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Published byFrederick Chandler Modified over 6 years ago
Adapting: Assessing Students for Prerequisite Learning Grades 6-12
Summer 2017 Speaker’s Notes: (< 1 min) Participants should sit at grade-level tables. This slide is displayed as participants return from their Lunch Break. Gather everyone’s attention and start (CLICK)
AM Session PM Session I - Connect to Day 1
ADAPTING: ASSESSING STUDENTS FOR PREREQUISITE LEARNING (GRADES 6-12) Today’s Agenda AM Session I - Connect to Day 1 II – Modeling Planning for Gaps III - Practice in Planning for Gaps IV - Reflect PM Session I - Connect w/AM Session II - Expand on Planning w/Progressions III - Practice Speaker's Notes:(1 – 2 min) Welcome back to our afternoon session. I hope you enjoyed lunch and were able to take recharge for our session. I’d like to get us started by doing a quick activity to help us connect with the morning. We will then expand on the planning moves we have discussed by doing a quick dive into some of the planning decisions we modeled earlier before you are able to practice by completing your own planning guides. To complete the day, we will engage in a little reflection activity and complete the survey for today. Are you ready to begin? [CLICK]
Speaker's Notes: Engage participants into one of the activities below (5 – 10 min).
To prepare for an action-packed afternoon, let’s get out of our chairs and do a brief activity! (Choose one of the activities below. Note that the second requires some additional preparation.) Activity 1: Headlines Materials: markers & chart paper. Set Up: In small teams of 3-5 people per table, have participants create a news headline that describes what they learned this morning at Institute. Say: “Before we engage in our activities for the afternoon, I thought it would be nice if we took a few minutes to help us reflect on what we experienced this morning. We will divide our table groups into teams. Each team must have between 3 and 5 members.” “Each team will create a headline that highlights/summarizes what you have learned this morning.” You will have 2-3 minutes to brainstorm within your teams and write your headline. We will then share out. “ Distribute Materials Allow teams 2-4 minutes to create and write their headlines. Facilitate: Teams share out the headlines by having one member of the group read the headline out loud to the whole room and having the headline related to a specific learning/event from the morning session. Call at teams randomly or ask for volunteers. After 3-5 minutes, invite all teams to place their headlines on the walls around the room and focus to the work the afternoon work. Summarize the main themes that emerged and invite participants to consider your question below. ASK: How do you think what we did this morning will connect with what we will do this afternoon? Activity 2: Kahoot Materials: internet & Kahoot Quiz ( UN: and PW: Institute => both are case-sensitive KAHOOT: Direct Participants to open the webpage: (available online through any device connected to the internet) and enter FACILITATOR DIRECTIONS: SAY: “Before we engage in our activities for the afternoon, I thought it would be nice if we took a few minutes to help us reflect on what we experienced this morning. We have prepared an online game to help us recall what we learned so far about planning Coherent Content in Context. It’s called Kahoot! Has any one used Kahoot before?” Acknowledge participants who are familiar with Kahoot and ask them to explain how one plays an online game using Kahoot. Ask participants to use their devices (phone, computers, ipads, computers) to log on to and enter the Game PIN on the screen (further directions for Room Facilitator available separately) Once you have logged on to the Kahoot site (see directions above) Click on My Kahoots in the navigation bar at the top Find the “Institute-Math-Returners-Day2-PM” kahoot; select “Play”; select “Classic” Have participants enter the Game Pin on their devices and then enter a name to participate in the game and have points assigned to them. Click on Start & follow Prompts Summarize at the end of each question – if needed. Use the bulleted line after each question below. KAHOOT QUESTIONS: A) When planning interventions for a Unit, the first step should be to thoroughly understand: i) the assessment approach ii) the prerequisite standards/knowledge/skills iii) the curricular intervention iv) the standards/major work for the grade (CORRECT) Display the tally of answers and point out that the first step in this planning protocol is to select the standards that represent the major work for the grade. B) Which of the following does NOT represent Coherent Content in Context design principles? i) Provide interventions that are fast and effective ii) Focus instruction on the important concepts of the CCSS Iii) Leverage fluency expectations (CORRECT) Iv) Honor the progression of grade learning Display the tally of answers and point out that even though knowledge of the fluency expectations for the grade levels may be useful to planning our curriculum, it is not a design principle for planning interventions C) The Content Guides discuss information that explains the standards, EXCEPT for: i) the meaning of the standards for the grade level ii) how the standards connect to assessments in the grade (CORRECT) Iii) how the standards connect within the grade Iv) how the standards progress across grades Display the tally of answers and point out that even though assessments are based on the standards, the Content Guides do not address any connections to assessments beyond the clear statement of what students should know and be able to do. Transition to Objectives: General Framing is that we use the content guides to support focused, intentional planning for students who have gaps in learning by increasing our knowledge about the standards and its progression. I. Welcome Back!
