Many feel this is the great thing about the Internet and mobile phone technology, that it's available all the time, 24/7. At home, at the shops, on holiday, you can be as connected as you want to be. But is there a downside to being connected all the time? Can we have too much of a good thing? (mouse click) This is Greg. He is 16 years old and he likes to stay connected to his friends at all times. He says when he is online he knows what’s going on with his friends. Can you relate to Greg's reliance on technology, or do you think it's extreme? Activity: individual - too wired? Note to teacher: these questions are designed to get the students to consider their own level of online activity, their desire to be online more or less than they currently are, and what, if anything, they think they might be missing out on by being online. Ask students to respond to the following questions. There is space for them to write their answers under the heading ‘Too wired’ on page 4 of their ‘Life online’ booklet (TB5 L2 R2.doc). How much time per day do you connect to friends through technology? Do you think your friends and other teens spend more time or less time online than you do? Would you spend more time connected if school or your parents allowed it? Doing what? Do you ever feel that you're missing out on doing other things because you're spending so much time connected? Explain your answer. Image by: VEER/Andresr

8 Online versus face to face
As we have already considered in previous lessons, social networking sites make it incredibly easy to share your thoughts and aspects of your personality with others. You can post picture, ideas, rants or comments on someone else's page. This can be a good thing; what better way to reach all of your contacts at one time? But with this convenience comes the potential for saying something you might regret later, for oversharing, or for making public something that should be private. Now fill in page 5 Have you ever posted something online that you later regretted? Are there things you might say or do online that you probably wouldn't say or do in person? Explain your answer. Why do you think people sometimes behave differently online than they do in person? What effect do you think this might have on relationships? versus As we have already considered in previous lessons, social networking sites make it incredibly easy to share your thoughts and aspects of your personality with others. You can post picture, ideas, rants or comments on someone else's page. This can be a good thing; what better way to reach all of your contacts at one time? But with this convenience comes the potential for saying something you might regret later, for oversharing, or for making public something that should be private. (mouse click) Activity: individual - online versus face to face Note to teacher: despite the fact that the intent of social networks is to connect people to one another, many people feel a certain degree of anonymity when they are online. Without the instant feedback of face-to-face interactions, people often feel free to be more open and to express things they might not communicate otherwise. Encourage students to think about and relate any experiences they might have had posting something that they later regretted. Ask them to compare online communication with face-to-face communication and to consider ways the two forms differ from each other. Ask students to respond to the following questions. There is space for them to write their answers under the heading ‘Online versus face to face’ on page 5 of their ‘Life online’ booklet (TB5 L2 R2.doc). Have you ever posted something online that you later regretted? Are there things you might say or do online that you probably wouldn't say or do in person? Explain your answer. Why do you think people sometimes behave differently online than they do in person? What effect do you think this might have on relationships? Image by: Shutterstock/Texelart + AirOne

9 The ‘real’ you Fill in page 6
Of course, there are many positive aspects of online communication. Some people find it easier to be themselves online, or to express a side of their personality that they don't often show. So the Internet is a place where you can go beyond who your classmates or parents think you are, and show the ‘real’ you. Fill in page 6 Do you communicate differently online than you do in person? Explain your answer. Do you find it easier to be yourself online? Explain why or why not. Do you have friends online that you don't spend much time with in face-to-face relationships? If so, how are these relationships different from ‘offline’ friendships? Of course, there are many positive aspects of online communication. Some people find it easier to be themselves online, or to express a side of their personality that they don't often show. So the Internet is a place where you can go beyond who your classmates or parents think you are, and show (mouse click) the ‘real’ you. Activity: individual – the ‘real’ you Note to teacher: this activity acknowledges the important role social networks play in many young people’s lives. They are a place where teens can establish new and different kinds of relationships and where they can reveal a side of themselves that they might not show at school or at home. Encourage your students to consider some of the positive aspects of online communication and think about how their online identity might be somewhat different from their in-person identity. Ask students to respond to the following questions. There is space for them to write their answers under the heading ‘The ‘real’ you’ on page 6 of their ‘Life online’ booklet (TB5 L2 R2.doc). (mouse click) Do you communicate differently online than you do in person? Explain your answer. Do you find it easier to be yourself online? Explain why or why not. Do you have friends online that you don't spend much time with in face-to-face relationships? If so, how are these relationships different from ‘offline’ friendships? Image by: VEER/Andresr

