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DELIVERY How do we communicate? AGENDA Basics about delivery Physical delivery Vocal delivery.

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Presentation on theme: "DELIVERY How do we communicate? AGENDA Basics about delivery Physical delivery Vocal delivery."— Presentation transcript:




4 How do we communicate?


6 AGENDA Basics about delivery Physical delivery Vocal delivery

7 DELIVERY Visible and audible activity to communicate ideas & feelings
Effective the speaker the speech the audience the occasion

8 formality good conversation: directness spontaneity vocal and facial expressiveness lively sense of communication

9 Good delivery Conveys the spirit of the message Eases understanding
Message clear & interesting

10 Appearance Eye-contact Facial expression Gestures Posture Movement
Physical Delivery Appearance Eye-contact Facial expression Gestures Posture Movement

11 Appearance Fit the occasion & audience expectations Look tidy
Don’t be distractive Avoid uncomfortable clothes

12 Facial Expressions facial expressions intended meaning
involved speaker  involved audience smile fake confidence!

13 “Eye contact is a humanizing endeavor.”
initiates conversation makes people listen increases confidence “Eye contact is a humanizing endeavor.”

14 Posture Express competence! Not stiff like Sheldon!
No hunchback please! Don’t be a snob!

15 Gestures Don’t preplan them! Act natural! Look involved!

16 Vocal delivery Voice Volume Vocal variety Pace & fluency Pausing

17 Movement Swaying or rocking Pacing too much Playing with your hair
Clinging to the lectern Scratching your head etc.

18 Voice reflect confidence & sincerity enhance the meaning
sound firm & clear

19 Vocal Variety pitch, intonation & tone
Pitch: highness or lowness of voice Intonation: variation of pitch Intonation varied to convey surprise, anger, sarcasm etc. Positive tone and a clear manner please!

20 Pace & Fluency Speaking slowly/rushing  Emphasis slow down!
Complicated sentences, awkward pauses, hesitations, too many filler words and sounds Iiiiimmmmm, Seyyyy, Yani…

21 Volume Adapt your voice to the acoustics of the room
size of the audience the level of the background noise

22 Pausing may signal the end of a thought unit
gives the listeners time to digest helps yourself regulate your breathing and pace. When to pause : Transition from one point to another Emphasis


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