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Your professor The IRS Your doctor . . .

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2 Your professor . . . The IRS . . . Your doctor . . .
Bad News? Good News? An invitation from . . . Your professor . . . The IRS . . . Your doctor . . .

3 Bad News? Good News? The LORD directs the steps of the godly. He delights in every detail of their lives. Psalm 37:23

4 Detailed discussions . . . Bad News? Good News?

5 That pesky “every” is there, plain for all to see.

6 By God’s grace, through faith . . .
We are righteous—right with God. We have a whole new life. We are the godly, the holy ones the Bible describes.

7 It costs us nothing; it cost Jesus everything!

8 Day by day, step by step, Jesus walks beside you.

9 Jesus: Friend, Defender, Savior.

10 Wherever you go, you can walk in humility, confidence, courage.

11 You are forgiven, righteous, and dearly loved!

12 Your Lord delights in you!






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