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Ms. Carlson’s 6th Grade Science Class

2 Planets in Our Solar System
Our solar system galaxy is called the Milky Way. In the Milky Way, all of the planets revolve heliocentrically around the sun.

3 Sun The sun is the largest object in our solar system.
It is a star, not a planet. Made mostly of hydrogen an helium. The sun has 8 planets along with other object orbiting around it. The temperature of the core is 15.6 million Kelvin!

4 Mercury Closest planet to the sun
Mercury rotates 3 times in 2 of its years. The temperature of Mercury is 90 degrees Kelvin to 700 Kelvin. The surface is cratered heavily, similar to our Moon. Mercury has no known satellites.

5 Venus Venus is the second planet from the sun.
It is the brightest object in the sky besides the sun and the moon Venus is composed mostly of carbon dioxide, which makes it unsuitable for life. Said to be Earth’s sister planet because they are quite similar in all aspects, like size. Has no known satellites

6 Earth Earth is the 3rd planet from the Sun
There are many different layers that Earth is divided into. It is the densest body in the solar system 71% of Earth is covered by water Earth has one satellite: the Moon. Only planet right now where life can survive.

7 Mars Mars is the 4th planet from the sun Referred to as the Red Planet
Evidence of erosion on Mars from floods and river systems Mars is similar to Earth, but is much colder Mars has 2 satellites: Phobos and Deimos

8 Jupiter Jupiter is the 5th planet from the sun
Largest planet in our solar system It is 90% hydrogen and 10% helium Jupiter has a Great Red Spot that is big enough to hold two Earths. The Great Red Spot is much colder than the rest of the planet. Jupiter has 63 known satellites.

9 Saturn 6th planet from the sun and is the 2nd largest
75% hydrogen and 25% helium, which is similar to Jupiter There are two prominent rings that can be seen from Earth that are around Saturn These rings are composed of very small particles, like water ice. Saturn as 34 known satellites.

10 Uranus 7th planet from the sun
Planet is composed of mostly rock and various ices. Has blue tint to it because it absorbs red light. Uranus has 27 moons Rotates parallel, unlike the other planets that rotate perpendicular.

11 Neptune 8th planet from the sun
Sometimes, Pluto’s orbit crosses Neptune’s, making Neptune the furthest planet from the sun. Similar composition to Uranus—composed of rock and ice, also has blue tint as Uranus Neptune is known for its Great Dark Spot which is half the size of Jupiter’s Red Spot 25 known moons

12 Pluto Now known as a “dwarf planet”
Its composition is about 70% rock and 30% water ice There is one known satellite: Charon


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