Morning Session: Progressions in Grades 6-12
ADAPTING: ASSESSING STUDENTS FOR PREREQUISITE LEARNING (GRADES 6-12) Objectives Morning Session: Progressions in Grades 6-12 Afternoon Session: Adapting Materials in Grades 6-12 Learn a method for intentionally planning for gaps in your students’ learning. Use Part 3 of the Content Guides to identify prerequisite skills. Decide assessment approaches to determine knowledge of prerequisite skills for your unit of study. Use Part 3 of the Content Guides to plan learning of prerequisite skills. Complete pre-planning process to address gaps in learning in your unit of study. Speaker's Notes:(1 - 2 min) Acknowledge the information that participants recalled by engaging in the activity of the previous slide. Transition by saying something to the effect of, “It’s great to know how much you learned this morning. Let’s now recall what our stated objectives for the morning were and peek at what our intended objectives for this afternoon are.” General framing is still, ”How can we use the content guides to support focused, intentional planning for students who have gaps in learning? It’s about building Coherent Content in Context.“
Completing the Puzzle…
Speaker's Notes:(1 – 2 min) Say: “The premise of our work today is centered on the realization that nearly all students will have at least some gaps in their learning. These gaps - or even misconceptions - can severely hinder new learning. Our work, among many things, is to ensure we have uncovered and directly engaged those misconceptions so we can work toward helping students finish their learning - or complete the puzzle!” Say: “So, in order to complete the puzzle, we worked this morning on completing a planning table according to our design protocol.”
AM Session PM Session I - Connect to Day 1
ADAPTING: ASSESSING STUDENTS FOR PREREQUISITE LEARNING (GRADES 6-12) Where Are We Now? AM Session I - Connect to Day 1 II - Modeling Planning for Gaps III - Practice in Planning for Gaps IV - Reflect PM Session I - Connect w/AM Session II - Expand on Planning w/Progressions III - Practice Speaker's Notes:(< 1 min) Say: “And that moves us right along into the expanding on the planning with progressions. We will review the steps we have already completed and the rationale behind our planning decisions as a platform to discuss the final steps of this planning process.”
Determine your curricular interventions.
ADAPTING: ASSESSING STUDENTS FOR PREREQUISITE LEARNING (GRADES 6-12) II. Expanding on Planning with Progressions: A Change in Practice? Choose a lesson from your unit and note the expectations of the focus standard(s). Use the Content Guides, Coherence Map, or other resources to determine prerequisite skill(s). Determine your curricular interventions. Determine what approach(es) you will take to determine whether or not students have those skill(s). Consider the tool and the timing. Speaker's Notes:(1 – 2 min) Say: “This is the protocol we have been using. Let’s look at what we accomplished this morning.” Narrate through first three bullets. Say: “First, we examined a lesson in light of the standard involved. Then, we determined the prerequisite skills required to master that lesson objective. Finally, realizing our students didn’t have those prerequisite skills, we planned a curricular intervention—a lesson, a review activity, etc.” [CLICK] and continue. “But how did we know our students didn’t have those skills? This is a vital question, because if we can see the roadblocks ahead, we can get our students around them smoothly. So our last missing ingredient is some kind of assessment approach that helps us identify problems before they arise unexpectedly in class.”
