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SBAC/CAASPP 2018 Test Administration

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1 SBAC/CAASPP 2018 Test Administration
Sunrise Elementary Clicking on a link will open a box with a clickable link if you are NOT in Presentation Mode (click PRESENT in upper right to enter presentation mode).

2 Resources (videos/documents)
Teacher Resources (guides/printable PDF’s): Start a PRACTICE Session Start a REAL TEST Session Directions for Administration (DFA/script) Teacher Security Affidavit Videos on Starting a TESTING Session: Start Testing(2 min-fewest details for those who are experienced) Start Testing(4 min.-more detailed) Start Testing (12 min. video-most detailed) Videos for Students: Student Universal Tools (6 min.)-also on slide #11 Testing on a Chromebook (3 min.)-also on slide #12 Clicking on a link will open a box with a clickable link if you are NOT in Presentation Mode (click PRESENT in upper right to enter presentation mode).

3 Testing Schedule/Guidelines
Test Mon - Fri if you like (makeups any time) Handout/collect student login cards daily Students may ONLY read a book if done early Week 1 - D Track - April 30 - May 4 A, B & C Tracks - June 4 - June 8 Week 2 - D Track - May 7 - May 12 A, B & C Tracks - June 11 - June 15 *Send your testing schedule to the office staff so they can hold calls. Clicking on a link will open a box with a clickable link if you are NOT in Presentation Mode (click PRESENT in upper right to enter presentation mode).

4 Possible Testing Schedule
Sample suggested time line: ELA – 2 sessions 40 – 60 min each Math – 2 sessions 40 – 60 min each ELA PT – 2 sessions 60+ min each Math PT – 1 session 60+ min Science – 1 Session 60 – 120 min 8:30 – 9:30 ELA Test ELA Performance Task Math Test Math Performance Task Science (5th only) 9:30 – 10:30

5 Estimated Testing Times/Cart Assignments
Chromebook Cart Assignments: A-Brown, Gross B-Tolson, Mallison C-Roeser, Stradley/Goehring D-Hushbeck, Perez E-Lyons, Lewis/Miller F-Andrews (due to ramp) *5th Grade-online SCIENCE test is estimated at 1 hour

6 Testing Environment Cover/take down any information on walls that may be helpful prior to testing Ensure NO electronics are on/accessible & post the required “no electronics” sign Place a Testing/Do Not Disturb sign on door

7 Choose the Test Administrator Interface to begin
Test Administration Open Chrome and type in the following URL: Choose the Test Administrator Interface to begin Clicking on a link will open a box with a clickable link if you are NOT in Presentation Mode (click PRESENT in upper right to enter presentation mode).

8 Logon to begin Use your full address for the username, type your password, and click secure login. Misplaced your password? Click “Forgot Your Password?” and you will be ed a temporary password to log in with. This will need to be changed.

9 Choose a Test to Administer
SUMMATIVE=end of year tests Click the to expand the selections Choose your test: Click for ELA or Math category Click for CAT or Perf. Task category Check the BOX of specific test Press Start Session Operational Session Note: Don’t click on any boxes of “categories” because it will select ALL tests in that group. After checking box for the test you want, click the GREEN button to start & get a SESSION ID.

10 Approve Students / Refresh
Session ID (write on board) Open/view Approvals window

11 Monitor View student progress & monitor. Columns are sortable. Press STOP to end the session. Students who have not submitted will be “force paused.” You can click Print Session before stopping the session to get a list of students’ progress.

12 Student Universal Tools
These are tools ALL students have access to.

13 Student Access Student video-Testing on a Chromebook: Students DON’T log into Chromebooks to test Instead... Adjust Volume using keys (about 75% is a good level) Click on Apps on tray at bottom-left corner Click AIRSecureTest Choose California and click OK and they will be taken to the sign on screen

14 Student Login/Approval
Hand out the student login/cards PRIOR to testing. Students sign in, pick their grade & today’s assigned test and WAIT for your APPROVAL. Write the SESSION ID on the whiteboard for students (in 3 boxes for clarity) Login info card

15 Reminders Test EXPIRATIONS after starting: CAT-45 calendar days /PT -10 calendar days Provide SCRATCH paper (lined/blank & graph for 6th grade) COLLECT & turn in all scratch paper for shredding (box in office) “Segments” within a test cannot be revisited after moving on. Watch for this & adjust as needed for your testing times. Student breaks, two options: 1) Click PAUSE (screen blanks & Y/N dialog pops up)-click NO upon returning 2) COVER the screen w/paper (inactivity over 20 minutes will auto logoff) PRINT each SESSION at the end to document progress/makeups needed NO ELECTRONICS sign | DO NOT DISTURB sign Clicking on a link will open a box with a clickable link if you are NOT in Presentation Mode (click PRESENT in upper right to enter presentation mode). Good luck! Contact your test admin for any questions.

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