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Bioresourcing for Cities & Regions

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1 Bioresourcing for Cities & Regions
Marlene Kienberger Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology (CEET) Graz University of Technology Austria

2 Introduction Motivation Bioeconomy – the three pillars Bio-Fuels
Bio-Energy Biobased products Status quo and ongoing research Derived needs

3 Transition into a bio-economy
Fossil fuel are finite BUT still new oil fields are discovered Fossil fuel is a great product BUT shall be used for high quality products Climate change and defined goals Cascade raw material utilization Renewables for fuel production Renewables for energy production Critical raw materials (Co, Sb, Mg,….)

4 Bioeconomy – three pillars
Bio-fuels Biodiesel: made from different raw materials Lignin: mainly from wood pulping Ethanol: made from sugars Hydrogen: reforming of hydrocarbons Biobased economy Energy-, fuel- and product market Biobased products Bio-Energy Bio-Fuels Bio-Fuels The european union faces some tough challenges, however those challenges are not only valid for the european union, but apply for the first world. Due to finite supplies of fossil fuels and raw materials, climate change issues and peak oil prices all our society to learn to use renewable resources such as plant materials or agricultural waste for the production of chemicals, materials, products and fuels. By (re)using such bio based resources we move towards a bio based economy based on sustainable production processes We have to face the transiction from fossil based to biobased economy, the bioeconomy consists of the pillars, bio-fuels, bio-energy and biobased products. All three of them need to be adressed in the transition,. Adressing the three pillars in parallel is for sure an option, but the transition can just be succesfull when one adresses is in the way of cascade raw material utilization, meaning that material utilizsation needs to be prior to energy utilization in terms of added value form present production routs. Lignin: most important renewable bio-fuel Ethanol: discussion food versus tank Biodiesel: production sites installed worldwide => challenge: difficulte raw materials such as carcass Hydrogen: state of the art production is reforming of hydrocarbons biorefinery Biogenic raw materials ULLMANN'S Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry; Online ISBN: ; DOI: /

5 Status Quo - Biofuels Biodiesel: multi feedstock facilities installed world wide => difficult raw materials such as carcasse => research on catalysts for biodiesel production => Algae as raw material for fatty acids Lignin: most important biofuel world wide => chemical recovery cycle in pulping process => heat and power generation for pulp and paper processes, as well as for the grid Ethanol: made from corn or cellulosic material => digestion using cellulosic material Hydrogen: as fuels and „bulk“ chemical => bio-hydrogen production The discussion which arose 2009 concerning food or tank did not help this technology, but one can see that research in this area dropped. Hydrogen production by electrolysis of water, steam reforming of hydrocarbons and autothermal processes are well knwon methods for hydrogen production, but this methods suffer from high energy demand. Hydrogen is a clean gas without CO2 emissions, further hydrogen is a widely used feedstock for the production of chemicals hydrogenation of fats and oils in the food industry production of electronic devices and so on. Unlike the other fuels named hydrogen is not readily available in the nature, bio-chemical production of hydrogen suffers from raw materials either in terms of costs r in terms of purity, amount and so on. Bio hydrogen produc tion suffers from low yields, and low hydrogen production rates light is needed.

6 Bioeconomy – three pillars
Bio-energy Solar Water Wind Biomass (wood, agricultural waste) Bio-gas Biobased economy Energy-, fuel- and product market Biobased products Bio-Energy Bio-Energy Bio-Fuels The european union faces some tough challenges, however those challenges are not only valid for the european union, but apply for the first world. Due to finite supplies of fossil fuels and raw materials, climate change issues and peak oil prices all our society to learn to use renewable resources such as plant materials or agricultural waste for the production of chemicals, materials, products and fuels. By (re)using such bio based resources we move towards a bio based economy based on sustainable production processes We have to face the transiction from fossil based to biobased economy, the bioeconomy consists of the pillars, bio-fuels, bio-energy and biobased products. All three of them need to be adressed in the transition,. Adressing the three pillars in parallel is for sure an option, but the transition can just be succesfull when one adresses is in the way of cascade raw material utilization, meaning that material utilizsation needs to be prior to energy utilization in terms of added value form present production routs. Lignin: most important renewable bio-fuel Ethanol: discussion food versus tank Biodiesel: production sites installed worldwide => challenge: difficulte raw materials such as carcass Hydrogen: state of the art production is reforming of hydrocarbons biorefinery Biogenic raw materials ULLMANN'S Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry; Online ISBN: ; DOI: /