Add additional problem(s) into class work a day or two before.
ADAPTING: ASSESSING STUDENTS FOR PREREQUISITE LEARNING (GRADES 6-12) Expanding on Planning with Progressions: A Change in Practice? Determine what approach(es) you will take to determine whether or not students have those skill(s). Consider the tool and the timing. Exit ticket from EngageNY aligned to those standards given one week before, to allow for planning. Add additional problem(s) into class work a day or two before. “Mini-quiz” given at beginning of unit. Observation during another unit previously in the year. Assessment data from previous year or beginning-of-year benchmark data. Speaker's Notes: (5 – 10 min, with animations) Say: “Let’s take a closer look at that last point. What assessment approaches could work for us here?” Click and narrate various options, or just reveal 1-2 and have participants suggest further ideas before showing the others given here. Say: “In our case, we might just look at the exit tickets for the lessons we’re thinking about. Maybe a quick modification of these will work for us—say, we change the numbers and other surface details of the problem, but they’re still assessing the same Grade 6 knowledge and skills. We could give this mini-assessment a few days to a week before as a Do Now or an Exit Ticket to see where our students are. Then we have time to plan the most appropriate intervention.” A general note of caution here: this may be uncomfortable for some, as it requires an assumption that the teacher does NOT already know their students’ baseline knowledge coming into the year. This is healthy. Instead of assuming what kids know and don’t, we want teachers to realize that it is crucial they “trust, but verify”, so to speak. That’s the purpose of the assessment.
Curricular Intervention
ADAPTING: ASSESSING STUDENTS FOR PREREQUISITE LEARNING (GRADES 6-12) Expanding on Planning with Progressions: A Change in Practice? Building on our process from this morning… Assessment Approach Prerequisite Skills Curricular Intervention [TOOL] + [TIME] [STANDARDS] / [KNOWLEDGE] / [SKILLS] [TYPE] + [RESOURCE] Give exit slip (modified from G6 M3 L1-2 exit slips) at end of class Friday before G7 M2 begins 6.NS.C.6: Structure of the number line, “opposite value” of positive and negative integers Teach 2 full lessons on the number line and real-world integer situations using EngageNY G6 M3 L1-2 Speaker's Notes: with animation (5 – 6 min) Say: “Here’s what it looks like when we put it all together.” Reveal column 1, then narrate through entire table. We had a lesson on 7.NS.A.1. Once we thought about the lesson and the standard, we identified the most impactful pre-requisite, which was 6.NS.C.6. This is a big standard, so we went even further and identified some specific aspects of that standard. The next part of the recipe was to plan the Curricular Intervention; which required us to identify the TYPE of intervention and the RESOURCE. We planned to teach 2 lessons on the standard 6.NS.C.6 using EngageNY Grade 6, Module 3, Lessons 1-2. Now that we’ve figured out the most impactful prerequisite standard and the INTERVENTION we were going to use, we planned an Assessment Approach to help us determine our students’ level of mastery of the prerequisite skills. At this stage of planning, we paid particular attention to what TOOL would make the most sense to use. That meant figuring out a tool that would elicit evidence of student performance representative of the prerequisite standard. Another point to pay attention to was the TIME. Determining when in the Unit it would make sense to introduce this assessment so that there was enough time to collect and analyze the data, but also to review and adapt the intervention plan to reflect that information. Ask: “What other assessment approaches can we add to this plan?” TURN & TALK: “Where in the unit should you do this intervention?” Allow 1-2 minutes for peer discussion. Have participants share out in table groups. Allow 3-5 minutes and ask one person per table to share out. Say: “It’s important to realize that this is part of the process, of the protocol. We assess, we find out what the gaps are, and we plan to address the gaps. However, we do it in a very particular order from a planning perspective.”
AM Session PM Session I - Connect to Day 1
ADAPTING: ASSESSING STUDENTS FOR PREREQUISITE LEARNING (GRADES 6-12) Where Are We Now? AM Session I - Connect to Day 1 II - Modeling Planning for Gaps III - Practice in Planning for Gaps IV - Reflect PM Session I - Connect w/AM Session II - Expand on Planning w/Progressions III - Practice Speaker's Notes:(< 1 min) Say: “Now that we have gone over the process, it is time for you to practice.”
