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DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge® SQL

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1 DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge® SQL
Boosting your SQL application performance Steve Pittman Software Architect

2 Agenda Boosting your SQL application performance
Your application and sql Your application executing in the sql engine Tuning and best practices Questions Please save your questions until end of session. Your question may be answered in a slide still to come. DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

3 Crystal Reports - ODBC An ODBC application DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

4 OpenEdge DB Navigator - JDBC
DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

5 Statements and Result Sets
Prepare, execute, fetch cycle Result Set For select statements Sql statement may be hidden by tools Select onum, name, cnum … from pub.customer c, pub.orders o where c.custnum = o.custnum SQL Server Db update statements – insert, delete, update – omit result set. Doing prepare once, and executing many times can save network roundtrips. Manual prepare not needed, as of OE 10, in order to save query compile time when repetitively executing a query (or similar forms of query). Manual prepare does have benefit of less network message traffic, since drivers do hidden prepare for each executed statement. Database Crystal (ODBC) 8765 General Motors Toyota Mfg, Inc Home Depot, Inc. 274 … … … DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

6 OpenEdge 10.1A Communications
Performance Version compatibility JTA Type 4 JDBC driver Query timeout (in OE 10.1A01) “set pro_connect query_timeout <n seconds>” OpenEdge SQL Server Rpc type communications protocol ( rpc = remote procedure call). 1 message to server for each batch of output rows. OE 101a ODBC driver is also a “wire protocol” driver, which does not need procli92.dll. Fewer pieces to install. JTA – Java Transaction Architeture – part of J2EE. Performance – fewer round-trip messages in 10.1A. Compatibity – works with OE 10.1A forward. Incompatible with 10.0B. Query timeout – both odbc, jdbc. Gives failure status and message back to application. No support yet for async cancel. Unit = 1 second. Note that communication protocol is common to all clients (ODBC, JDBC, etc.). Database ODBC JDBC DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

7 Transactions and Locks
How to get fewer locks Repeatable Read Read Committed – default “WITH (NOLOCK)” query hint Read Uncommitted Change via ODBC/JDBC API ODBC DSN Advanced option JDBC setTransactionIsolation() To see locks, use PROMON (locking screens). Isolation level drives locking. Isolation level cannot be changed in middle of transaction. Lock hint is in 9.1E03, 10.1A01. Syntax: SELECT <column> FROM <table> WITH (NOLOCK) NOLOCK hint works on specific table. DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

8 Views Data independence and transformation Arrays Security
10.1A select branch,month[1], month[2]… 10.0B select branch,pro_element(month,1,1) Security Base table indexes PUB.custview 10.1A array type gives easy use of native datatype of array element, and natural, standard syntax (same as 4GL). Especially valuable for array of numeric datatype (decimal, integer)/ 10.0B (for pro_element() example) really means 10.0B and all earlier versions. PUB.cust DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

9 Agenda Boosting your SQL application performance
Your application and sql Your application executing in the sql engine Tuning and best practices Questions DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

10 Building Blocks for execution
Project Sort Join Restrict Index scan Table scan SalesHistory DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

11 Building Blocks in a Query Plan
Sort Project Join Restrict Index scan Table scan Tuning – goal is to have data pipes as thin as possible. SQL goal is to build best query plan. Tools to display the query plan are not this pretty – no GUI available. Will see this later. SalesHistory DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

12 Building the query plan
sql statement schema sql statistics SQL Optimizer U s e r Analogy - compiler optimization. Building the query plan is driven by your statement’s components. SQL Runtime Query plan DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

13 Building the query plan
Cost based optimization Optimization model Figure out all feasible ways to do a step Figure out the costs of each way Choose way with smallest cost Optimize from the bottom up Optimize table access Optimize joins Optimize result set What cost is “way” = method Cost = work = time. Result set – optimize Project, Sort, etc. Building the query plan is driven by your statement’s components. [Pause a second for everyone to read the text.] DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