7 Status Quo - Bioenergy Solar: China is the leading installer country
=> material research, perovskie, nanoparticles, orientation Water: state of the art - restricted to areas with water => improving the performance of existing plants, lowering cost => marine and hydrokinetic industry Wind: state of the art - restricted to areas with wind => asynchrony of wind power => off shore Biomass: CHP state of the art => different raw materials Biogas: state of the art technology => raw materials Compared to fossil fuel biomass has a dilute energy, combined heat an power generation is the state of the art process here, research activities focus on the utilization of difficult raw materials. High tempertaure burner are used for the treatment of difficult materials such as sewage sludge. Suage sludge is of interest in terms of phosphorus.

8 The grid Grid adjustment due to energy mix Regional
Energy will be more visible in our daily life The costumer as producer Energy efficiency Storage

9 Bioeconomy – three pillars
Biobased products Lignin Carbohydrates Fats Proteins Special substances Biobased economy Energy-, fuel- and product market Biobased products Biobased products Bio-Energy Bio-Fuels The european union faces some tough challenges, however those challenges are not only valid for the european union, but apply for the first world. Due to finite supplies of fossil fuels and raw materials, climate change issues and peak oil prices all our society to learn to use renewable resources such as plant materials or agricultural waste for the production of chemicals, materials, products and fuels. By (re)using such bio based resources we move towards a bio based economy based on sustainable production processes We have to face the transiction from fossil based to biobased economy, the bioeconomy consists of the pillars, bio-fuels, bio-energy and biobased products. All three of them need to be adressed in the transition,. Adressing the three pillars in parallel is for sure an option, but the transition can just be succesfull when one adresses is in the way of cascade raw material utilization, meaning that material utilizsation needs to be prior to energy utilization in terms of added value form present production routs. Lignin: most important renewable bio-fuel Ethanol: discussion food versus tank Biodiesel: production sites installed worldwide => challenge: difficulte raw materials such as carcass Hydrogen: state of the art production is reforming of hydrocarbons biorefinery Biogenic raw materials ULLMANN'S Encyclopedia of Industrial Chemistry; Online ISBN: ; DOI: /

10 Status Quo – biobased products
Lignin: second most abundant biopolymer world wide => isolation and purification => products => LCA Carbohydrates: source for a lot of products, fermentation => new materials (electronic devices, fertilizers,..) => tailormade products (e.g. intermediates for cancer drugs) => continuous product isolation and product purification Fats Proteins Special substances For sure there are a lot of biobased products already on the marcet and there are established industries able to work with renewable ressources all year long. The most prominent partner in that concern is the pulp and paper industry because of high volume production of a biobased material, they gained knowledge in logistics, production and materials cycles sinca a long time. However in Austria this industry is the industry with second highest energy demand of primary energy. The integrated paper mill is different, because lignin is used as bio-fuel and over heat is used directly in the paper production.

11 Challenges and solutions
Standard unit operations need to be adapted respectively new technologies need to be designed Challenges => dilute process streams => difficult process matrix (pH, T, suspended matter, cell debris, intra cellular products,….) => emulsion formation Solutions => new technologies are partially there => membrane technologies are emerging => bioprocess technology in combination with chemical engineering early in the development

12 Our goal

13 Interdisciplinar teams are needed
Process engineers Biologists Bioprocess engineers Economists Electrical engineers Sociologists ….. Chemists Mechanical Engineers

14 Thank you for your attention!
Marlene Kienberger Institute of Chemical Engineering and Environmental Technology (CEET) Graz University of Technology Austria Tel.:

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