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With Analog and Digital Hybrid Controller – FCM8531

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1 With Analog and Digital Hybrid Controller – FCM8531
Simplifying BLDC Motor Control Design With Analog and Digital Hybrid Controller – FCM8531 Wen Chien, BLDC PL

2 New Solution for Your Motor designs.
The New Motor Type (PMSM/BLDC motor) Brings New Challenges. The Hybrid (Analog and Digital Integrated) Controller Provides a New Architecture for Motor Designs Introducing to FCM8531, Hybrid Motor Controller

3 Benefits of Using BLDC Motor
AC Motor BLDC Motor Efficiency 35% 90% Noise Hum Complete Silence Size/Weight AC Motor is bigger in size and 33%~50% heavier than BLDC Motor Rotation Speed Limited to the AC frenquency (50/60HZ) Unadjustable Linear Control / Auto adjustment by working load Tempurature Rise 950C 400C~45OC due to higher efficiency Application Range Single Purpose Multiple Purpose Life Span Short Long

4 Moving from AC Motor to BLDC Motor
The world wide MHA shipments increases 32% from 2010~2015, and the adoption rate of BLDC/PMSM motor will also double. 2010 2011 2012 2013(F) 2014(F) 2015(F) Worldwide Shipments (kU) Washing Machine 76,639 81,901 86,830 90,828 94,363 97,669 Fridges 111,165 118,240 125,744 132,952 139,409 144,694 Air Conditioner 73,775 79,172 85,270 91,084 96,659 101,892 Total MHA Shipment 261,579 279,313 297,844 314,864 330,431 344,255 Annual Growth 6.8% 6.6% 5.7% 4.9% 4.2% % with BLDC/PMSM motor 17.2% 19.0% 21.5% 24.1% 27.2% 30.4% 7.7% 8.8% 10.2% 11.6% 13.5% 15.8% 33.8% 40.9% 47.9% 55.0% 62.2% 68.9% Average Adoption % 17.8% 20.9% 24.3% 27.8% 31.7% 35.6%

5 New Challenges for Using BLDC Motors
More complex electronics control required to manage the new motor type, and quite often digital control chips, like DSPs, are used.

6 New Challenges for Using BLDC Motors
For traditional motor industry Engineers are mostly of machinery majors Lack of experience and expertise in electronic control algorithms and transforming complicated mathematical computation into software coding. Modules of motor control algorithm Motor control theories Software coding

7 Motor Engineers’ Dream
What if there is a new solution that can Provide modularized and advanced motor control libraries. Minimize software design efforts but still provides programmable system control and communication interfaces for implementation of additional features. Provide hardware protection and the robustness of analogy controllers

8 New Architecture for BLDC Motor Control
Integration of Analog and Digital IC GPIO UART I2C SPI FOC DQ Sinsoidal Embedded MCU A MCS®51-compatible MCU processor provides motor control commands to the AMC to perform motor control activities, and manage external communication interfaces Advanced Motor Controller A hardware-based motor controller plus configurable processing core which can be configured to several kinds of specific motor control algorithm.

9 How Does the Hybrid Architecture Work?
AMC : Dedicated to motor controls MCU : Center of flow control and communication interfaces. Manage the functions such as speed control panel, remote control, or LED light indicators.

10 Benefits of the Hybrid Architecture
Minimum Software Effort The AMC performs powerful algorithms such as FOC and DQ control by using Fairchild’s libraries that can be configured and stored in AMC. Only simple system control software program needed in MCU. Reliability AMC and MCU work independently to avoid system hang-ups. Robust Performance Real time cycle-by-cycle current protections in the hardware based AMC detect and turn off PWM signals in μs to prevent system damage.

11 Advanced Motor Control Libraries
Capable of adapting to various motor designs, the AMC can be configured with different libraries. The AMC libraries now available : Speed Integral: Sensorless FOC library for applications with static load, such as pedestal fan, air-con fan,ceiling fan…etc Sliding Mode: Sensorless FOC library for applications with dynamic load, such as water pumps, oil pumps and compressors Hall Interface: Library used in Hall sensor motor control systems with square/ sinusoidal wave drive.

12 Easy-to-Use Developing Tool : MCDS
Fairchild provides the Motor Control Development System (MCDS) IDE and MCDS Programming Kit for users to develop software, compile programs, and perform online debugging. Friendly user interface that reduces the time and effort of studying datasheets and coding. Visual setting options to replace complex software coding. Motor design configurations by simple step-by-step clicking and selecting. Support real time motor tuning.