14 What is the cost? Rule based mode When no statistics exist
Table and index metadata number of key components used unique and non-unique indexes Default selectivity per comparison operator “=” is .04, “between” is .1, etc. Heuristics – rules of thumb All tables have same number of rows Cost equations Define all terms - statistics, cardinality. By default, no statistics exist. Rules assume even data distribution across tables (~same #rows) and within tables (no skew). Sweet spot where this works well – db with same sized tables. DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

15 What is the cost? Database without statistics ABC Corp DB Customers
Orders SalesHist Distributors Parts Suppliers OrderLines Employees DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

16 What is the cost? Database with statistics ABC Corp DB SalesHist
OrderLines Customers Distributors Orders Big = costly to access a large percentage of data Parts Employees Suppliers DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

17 What is the cost? Statistics based mode – basic statistics
Table statistics – number of rows Column statistics - data distribution++ Get column selectivity for predicate % of table’s data returned Combining multiple columns selectivities Best for range operators(“between”, etc.), especially in Version 9 Cost equations use statistics By default, no statistics exist. Basic statistics = table statistics + column statistics. Cost equations use counts (rows, #unique) from table statistics, column statistics. Cost equations use selectivity from column statistics. [Do not read the individual bullets of this slide.] [Pause a second for everyone to read the text.] DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

18 What is the cost? Without index statistics
Counts number of values for components of index ABC Corp DB SalesHist Cust_idx Yr_idx This is a real-worlld test case, from an actual customer. Each index has same number of components (one in this specific case). DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

19 What is the cost? With index statistics
Counts number of unique values for components of index ABC Corp DB SalesHist Cust_idx Yr_idx This is a real-worlld test case, from an actual customer. Each index has same number of components (one in this specific case). Index statistics highpoints Count of number of unique values for components of index Gives most precise estimate of number of rows satisfying “=” and “in” operators Accounts for correlation between components of an index key Can accurately model very, very low selectivity very high selectivity DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

20 What is the cost? Index statistics
Count of number of unique values for components of index Gives most precise estimate of number of rows satisfying “=” and “in” operators Accounts for correlation between components of an index key Can accurately model very, very low selectivity very high selectivity Counts are for prefixes of the index. Selectivity = amount (fraction) of data returned when index used with suitable predicates. [Pause a second for everyone to read the text.] DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

21 More on index statistics
OpenEdge 10 vs. Version 9 OpenEdge 10: counts for all prefixes Prefix - key components 1 to n Exact count for prefix V9: counts for First key component, last 3 prefixes V9 “interpolation” for prefixes without counts V9 interpolation does estimate via “straight line” between first 2 counts. DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

22 Example – cost via index statistics
#comps count Xconsumer_id 1 90 2 10K 3 20K 4 300K 5 800K 6 1M index statistics Cost = (1M/ 800K )rows * IO cost per row select … from Sales_History where terr_id = ‘abc’ and subt_id = 1 and zip = ‘05601’ and demo_cat = ‘xyz’ and cust_stat = ‘M’; 5 components specified DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

23 Optimizing join execution
Or, What gets optimized Join order Join methods index join (= augmented nested loop) nested loop dynamic index (looks like index join) Hash join when low data volume Index join when larger data volume DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

24 What optimizer does for join order
Consider many possible join orders Choose least cost order Estimated cost = number of rows joined Joining small amount of data to larger amount of data is usually least cost Cost estimation drivers Table statistics Index statistics OpenEdge 10 employs much more powerful join order exploration Important point: table and index statistics will give sql the best join cost estimation. V9.1E has most, but not all, of 100b join order optimization changes. DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

25 Sql statement execution
10.1A Temp data handling for sorting (and dynamic indexes) Performance results 40X faster for 900K rows 3.5X faster for 43K rows New algorithms More powerful space use Aggressive use of memory New Storage Manager Type 2 area (like OpenEdge ProDataSets) New internal storage mgmt. New key form and key compare methods. New merge methods. New compact record format. Terricic performance measurements. DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