10 Where I draw the line Using online and mobile technology may allow you to do things you wouldn't do face to face. But does the fact that you can do something online mean that you should? Here's a chance to think about a number of different online behaviours. Your task is to decide which ones you're okay with, and which ones you feel are ‘over the line’. Now fill in p.7-8 Using online and mobile technology may allow you to do things you wouldn't do face to face. But does the fact that you can do something online mean that you should? Here's a chance to think about a number of different online behaviours. Your task is to decide which ones you're okay with, and which ones you feel are ‘over the line’. (mouse click) Activity: individual – where I draw the line Note to teacher: this activity presents students with a number of possible online behaviours. Their task is to categorise each behaviour according to whether they think it is acceptable or not. When students are finished with the worksheet, they will use it in subsequent discussions with their classmates. You could ask the students to add and categorise additional online behaviours that they might think of too. Encourage the students to think about their reasons for categorising each behaviour as they did. The hope is that students will save this worksheet or at least keep in mind what they consider acceptable personal online conduct and what they feel is crossing the line. Complete the worksheet on pages 7 and 8 of your ‘Life online’ booklet (TB5 L2 R2.doc). You are asked to think about various online behaviours and to say which side of the line you stand. Is that sort of behaviour acceptable or not? When you have finished, add at least three more examples of online behaviour and indicate which side of the line you stand in relation to it. Image by: Shutterstock/AnatolyM

11 Your personal contract
Now it is time to compare your notes with others. In a small group, talk about how you each responded to the questions in your ‘Life online’ booklet. Compare your positions on the online behaviours in the ‘Drawing your own line’ activity. Discuss why you put them where you did. Based on your discussion, make any changes you want to your ‘Where I draw the line’ chart. You may want to keep this chart handy, as a sort of personal contract describing how you would like to behave online going forward and to help with your final report/presentation. Note to teacher: decide in advance whether you want to assign students to groups or allow them to self-organise for this discussion. Because the responses are personal in nature, students may not feel comfortable discussing all of them. Remind students that there are no right or wrong answers and that they do not need to come to a consensus on any of the issues. Based on these discussions, students can refine their answers and worksheet responses before handing their booklets in. Students should be encouraged to keep their booklets (once they have been returned) as a sort of personal contract for their online conduct going forward. You have explored several different aspects of living online in the 21st century digital world and have thought about where you stand on certain behaviours. (mouse click) Activity: group - your personal contract Now it is time to compare your notes with others. In a small group, talk about how you each responded to the questions in your ‘Life online’ booklet. Compare your positions on the online behaviours in the ‘Drawing your own line’ activity. Discuss why you put them where you did. Based on your discussion, make any changes you want to your ‘Where I draw the line’ chart. You may want to keep this chart handy, as a sort of personal contract describing how you would like to behave online going forward and to help with your final report/presentation. Image by: VEER/Andresr

12 Plenary You have thought about how the accessibility of these technologies, and the ease with which we are now able to share information, has changed the way we communicate. If there is one aspect that we have discussed over the last two lessons that has stood out to you about the 21st digital world what would it be? Note to teacher: this slide is for you to collect the group’s thoughts. You can type / write straight into this whilst in presentation mode through a keyboard or Interactive White Board. Saving the PowerPoint will save the notes taken. Today we have considered further aspects of living in the 21st century digital world and the ‘digital you’. Digital technology has had a tremendous impact on our lives. Although the Internet and mobile phones have been in wide use for only a couple of decades, most of us can hardly remember a time before they existed or imagine how we would function without them. You have thought about how the accessibility of these technologies, and the ease with which we are now able to share information, has changed the way we communicate. If there is one aspect that we have discussed over the last two lessons that has stood out to you about the 21st digital world what would it be?

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