13 FCM8531 Hybrid Motor Controller
Fairchild has explored the need of motor engineers and developed a new hybrid controller – FCM8531 Easy to use and fully integrated solution with completed developing tools and advanced motor control libraries allows very fast time to market

14 FCM8531 - AMC AMC (Advanced Motor Controller)
Configurable Processing Core Angle Predictor PWM Engine SAW Generator PWM Generator SVM Generator PWM Modulation Leading Angle Control More ADC Protections MSFR

15 AMC Libraries - Speed Integral
Easy to use, fewer parameters Support higher speed range Easy to achieve speed control Suitable for static load applications such as fans θSVM = (Qr+90°) Θp = Qr * AS

16 AMC Libraries - Sliding Mode
Robust to control dynamic load Suitable pump and compressor applications. Basic motor knowledge and various parameter settings are required.

17 AMC - PWM Engine Cycle-by-Cycle Off

18 AMC - SAW Generator SPRDH/L{10:0]

19 AMC - PWM Generator Dead Time: @30Mhz
00 : 12x tSYS (0.4us) 01 : 36x tSYS (1.2us) 10 : 60x tSYS (2.0us) 11 : 96x tSYS (3.2us) Minimum on 00 : 12x tSYS (0.4us) 01 : 24x tSYS (0.8us) 10 : 36x tSYS (1.2us) 11 : 48x tSYS (1.6us) Other Options: PWM Mode Synchronous Rectifier (SR) Low Side Minimum PWM Independent mode

20 AMC - PWM Modulation Sinusoidal Modulation Square-wave Modulation HA
HB HC 60° 120° 180° 240° 300° 360° Phase U Phase V Phase W SAW U X V Y W Z HA HB HC U X V Y W Z 60° 120° 180° 240° 300° 360° DUTY SAW Ton

21 AMC - Leading Angle Control

22 AMC - Over Current Protection
Over Current Protections Cycle-by-Cycle current limit Short-circuit detection VBIAS (2V)= IBIAS (50uA) x RBIAS (40 kΩ)

23 AMC - Fault Protection An interrupt will be generated when fault is detected and shown in the fault register.

24 AMC - ADC Block Diagram 8 CH, 10-bit ADC Auto-Trigger Sample & Hold
Four Trigger Mode Selections Three Pre-AMP Gain Selections

25 AMC - 10-Bit ADC Sampling Positions
SAW Peak SAW Valley By Timer 0 Manual mode 3 different sample rate for 10 channels of ADC High Speed IA/IB/IC: Sample rate is ADC trigger rate Mid Speed VA/VB/VC: Sample rate is 1/4 of ADC trigger rate Low Speed AIN0/AIN1/AIN2/AIN3: Sample rate is 1/16 of ADC trigger rate

26 FCM8531 - Embedded MCU MCS® 51 Compatible
Advanced Instruction Architecture Memory Size: 12K Bytes Flash Program Memory 256 +1K Bytes SRAM Data Memory Extended 16-bit Multiplication/Division Unit Up to 17 GPIO Full Duplex Serial Interface (UART) I2C Interface Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Three External Interrupts Three 16-bit Timers Programmable 15-bit Watchdog Timer Built-in Power-On Reset (POR) Built-in Clock Generator 2-Level Program Memory Lock Power Saving Support OCDS and ISP

27 MCU - Memory Map


29 MCU - I2C

30 MCU - SPI

31 MCU - MDU (Multiplication/Division Unit)
17 cycles 11 cycles 9 cycles 3~19 cycles

32 MCU - Power Saving IDLE Mode STOP Mode SLEEP Mode
execution of MCU programs pauses, but the peripheral I/O circuits continue to work (e.g., PWM, external interrupt, timing, serial output, etc.). STOP Mode execution of programs, digital I/O interfaces, and all digital circuits pause. This mode continues until the occurrence of an EX0/EX1 external interrupt or a system reset. SLEEP Mode the MCU and AMC are both turned off. At this moment, the alarm timer begins to count. After a timeout, the MCU and AMC are turned on again.

33 Online Design Resources
Affordable EVB and MCDS Programming Kit available online Completed Design Tool and User Guides MCDS IDE software Hardware Description Evaluation Board (EVB) User Guide MCDS IDE User Guide MCU Instruction Set User Guide Library User Guide - Speed Integral Library User Guide - Sliding Mode Library User Guide - Hall Interface Focus on Sensorless and Fan

34 Applications Suitable Applications Sensorless IPM/SPM BLDC/PMSM Motor
Fan Pedestal Fan FCU / FFU Air-Con Fan Range-hood Ceiling Fan Exhaust Fan Blower Pump Power-Tool E-bike, etc. Focus on Sensorless and Fan

35 Fairchild’s Complete Motor Solution
Fairchild provide all the key functional building blocks for motor system These includes BLDC controller Integrated PWM controller PFC controller SPM® Smart Power Module IGBT/MOSFER HV gate driver Optocoupler Focus on Sensorless and Fan

36 Summary How do we DEFINE a good motor controller?
Definitely not only about advanced or high-speed processors….. But a collocation of mature semiconductor technology with modularized and advanced motor control libraries. For more information about evaluation boards, user guides, videos, white papers…etc, please visit :


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