26 Temp data performance in 10.1A
10.1A Temp data handling – a scalable solution Scenario – small server, complex queries Each curve based on real-world customer db and application. Huge (case 1) – 80 min. to 2 min. Prol (case 2) – 1.9M rows – 165 min. to 14 min. Some cases are grouping intensive, some are sort intensive, some use dynamic indexes intensively. Cases 6-8 = aq084, aq188, aq157 (times in seconds). Lines at bottom have same relative improvement (X3) as top – just do not show as dramatically. DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

27 Temp data performance in 10.1A
10.1A Temp data handling – a scalable solution Scenario – large server, simple queries Each curve based on real-world customer db and application. These data samples selected from several others as good representatives. Some cases are grouping intensive, some are sort intensive, some use dynamic indexes intensively. Cases 6-8 = aq084, aq188, aq157 (times in seconds). Case9 = q06 from dwhoe-timings (time in seconds). These done on smaller server configuration. Lines at bottom have same relative improvement (X3) as top – just do not show as dramatically. DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

28 Agenda Boosting your SQL application performance
Your application and sql Your application executing in the sql engine Tuning and best practices Questions DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

29 What to tune Tune your sql statements Tune your sql server
Possible problems Finding problems Special situations Tune your sql server Sql Statistics Releases Tune here OpenEdge SQL Server Sql client Database DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

30 Tuning your sql server Create, or update, sql statistics
Move to newer Open Edge release OpenEdge 10.1A is better than 10.0B OpenEdge 10.0B is better than Version 9.1E Version 9.1E is better than 9.1D Latest Service Pack OpenEdge 10 service packs Version 9.1 service packs OpenEdge 10.1A temp data startup parameters DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

31 Updating sql statistics
Default statistics “update statistics [for <table name>];” Best statistics “update table statistics and index statistics and column statistics [for <table name>];” Reads all of each index for all tables, or for one table May be resource intensive Example - 4.5G customer db, 600 tables, 4500 indexes Index stats runtime = 25 CPU minutes Index statistics drive best join optimizations. Note that UPDATE STATISTICS is online. [Pause a second for everyone to read the text.] DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

32 Updating statistics Database with statistics ABC Corp DB
Update table, index, column stats for all tables SalesHist OrderLines Customers 25% change Distributors Orders Update table, index stats for volatile tables Note that Update Statistics is an online operation. Must be DBA to update statistics. To get “info” on 25% change: - use table statistics which db can be configured, at startup, to track: - define range of tables to track with –basetable n, -tablerangesize m - start and run server - look at VST _TableStat writes – create/delete/update Can use db “high water mark” to get sense of gross level of db activity. Can see this in PROMON. 25% guideline is a guideline, not an ironclad rule. Derives from notion that 25% change to volatile tables means that relationships have changed in way that will effect cost estimation. Parts Employees Suppliers DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

33 10.1A Temp data startup parameters
Sorting and Dynamic indexes -T directory-name -t -Bt number -SQLTempBuff number -Bt – also influences degree of merge, and can greatly affect sort performance. All parameters apply to all connections for server. -SQLTempBuff – sort buffer size, hash index size (K bytes). Default – 1000 (1M) -Bt – number of Storage Manager page buffers. Default – 32 8K bytes per buffer -T – directory for disk space allocation -t – whether disk file is visible DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

34 10.1A Temp data startup parameters
-SQLTempBuff 2000 -Bt 4 data1 buf1 data2 buf2 data3 buf3 sort run buffer sort data4 buf4 merge DB data sorted -SQLTempBuff – default K units (== 1M). Unit = 1K. -Bt – default 32 8K buffers. Unit = 1 buffer. -Bt – also influences degree of merge, and can greatly affect sort performance. All parameters apply to all connections for server. Temp db DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

