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Animal Farm Intro.

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1 Animal Farm Intro

2 George Orwell was born Eric Blair in 1903.
He was born in Montihari, Bengal.

3 Works related to life experiences-
He was a teacher, writer, and he was in the military. He often wrote about his experiences. For example: Homage to Catalonia= Spanish Civil War A Clergyman’s Daughter= Teacher

4 Orwell was a socialist. (Someone who believes that the government should own businesses so that everyone will be equal. He desired a society in which separate classes would not exist.

5 He began writing Animal Farm in 1943
He began writing Animal Farm in It was rejected by nearly 20 publishers. Two things influenced Orwell to write Animal Farm: His hatred for injustice and political lying.

6 Another famous work by Orwell was Nineteen Eighty-Four
Another famous work by Orwell was Nineteen Eighty-Four. It was published in It was set in the future and was Orwell’s final book. He died of tuberculosis in 1950.

7 Classifications Animal Farm can be considered to be a fable, an allegory, and a satire. Most fables have 2 levels of meaning. The fable is about animals, and the animals stand for types of people or ideas.

8 An allegory is a type of fiction with multiple levels of meanings.
A satire is a form of literature that criticizes a subject by making it seem ridiculous, amusing, or contemptible Animal Farm makes the Soviet Union seem laughable and despicable. It also describes the takeover of Communism.

9 The Russian Revolution
Communism arose in Russia when the workers and peasants rebelled against wealthy and powerful class capitalists and aristocrats. Czar Nicholas II, monarch of Russia, was forced to abdicate the throne. Vladamir Lenin took control. When Lenin died, Trotsky and Stalin competed for control of the Soviet Union. Stalin banished Trotsky and took control.

10 People of Interest Czar Nicholas II- Karl Marx- Joseph Stalin-
Leon Trotsky- The KGB(Secret police)- The “Proletariat”- Pravada-

11 Terms 1.Egalitarian- The belief in equal political, economic, social, and civil right for all people. 2.Totalitariaism- A political system in which the country is ruled by dictator who controls every aspect of citizens’ lives. 3. Capitalism- A free market system where citizens or privately owned companies produce and sell goods and services. 4. Communism-An economic/political system in which all property and means of production are owned and controlled by the Communist Party.

12 Czar Nicolas II He was Russia’s last czar (emperor) Czar Nicolas II
Mr. Jones Poor, inefficient leader Doesn’t take care of animals Sadistic, cruel to opponents Beat animals with a whip

13 Karl Marx Karl Marx Old Major Came up with communism Started Animalism
Wanted workers to overthrow government Wanted Animal to overthrow Jones Died before Russian Revolution Died before Animal Revolution

14 Joseph Stalin Joseph Stalin Napoleon Not educated or a good speaker
Not as clever as Snowball Brutal and corrupt Cruel and vicious Didn’t care about the welfare for all Russians Didn’t care about welfare for all Animals Killed his enemies Utilized propaganda Used Squealer and Moses Used force to take over and exile opponent Used force to exile Snowball and take over the farm.

15 Leon Trotsky Leon Trotsky Snowball Smart and passionate leader
Sincere leader Pure communist( wanted a better life for everyone) Wanted better life for all Chased away by Stalin’s KGB Chased away by Napoleon’s secret police of dogs

16 Others KGB= Dogs Proletariat(Labor working class)-Boxer
The Pravada- Newspaper (Propaganda source)- Squealer

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