Based on Content Guide, Prerequisite Skills
ADAPTING: ASSESSING STUDENTS FOR PREREQUISITE LEARNING (GRADES 6-12) III. Expanding on Planning with Progressions: Practice Lesson Objectives Based on Content Guide, Prerequisite Skills Intervention Assessment Approach Assessment Approach Pre-Requisite Skills Intervention [TOOL] + [TIME] [STANDARDS] / [KNOWLEDGE] / [SKILLS] [TYPE] + [RESOURCE] … Speaker's Notes: (This slide alone will take about 60 min.) Framing: (3 – 5 minutes) Say: “Just to make sure we are all on the same page, our process consists of the following steps:” [CLICK] The first step was to determine objective and standard(s) of focus – This should be based on the focus shift of the common core. The lesson or a unit we select should reflects the major work of the grade level. [CLICK] Next, we determined prerequisite skills/standards using the information on the Content Guides or the Coherence Maps (completed in the Winter Session of the Institute). [CLICK] Based on the prerequisites, we design the interventions, keeping an eye on feasibility. We don’t want to kill the scope and sequence by spending 3 weeks on prerequisites. [CLICK] And once we figured out the interventions, we determine the assessment tool and timing (note that time should be far enough in advance to allow for intervention planning to occur).” [CLICK] We record our planning decisions on this planning chart to help us keep it all together and facilitate implementation. Check for understanding on directions. Ask: “Is this a clear representation of the planning process we have modeled so far?” Based on participants’ response, answer. Assignment: (45 – 55 minutes of independent work at the table groups) ASSIGN: Fill out rest of it on your own using your own materials with support from your table leader and table group. We will reconvene as a large group in about 45 minutes so we can do a gallery walk with your plans. MATERIALS: Planning Charts CG or Coherence Maps Own planning materials Other planning resources NOTE: Once groups get started, Table Leaders will communicate to participants that they are welcome to “take a break, as needed, if they feel they’re in a good place with the planning. There is no structured restroom break in the presentation.” Adult learners can self-regulate.
AM Session PM Session I - Connect to Day 1
ADAPTING: ASSESSING STUDENTS FOR PREREQUISITE LEARNING (GRADES 6-12) Where Are We Now? AM Session I - Connect to Day 1 II - Model Planning w/ Progressions III - Practice in Planning for Gaps IV - Reflect PM Session I - Connect w/ AM Session II - Expand on Planning w/ Progressions III - Practice Speaker's Notes:(< 1 min) Say: “Thank you for coming back together as a whole group. I’d like to take a moment for us to reflect about what we have done today.”
What did you learn from engaging in this planning process?
ADAPTING: ASSESSING STUDENTS FOR PREREQUISITE LEARNING (GRADES 6-12) IV. Reflection: Gallery Walk & Discussion What did you learn from engaging in this planning process? How will you use the planning chart and the content guides in your planning next year? How do you expect the use of this protocol to impact your instruction next year? What further questions do you have? What further resources do you need? Speaker's Notes: (10 – 20 min) Give participants 5-10 minutes to prepare their posters in response to the reflection questions. Table Leader will facilitate a 5-10 min walk. Notice that some tables may have already created the posters as a next step from having completed their planning. Say: “Our next steps involve doing a gallery walk and completing a reflection. Let’s start with our Gallery Walk. You will walk around your table and notice your groups’ response to the task. As you engage in this gallery walk, please think about what you have learned from engaging in this process.” Then, allow participants to share inside their table groups with support from table leaders.
Slide Source 8 Grade 6, Module 3, Lesson 1 (teacher version) and Grade 6, Module 3, Lesson 2 (teacher version) from of the New York State Education Department are licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0.
Slide Source 3 Untitled by WebDonut (Pixabay) 5 “The last piece of the puzzle” by Bruce Guenter (Flickr) 13 “Gallery” by Adam (Flickr)
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