35 10.1A Temp data startup parameters
Performance recommendations Large file system cache -SQLTempBuff has little effect -Bt – double it to 64 if more than 24M data Will drive down number of merge passes Small file system cache -SQLTempBuff may help -Bt – same as above Mid-range sort volume (1.1M – 4M) -SQLTempBuff – same size as sorted data Defaults are pretty good for a wide range of circumstances. Large file system cache functions as super-extended values for these parameters. -SQLTempBuff – specify in units of 1K pages [Pause a second for everyone to read the text.] DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

36 Tuning your sql statements
Possible problems and remedies Join relationships not completely expressed in predicates Remedy - more, better join predicates on sql statements Every pair of tables with a relationship should have a predicate giving that relation: This slide transitions back to the “tuning your statements” sub-topic! This example is overly simplistic but it makes the point!! Example also shows how can specify constant for non-leading index component to get first row only in joining data. This somewhat resembles a 4GL FOR FIRST . “select … from pub.orders O, pub.orderlines L where O.onum = L.onum and L.linenum = 1” DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

37 Tuning your sql statements
Possible problems and remedies - more Leading keys of indexes not specified Remedy - give predicates on leading keys Predicates best for index use not used Best: “=”, IN Near best: BETWEEN Good: >, >=, <, <= Note - OR can disable index optimizations This example is overly simplistic but it makes the point!! DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

38 Tuning communication for your statement
Drives number of messages for Result Set ODBC – Fetch Array Size DSN option in ODBC Data Source Administrator JDBC - setFetchSize( ) SQL Server JDBC api is 10.1A new feature. Goal is to incur fewer round trips between client and server. “round trip” – 1 Fetch message from client to server, 1 Result Set array from server to client. Fetch array size unit is the result set row. No upper limit except available memory on server for required data buffes for each column instance. Server’s column buffers are sized to sqlwidth, to hold max possible size. Experiment with typical result sets to determine benefit. Can also use Prepare to drive down number of roundtrips, when statement can be prepared once and executed many times. Database Crystal (ODBC)JDBC 50 rows of data ……… ………… ………… 500 rows of data ……… ………… ……………… ……… ………… ……………… ……… ………… ……………… DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

39 Tuning your sql statements
Finding the problem Time, Inspect, Investigate, Change To investigate: sql virtual system table for query plan Access query plan for sql statement executed Query plan data will show: Tables, indexes Joins Predicates, join order Note: only your query plans available Must be DBA or have DBA grant privileges to you Time – do simple timing of data access requests. Inspect – see sql statement executed. Investigate – query plan DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

40 Getting the query plan Basic form Simplify with views
select substring("_Description",1,80) from pub."_Sql_Qplan“ where "_Pnumber" = (select max("_Pnumber") from pub."_Sql_Qplan" where "_Ptype" > 0 ); Simplify with views See Appendix for how to define view. select * from my_Qplan; DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

41 Getting the query plan Get your sql statement
Crystal Reports: Database menu “Show SQL query …” Copy into a sql query tool DB Navigator, WinSQL, DB Visualizer, SQL Explorer Run your statement Run the sql statement to get query plan DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

42 Query plan – what to look for
Simple single table select “select … from pub.customer where custnum between 1000 and 1100” SELECT COMMAND. PROJECT [66] ( | PROJECT [64] ( | | PUB.CUSTOMER. [0]( | | | INDEX SCAN OF ( | | | | CustNum, | | | | | (PUB.CUSTOMER.CustNum) between (1000,1100)) table index Simple indentation to show tree form. Find and consider the highlights shown. Ignore the Project operations, and other less important operations. index keys, predicates DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

