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Creating Effective Instructional Video

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1 Creating Effective Instructional Video
Leif Nelson, Director of Learning Technology Solutions Boise State University Office of Information Technology


3 How many daily video views on YouTube?
Question: How many daily video views on YouTube?

4 4,000,000,000 1 billion people now use YouTube
4 billion videos are viewed on YouTube each day 300 hours of content is uploaded to YouTube every minute (by the end of this presentation about 14,000 hours of new content will be available) 323 days worth of video is watched on Facebook every minute

5 Objectives: Describe relevant theories as they apply to instructional video Take away tips about lighting, sound and other useful tools.

6 Let’s talk practical/common sense
Before we dive into the highfalutin stuff: Let’s talk practical/common sense

7 Why use video for instruction?

8 Why use video? Introduce yourself Demonstrating visual concepts
Provide feedback Capture authentic moments

9 Why use video? Create a sense of presence Playback control
Condense information Reach students anywhere Viewership data

10 What are the learning goals?
Ask yourself: What are the learning goals?

11 What problem are you trying to solve?
Ask yourself: What problem are you trying to solve?

12 The three “tellems” Tell them what they’re going to learn
Deliver the content Tell them what they’ve learned

13 Theory

14 Three theories Media richness Cognitive load Social presence

15 Media Richness

16 Cognitive Load Text Audio Image

17 Cognitive Load Intrinsic - complexity of content
Extraneous - noise, distractions Germane - relevant info that is stored in LTM

18 Cognitive Load If your audience has NO or LOW prior knowledge

19 Cognitive Load If your audience has SOME prior knowledge:
Use text plus images because according to cognitive load theory, they will be better able to process information

20 Cognitive Load Intrinsic - complexity of content
Extraneous - noise, distractions Germane - relevant info that is stored in LTM

21 Cognitive Load Intrinsic Annie Mole on Flickr

22 Cognitive Load Extraneous Michael Basial on Flickr

23 Cognitive Load Germane

24 Social Presence Authenticity Affectivity Availability


26 Some other pedagogical pointers
Do what you’re comfortable with Look at viewership data Differentiated instruction Assessment (formative and summative) Add interactivity if possible (e.g., quiz questions) Developmental models (TPACK, SAMR)

27 An example

28 Key Takeaways Audience prior knowledge? Focus on germane content
Imagery/Video is usually beneficial The humanity! Other?

29 Questions so far?

30 Tips

31 Gear Equipment Camera Microphone Software Editing Hosting

32 Video Editing Tools Camtasia Windows Movie Maker iMovie Final Cut
Premiere Lightworks



35 Quality Content Video Audio

36 Content Short, “chunked content” Speak clearly, enthusiastically
Consider contrast of words and backgrounds Have interactivity or knowledge checks if possible

37 Have a plan (storyboard, script)

38 Shooting Video

39 Tips Make sure the subject is well-lit
Make sure the light source is in front of the subject not behind it Consider the frame (take three steps forward) Have camera at eye level


41 Technical Wide screen 16:9 ratio MP4 (for video) and MP3 (for audio)
Use default framerate

42 Audio

43 Audio Tips Try to avoid lots of background noise (people, wind, heavy machinery) Speak as closely to the mic as possible (well, don’t “eat” it) Microphones Lapel for recording a speech or presentation Boundary (a.k.a “pzm”) for multiple speakers, e.g., board room USB (e.g., Blue snowball or yeti) podcasting mic for desktop recording


45 Adding Music

46 Screen- capture

47 Accessibility Closed-Captioning Descriptive transcript

48 Hosting Your Video YouTube Vimeo Google Drive ilos

49 ilos

50 What tips do you have?

51 An “unusual” example (or two)
Learning goal was to promote awareness about our departments “Novelty” can be an effective technique for attention, knowledge, etc.

52 Let’s try it


54 One thing I learned . . .

55 Questions? Leif Nelson

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