43 Query plan – what to look for
Two table select with 2 join keys join JOIN [13][AUG_NESTED_LOOP-JOIN] | | PUB.O. [2]( | | | INDEX SCAN OF ( | | | | CustOrder, | | | | | (PUB.O.CustNum) between (1,3)) | (PEXPR1, PEXPR3) = (PEXPR5, PEXPR6) | -- above defines ANL left side keys <relop> right side keys | | | PUB.L. [3]( | | | | INDEX SCAN OF ( | | | | | orderline, | | | | | |(PUB.L.Ordernum, PUB.L.Linenum) = (null,null)) joining table join predicates joining table Simplified from a real query. Find and consider the highlights shown. Ignore the Project operations, and other less important operations. join index DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

44 Query plan – what to look for
Four table join | JOIN [15][AUG_NESTED_LOOP-JOIN] | | JOIN [13][AUG_NESTED_LOOP-JOIN | | | JOIN [11][AUG_NESTED_LOOP-JOIN] | | | | PROJECT [66] ( | | | | | PUB.O. [10]( | | | | | | INDEX SCAN OF ( | | | | | | | CustOrder, | | | | | | | | (PUB.O.CustNum) … | | | | PROJECT [61] ( | | | | | PUB.C. [9]( | | | | | | | CustNum, | | | | | | | |(PUB.C.CustNum) = … | | | PROJECT [72] ( | | | | PUB.L. [12]( | | | | | INDEX SCAN OF ( | | | | | | orderline, | | | | | | | (PUB.L.Ordernum, PUB.L.Linenum) = (null,1)) Order of joins 2 tables for a join Drastically simplified from a real query. Find and consider the highlights shown. Ignore the Project operations, and other less important operations. Note that the 2 inputs to a join may be a table and another join, or 2 other joins. But in all cases, most important pattern to see is the order in which tables are being joined. DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

45 Tuning your sql statements
Hints and tips Use NOEXECUTE to evaluate Test, inspect query plan, repeat until done OpenEdge 10 and Progress Version 9 NOEXECUTE is 1 word Example: Experiment with alternate queries without cost of query execution! select … from Table1 t1, Table2 t2 where t1.key = 5 and t1.key = t2.key NOEXECUTE; DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

46 Tuning your sql statements
Hints and tips Forcing the join order NO REORDER phrase at end of FROM clause When all else fails! Example: Index hints Use carefully - not deterministic select … from Table1, Table2, Table3 {NO REORDER} where … ; DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

47 Choose index if it is an eligible candidate
Index hint Syntax WITH ( INDEX ( <index name> ) ) Choose index if it is an eligible candidate select … from … PUB.pt_mstr pt_mstr with (index(pt_type)), … where idh_hist.idh_part = pt_mstr.pt_part and pt_mstr.pt_part_type = ‘FG’ and … DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

48 In summary What the sql server does for your application
What the sql server does with your application Tuning to make the server do what you want Tuning to make your statements do what you want DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

49 Relevant Exchange Sessions
DB-31: Understanding and Leveraging the Latest ODBC and JDBC Technology Monday, 5 June, 3:15pm - 4:30pm DB-7: OpenEdge Db Performance Tuning Tuesday, 6 June, 2:15pm – 3:15pm INNOV-12: OpenEdge Database Roadmap Wednesday, 7 June, 9:00am - 10:00am DB-11: OpenEdge Data Management Info Exchange Wednesday, 7 June, 10:15am – 11:15am DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

50 Questions? DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

51 Online resources White paper on query optimizer
PSDN Library, Whitepapers, Progress RDBMS and SQL92 Collection of white papers at PSDN library ODBC, JDBC Configuration Locking, Index statistics, Server configuration Visit new URL at “to be announced” Online documentation at Progress web site Knowledge base 21676, 20007, query plan Exchange 2005 presentation DB-16 JTA Transactions in the Database DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

52 Thank you for your time! DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

53 DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

54 Appendix – query plan view 1
-- to show all of query plan for most recent statement. create view qplan_full as select * from pub."_Sql_Qplan" where "_Pnumber" = (select max( "_Pnumber" ) from pub."_Sql_Qplan" where "_Ptype" > 0 ); grant select on qplan_full to public; create public synonym qplan_full for qplan_full ; commit work; DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

55 Appendix – query plan view 2
-- try to show just the highlights of query plan, omitting data specifics. create view qplan_no_data as select * from pub."_Sql_Qplan" where "_Pnumber" = (select max( "_Pnumber" ) where "_Ptype" > 0 ) and "_Description" not like '% , %' and "_Description" not like '%, PEXPR%' and "_Description" not like '%, substr%' and "_Description" not like '%| )' and "_Description" not like '%| )%' and "_Description" not like '%| ,%' and "_Description" not like '%callback%' and "_Description" not like '%col id# %' and "_Description" not like and "_Description" not like '%terminate%' and ("_Description" not like '% )' or "_Description" like '%OJ Predicate%' ) ; grant select on qplan_no_data to public; create public synonym qplan_no_data for qplan_no_data ; commit work; DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

56 Appendix – query plan view definition
Table "_Sql_Qplan" exists as if it had been created by the sql syntax below The definition of this sql virtual system table is not visible to client tools such as Crystal Reports create table "_Sql_Qplan" ( "_Pnumber" integer not null, plan number. "_Ptype" integer not null, plan type. "_Dtype" integer not null, description type. "_Description" varchar(255) not null, -- description line. "_Dseq" integer not null description sequence#. ); DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

57 Updating sql statistics
Specific categories of statistics Table statistics “update table statistics [for <table name>];” Column statistics “update [all] column statistics [for <table name>];” Index statistics “update index statistics [for <table name>];” reads all of each index for 1, or all, tables. DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

58 Updating sql statistics
The who and the when Must be DBA When to do Do it once For all tables Repeat yearly for all tables Repeat selectively for a few tables Volatile tables Capture the average Relationships between tables or indexes change The When question is frequently asked. Let the data drive the solution. DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

59 Schemas PUB schema Default schema
Inter-operability with 4GL PUB schema Schema for inter-operability with 4GL Default schema 10.1A – settable in connection string Earlier - Set schema ‘pub’ SQL Server Schema - set of tables with common owner PUB SMITH Sql client JONES DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

60 Tuning your sql statements
General sql best practices - more Inner join or Outer join Outer join - more expensive Join relationships in ON clause Including single column predicates Auto-commit - expensive Cursor based updates - slow (currently) DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

61 Tuning your sql statements
General sql best practices Predicates are good More is always better Specify exact set of needed columns in result set sql engine may be able to avoid reading data page when only key columns used Sort and group on the server Sort, group by – especially in 10.1A DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

62 Tuning your sql statements
Possible problems and remedies - more Several similar indexes not distinguished as expected Remedy: index statistics Index 1 – comp, div, city, custid Index 2 – comp, div, city, po_num This example is overly simplistic but it makes the point!! Refer back to earlier index statistics visual diagram, and how it showed statistics giving exactly how many rows a set of keys would return. select … where comp = ‘a’ and div = ‘b’ and city = ‘c’ and custid = 123 and po_num = 98765 DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

63 Query plan – what to look for
Larger and more complex plan Two table select with 2 join keys -- 2 key join select o.ordernum, o.orderdate, l.itemnum from pub.order o, pub.orderline l where o.custnum between 1 and 3 and o.ordernum = l.ordernum and o.custnum = l.linenum; Illustrate example query behind 2 join query plan slide. DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

64 Query plan – what to look for
Larger and more complex plan Four table join select c.custnum, o.ordernum, o.OrderDate, i.Itemnum, l.price from pub.customer c, pub.order o, pub.orderline l, pub.item i where c.custnum = o.custnum and o.ordernum = l.ordernum and l.linenum = 1 and l.itemnum = i.itemnum and c.custnum between 1 and 6 order by 1,3 DB-2: Tuning OpenEdge SQL

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